Is Hair Loss Permanent
In most cases, hair loss as a result of scalp psoriasis is only temporary if the condition is adequately treated.
The only reasons it possibly wouldnt grow back are if you had chronic, severe scalp psoriasis that was left untreated or you had scratched so much or you had done so much damage, you were bleeding or causing sores on your scalp and that could lead to scarring, explains Dr. Warren. If we can calm the psoriasis down, treat it and get it under control, then in most cases, we can get that hair to regrow.
Dealing With These Conditions Can Be Difficult Enough Without The Added Stress Of Losing Your Hair Luckily Any Loss Is Usually Temporary Heres How To Safeguard Your Strands
If youre one of the roughly 2 percent of Americans who have psoriasis, a chronic condition that typically causes raised, red patches of skin topped with silvery scales, theres a good chance that it has impacted your scalp. This also holds true for the more than 40 percent of people with psoriasis who also have psoriatic arthritis , a form of arthritis that can appear in combination with psoriasis.
Psoriasis causes skin cells to divide about 10 times faster than normal. The excess cells pile up on the surface of the skin, causing scaly patches of itchy, dry skin. Known as plaques, these lesions often itch, burn, and sting.
Less Common Scalp Conditions That Can Cause Hair Loss
- lichen planopilaris this is when a skin disease called lichen planus affects hairy areas like the scalp. It destroys hair follicles and replaces them with scarring, causing patchy permanent hair loss. Its found to be the cause in only 1% to 8% of people with hair loss
- folliculitis decalvans a condition causing inflammation of the hair follicles on the scalp and other body areas including the beard and pubic hair. The inflammation causes scarring and hair loss. Its more common in males, but its very rare and only accounts for 3% of hair loss diagnoses
- dissecting cellulitis of the scalp another rare condition where pus-filled spots appear and destroy hair follicles. It more often affects darker-skinned adult males of African-Caribbean origin
- pemphigus pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus are very rare autoimmune conditions that can cause skin blisters on the scalp and other areas of the body, destroying skin and hair follicles leading to hair loss
- pityriasis amiantacea a rare condition that presents as thick, silver-yellow scales on the scalp. Its not a condition in itself but can be a symptom of other scalp conditions, including psoriasis and seborrhoeic dermatitis. It usually causes temporary hair loss and rarely permanent
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Clinical Features Of Psoriatic Alopecia
Since the first report of psoriatic alopecia was published in 1972, other authors have expanded the original clinical and histological descriptions. Shuster described hair loss affecting both the scalp and psoriatic plaques on the trunk and limbs, noting three types of scalp alopecia: alopecia confined to lesional skin, generalized telogen effluvium and rarely scarring alopecia.,
Lesional skin contains a higher proportion of telogen and catagen hairs compared with uninvolved patient skin or normal control skin, which provides further evidence for a localized telogen effluvium confined to the psoriatic plaque. Another study of hair root pattern found that patients with scalp psoriasis had a lower percentage of anagen hairs, a higher percentage of telogen hairs and a higher number of vellus-like hairs, compared with healthy controls . Trichograms in 29 patients revealed an increased telogen rate of up to 63% in patients with acute hair loss and 36% in those with chronic hair loss.
Patients with psoriasis have more dystrophic hairs in both affected and unaffected skin, compared with HCs. Hair shaft diameter is narrower in psoriatic plaques compared with unaffected skin in patients and HCs, but there is no difference between the skin of unaffected patients and that of HCs.
Figure 1
Why Scalp Psoriasis Could Cause Temporary Hair Loss
If your hair is falling out because of your psoriasis, rest assured that its only temporary. Its also a symptom that is likely caused by one of two things:
In other words, scalp psoriasis does not directly cause hair loss the way it causes plaque. Merely having this skin condition does not doom you to eventual baldness.
Rather, hair loss often occurs due to frequent scratching or the forceful removal of scales. There are also certain solutions that could make your hair more vulnerable to breakage. Medicated shampoos are common culprits, as they can damage or dry out your hair.
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How To Manage Scalp Psoriasis
Scalp psoriasis may result in the urge to scratch your scalp. Dont do this. Picking or scratching at your scalp can actually cause your psoriasis to flare up, bleed and result in hair loss.
- When removing scales, do this with care. Part of treating scalp psoriasis means the scales will have to be removed.
- Dont stress. Stress can result in a flare up of your psoriasis. We understand this treatment can be frustrating, but try to reduce stress as much as possible.
- Pay attention to your hair care. When brushing your hair, be gentle. Limit the use of hot tools on your hair or wearing a tight hairstyle. Pulling on your hair can cause hair loss. Coloring and styling your hair may also cause your psoriasis to flare.
Crohns Disease And Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Inflammatory bowel diseases , like Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis and celiac disease, are still not fully understood, nor is the connection between IBD and hair loss.
Regardless, research shows that the immune system is involved in the mediation of inflammatory bowel diseases, and this might be one way IBD can contribute to hair loss. Often, immunosuppressant medications are given to help manage IBDs, and these might also contribute to hair loss.
Also, people who are dealing with inflammatory bowel diseases often have trouble absorbing adequate vitamins and minerals, so dietary deficiencies might also cause hair loss. And then theres stress. Stress and IBD are often joined at the hip, and stress can have some pretty major impacts on our follicles, too.
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Scalp Psoriasis Hair Loss Advices From Others Patients
Cerrissa Smith Turner : Mine was becoming like this so I shaved the back of it and tried different oils and shampoos. It helped soooo much
Kaitlin McClung : You have to heal yourself from the inside only thing that worked for me in the meantime coconut oil treatment once a week .my hair grew back so thick but as soon as I swayed from my diet it thinned outbe disciplined and eat right .good luck you got this
Kim Davis Rosenberg Please please look into and change your diet. Diet like the auto immune protocol- AIP. It can definitely help you with psoriasis and what I believe you are experiencing is alopecia areata. My daughter experienced it a few years ago and her hair started out in small patches and she eventually lost all the hair on the back part of her head. It all grew back.
Kelly Dunaway I made into a style. both sides and the back. I went completely bald on the sides for a few weeks
Elizabeth Pulliam : M.g.217 shampoo. Get it at Walgreens. Your hair will grow back.
Isabel Collins : Clobetasol cream works great for my skin but I cant use it on my scalp because it makes me hair fall out. Idk if thats what you use but it did something similar to me and when I stopped putting it on there my hair grew back normally
Nikolina Kreager : Balding spots is alopecia. I have both but my psoriasis is calm right now but the balding isnt doing good. Getting injections from the dermatologist but as you can see it still sucks
Main Symptoms Of Psoriasis
Psoriasis typically causes patches of skin that are dry, red and covered in silver scales. Some people find their psoriasis causes itching or soreness.
There are several different types of psoriasis. Many people have only 1 form at a time, although 2 different types can occur together. One form may change into another or become more severe.
Most cases of psoriasis go through cycles, causing problems for a few weeks or months before easing or stopping.
You should see a GP if you think you may have psoriasis.
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Use Hair Products Designed For Scalp Psoriasis
There are all sorts of hair care products designed for people who are dealing with scalp psoriasis or scalp sensitivities. These products include over-the-counter and medicated shampoos and conditioners, as well as other moisturizing products, ointments, and topical products to help you handle an itchy scalp. Shampoos with coal tar or salicylic acid may help reduce scaling and inflammation. Using these products can help manage your symptoms and leave you with as healthy a scalp as possible before getting your hair colored.
If your hairdresser or stylist is open to it, you may want to bring your own products to the salon. The hairdresser can use your products as much as possible to avoid introducing chemicals that might cause a psoriasis flare.
What Is Scalp Psoriasis When Can Scalp Psoriasis Begin
Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease of the skin that is estimated to affect about 2.2% of the adult population. In children, the onset of psoriasis can be before the age of one year but peaks around 5-8 years. Psoriasis produces scaly, itchingbumps on the skin. Some people may have a genetic predisposition to psoriasis. The genes affected seem to be involved with control of the immune system. Psoriasis appears as red scaling, slightly raised bumps that merge to form plaques. Psoriasis classically appears on the elbows and knees, but it can affect any part of the skin. The scalp is also characteristically affected in many people. Like psoriasis anywhere on the body, scalp plaques produce excess scale and can itch. Severe disease can cause a loss of scalp hair, which usually will return if the disease can be controlled. Scalp psoriasis somewhat difficult to treat when the scalp is covered with hair sufficient to act a barrier to the application of topical medications.
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How Can You Prevent Hair Loss
If youre living with scalp psoriasis there are a few things you can do to prevent unnecessary hair loss:
Treat Your Psoriasis
One of the best things you can do to prevent hair loss is to get rid of the source of it, which means learning how to manage your psoriasis. Hair loss is most likely to occur during a severe outbreak, so you should try to avoid stimuli that can trigger any flare-ups. If you find yourself in the middle of a symptom outbreak, then try to reduce the severity of your plaques through topical treatments or other medicines that were prescribed to you by your doctor.
Switch Up Your Wash Routine
Another way you can protect your tresses is by updating your wash routine. You should use a shampoo that is specially formulated to treat scalp psoriasis. Ingredients like salicylic acid and coal tar can reduce the severity of your scales and make them easier to remove. If you find these shampoos to be overly drying, then you may need to alternate your washes with your medicated shampoo and a gentle, non-medicated one.
Youll want to make sure that youre being very gentle while you wash your hair. Try to keep your nails smooth and free of any ridges or sharp edges. These can snag onto your hair strands and pull them out. Youll also want to avoid scrubbing your head too harshly or using your nails as this can cause further damage to your scalp.
Limit your amount of hot tools
Keep your hair moisturized
Talk to your dermatologist
How To Treat Psoriasis Hair Loss
There are two separate aspects to treating hair loss from scalp psoriasis. The first is treating the psoriasis itself, usually with medication.
The second is preventing hair loss from occurring when you experience a psoriasis flare-up by practicing the right care habits.
If youre worried that you may have scalp psoriasis, its best to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist.
Your dermatologist will check your scalp for signs of psoriasis. In some cases, they may remove a small amount of your skin for testing to check whether your symptoms are caused by psoriasis or a different skin condition with similar symptoms.
Although theres no cure for scalp psoriasis, several treatments can make dealing with flare-ups easier. Your dermatologist may prescribe:
Medicated shampoos, bath solutions or other personal care products
Topical medications, such as topical steroids or retinoids
Systemic medications, such as oral medications or biologic drugs
Your healthcare provider may also recommend applying an over-the-counter moisturizer to your skin to help control redness and itching.
While these medications and products wont cure psoriasis, they can make your symptoms less severe and help you to make it through flare-ups without itching your scalp and causing damage to your hair.
Make sure to closely follow the treatment plan provided by your healthcare provider and use all of your medications as prescribed.
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Should I Avoid Any Foods Or Drinks If I Have Scalp Psoriasis
Certain foods or drinks may contribute to scalp psoriasis flare-ups. If you have scalp psoriasis, its a good idea to keep track of what you eat and drink in a food journal. Keeping track of what you eat and drink can help you and your healthcare provider determine any causes of your flare-ups.
An anti-inflammatory diet may limit your scalp psoriasis flare-ups. Foods that have anti-inflammatory properties include:
- Oily fish, such as mackerel, salmon or sardines.
- Leafy greens, such as spinach and kale.
- Olive oil.
Foods and drinks that may cause flare-ups include:
- Alcohol.
- Nightshade vegetables, including peppers, potatoes and tomatoes.
What Does Scalp Psoriasis Look Like
With scalp psoriasis, too much skin cell growth can typically lead to chronic inflammation across the whole scalp. The excess cells can form psoriatic plaques, which often have a reddish-silver appearance that can flake, itch, crack and even bleed. Not fun at all! Sometimes the patches are sore and irritating, and sometimes, they’re not. Mild scalp psoriasis can, at times, go almost unnoticed. However, severe scalp psoriasis can last for a long time and be very noticeable.
During a psoriasis flare-up, the swollen edges of the thick plaques are usually well defined. And if the white, silvery scale gets knocked off, that’s when bleeding can occur. To protect the sensitive, thickened skin, it’s crucial you take care when brushing or combing the hair. It’s also essential you use a shampoo and conditioner that are appropriate for your scalp’s condition.
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Treatments For Scalp Psoriasis
There are many ways to treat scalp psoriasis. Work together with your doctor or dermatologist to come up with a treatment plan before you begin self-administering any products.
Its important to find a doctor who specializes in psoriasis and whos familiar with the latest treatments. This is because many new methods to treat scalp psoriasis are available, including different topical methods, light treatments, and other medications.
Your doctor may recommend using topical applications for your scalp psoriasis. These include:
- creams, such as topical steroids
- oils, such as mineral oils, which you apply to the scalp overnight
- sprays, such as clobetasol propionate
- foams, such as steroid foams
- medicated shampoos containing ingredients such as selenium or tar
How To Grow New Hair
The most important is to not to take anything which causes the hair loss. If some drug is causing your hair loss then you have just 2 options take the drug and experience the hair loss or stop the drug and grow new hair. The choice is up to you.
The detoxification and liver protecting herbs like artichoke and milk thistle are very recommended! Liver health is essential for hair regrowth.
Then the second most important step is the nutrition. If you want to grow new hair you have to eat and assimilate the nutrients the hair is made of.
Protein is the extremely important macronutrient many people omit. Especially Whey Protein Isolate or Whey Protein Concentrate is great and easy way how to ingest an easy to digest protein source. Protein supplements can make your new hair grow thicker and stronger.
Maybe you know a few vegetarians or vegans who lost their hair after starting their animal products free diets. I am not saying that one have to eat meat to keep the hair growing. If people are able to assimilate enough protein from their vegetarian or vegan diets then it is OK but hair loss is one of the symptoms that something is going wrong.
Choline is an essential nutrient for proper nervous system function. It is important part of the cell membrane structure and the deficiency leads to fatty liver disease.
Good fats
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Scalp Psoriasis Vs Dandruff: The Basics
Before digging into the nitty-gritty details of scalp psoriasis and dandruff, it’s important to understand the differences between them. While scalp psoriasis and dandruff can present with similar symptoms, such as the familiar flaky, scaly skin on the scalp along with redness and itching, their causes are very different.
The simple version is that scalp psoriasis is believed to be an immune system condition that is often chronic, lifelong and very painful, while dandruff is usually a less-serious condition that may come and go or resolve on its own. Scalp psoriasis has no known cure and can be difficult to treat, while dandruff is generally treatable with non-prescription solutions and usually does not require serious medical intervention.