Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Mahonia Aquifolium Cream For Psoriasis

Gene Expression Signature Of Indigo Naturalis Treatment

Can Complementary and Alternative Medicines be Beneficial in Treating Psoriatic Arthritis?

To investigate the pharmacological impact of Indigo naturalis treatment, gene expression patterns of post-treatment lesional skin were compared to pre-treatment lesional skin in the scope of the disease signature. By hierarchical clustering, 8/14 Indigo naturalis-treated week-8 samples were clustered together with baseline nonlesional samples, indicative of a return toward normal gene expression patterns, compared with only one placebo-treated sample . Five Indigo naturalis and two placebo-treated samples showed a mixed pattern between baseline lesional and nonlesional samples, indicating heterogeneity of the treatment effects.

Fig. 4Fig. 5

Indigo naturalis impact on the IL-17 pathway. Down-regulation of interleukin -17A mRNA in the lesional skin . Indigo naturalis-treated samples are the left columns placebo-treated samples are the middle two columns , and baseline nonlesional samples are the right column inhibition of IL-17-induced IL-6 secretion in cultured human keratinocytes. 100 mg/mL of IL-17 is present in all samples except media alone . Compounds are tested in the following order: PD 0325901 1 g , 10 g Tryptanthrin 0.3 g , 2.5 g and 10 g . *T-test p-value 0.05 inhibition of IL-17-induced IL-8 secretion in cultured human keratinocytes. 100 mg/mL of IL-17 is present in all samples except media alone . IL, interleukin mRNA, messenger RNA SEM, standard error of mean

Oregon Grape Root Tincture Extract Or Tea

Oregon Grape Root is available in many forms and can be consumed in several different ways. Teas can be made from the dried leaves, although the plant can be very bitter which does not translate well to drinking. However, teas are very useful for topical treatments, and the process of brewing allows for heat to release the medicinal properties of the plant.

Tinctures and extracts can be made by soaking the leaves in alcohol, and many recommend using a drink with a lower alcohol content, like wine, instead of something stronger like grain alcohol.

Oregon Grape Extract In Psoeasy Products

For a long time were applied treatments with corticosteroids, calcipotriol, pitch etc. in the form of creams and ointments to cure the disease. Psoeasy creams do not contain steroids. Creams and all production of Psoeasy contain nothing dangerous to health, no chemicals or steroids tars, do not contain anything which can cause side effects. Natural remedies of the company have quality certificates and have passed several clinical trials, which can be read on page “Clinical research”. In addition to Mahonia aquifolium psoriasis creams, lotions, soaps, oils, Psoeasy shampoos contain extracts such as calendula medicinal plant, sarsaparilla, tea tree oil and the main thing – salt and mud from the Dead Sea. All products include only natural effective products, which is the main thing. They help to get rid of scaly skin, remove skin inflammations, improve skin condition, help in the treatment of seborrhea and acne.

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Percentage Of Oregon Grape Root Extract

In many of the studies where Oregon grape root successfully treated psoriasis, a cream containing 10% extract was used. When buying Oregon grape creams though, it is highly unlikely that any will contain this much of the plant extract. Few brands even list how much extract is in their creams you are left to guess based on the order of the ingredients.

The only way to be sure that you are getting a high percentage of Oregon grape root extract is to make your own creams. You can do this by buying Mahonia aquifolium extract and adding it to your favorite base .

Its also possible to apply Mahonia aquifolium extracts directly to your skin. Its difficult to spread pure extracts around on your skin though so, unless you are only treating a tiny areas of skin, its more cost-effective to mix into a base.fbor

Mahonia Aquifolium For Psoriasis

Mahonia Aquifolium (M

Title: A report on three recent clinical trials using Mahonia aquifolium 10% topical cream and a review of the worldwide clinical experience with Mahonia aquifolium for the treatment of plaque psoriasis. : Gulliver WP, Donsky HJPublication: Am J Ther. 2005 Sep-Oct 12:398-406.

The authors summarized the result of 3 recent clinical trials and worldwide clinical experience with Mahonia aquifolium in patients with psoriasis.

The first study was an open-label study to evaluate the safety of Mahonia aquifolium in 39 patients treated for 12 weeks. The study concluded with a statistically significant improvement in PASI and DLQI after 4 weeks.

The second study was a clinical trial of 32 patients with mild to moderate psoriasis treated up to 6 months. In each patient, one side of the body was treated with Mahonia, and the other was treated with Dovonex cream, a standard treatment for psoriasis. In this study, it was determined that when looking at the Mahonia-side alone, 84% of patients rated the psoriasis had good to excellent response. When compared to the standard treatment-side, 63% rated Mahonia aquifolium as equal or better than the standard treatment.

The third study involved 33 patients with mild to moderate psoriasis treated for 1 month. In each patient, one side of the body was treated with Mahonia and the other side was only given placebo cream. After 1 week, the patients reported improvement and the Mahonia-side rated well or better than the placebo-treated side.

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How To Use Mahonia For Psoriasis

Mahonia extract could be used both orally and topically by the patients with psoriasis.

As oral concoction, Mahonia aquifolium tincture can be prepared or is even available in the .

But the most common way to use Mahonia is as topical cream. A 10% Mahonia extract cream is available in the market and is named Relieva .

Mahonia Aquifolium Effective In Psoriasis Creams

The Mahonia Aquifolium plant has many names. Among them is barberry, Oregon Gape , berberies, woodsour and several others. It is commonly found throughout Europe, North and South America. It has been recently tested to have unique qualities in relieving psoriasis symptoms. It has been clinically tested several times in the last 20 years and examined as effective on a significant number of patients suffering from psoriasis. One test involved a 12 week use of a psoriasis cream that includes the Mahonia aquifolium extract.

The Mahonia aquifolium has a long history of use. Apparently, it has been already used by the ancient Egyptians as they used it to combat plagues. It was also used by healers in India , European herbalists and by Native Americans. 19th Century American physicians prescribed it and a majority of modern herbalists continue to do so today.

It has not been until the last two decades that several studies were conducted to test the effectiveness of Mahonia aquifolium on psoriasis. It is now certain that topical application of Mahonia on the inflammatory areas significantly alleviates the symptoms of mild to moderate psoriasis.

There are several Mahonia aquifolium based psoriasis creams in the market, which vary in quality. A high quality psoriasis cream you can get is PsoEasy which includes several natural extractions that serve as active ingredients that alleviate psoriasis symptoms, including Calendula, Aloe vera , Tea tree oil and Vitamin D3.

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Medications That Slow Blood Clotting Interacts With Oregon Grape

Oregon grape might slow blood clotting. Taking Oregon grape along with medications that also slow clotting might increase the chances of bruising and bleeding.Some medications that slow blood clotting include aspirin, cilostazol , clopidogrel , dalteparin , enoxaparin , heparin, ticlopidine , and others.

Emerging Authors In Dermatology

Berberis Aquifolium Mother Tincture and Cream

The editors of JCAD are pleased to present this bi-annual column as a means to recognize select medical students, PhD candidates, and other young investigators in the field of dermatology for their efforts in scientific writing. We hope that the publication of their work encourages these and other emerging authors to continue their efforts in seeking new and better methods of diagnosis and treatments for patients in dermatology.

One example of such an alternative medication native to the United States is M. aquifolium belonging to the Berberidaceae family. Plants of this family have been extensively used in traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of various conditions such as periodontitis, dysentery, tuberculous, wounds, eczema, and icterus.M. aquifolium is one of the most abundant plants of the genus Mahonia and the most extensively studied in terms of its medicinal properties. The root and wood contain isoquinolone alkaloids including jatorrhizamine, palmatine, berberine, beramine, and magnoflorine, which account for its therapeutic use. Specifically, its antiinflammatory properties have led to its recent use in dermatologic disease. In a review, clinical trials on the use of M. aquifolium in cutaneous disorders were compiled to assess its efficacy and safety.

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Vitamin B12 And Avocado

The combination of vitamin B12 and avocado oil was studied in a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study on 49 patients with atopic dermatitis. Treatment was performed twice daily in a half-side comparison. At the end of the treatment period significant superiority of the test preparation in comparison to the vehicle with respect to extent and severity of atopic dermatitis was seen. Tolerability of the test preparation was very good .

It Regulates The Immune Response In Arthritis

Conditions associated with psoriasis are due to the overproduction of skin cells. Psoriatic arthritis is an auto-immune disease.

A study was conducted by Augustin et al. in 1999 to examine the effects of topical application of Mahonia aquifolium on the expression of skin cells.

It was observed that Mahonia was efficient in controlling immune mechanisms and hyperproliferation of keratinocytes in psoriasis.

Experimental studies were conducted to determine the effect of extracts obtained from Mahonia aquifolium on the immune system.

The study indicated that crude extracts and alkaloid fractions from a species of Mahonia inhibited the production of Interleukin-8, these are factors that activate the immune system.

What does this mean? Extracts from Mahonia aquifolium can prove to be beneficial in treating auto-immune diseases. Psoriatic arthritis is an auto-immune condition, usage of Mahonia will suppress the over activity of the immune system thus preventing progression of the disease.

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Oregon Grape Root Extract For Psoriasis

Oregon Grape Root Extract for Psoriasis

A number of conventional treatment options are available and effectively reduce the symptoms of psoriasis in many patients however, there is no cure and no one treatment works for everyone.

Like patients with other chronic conditions, the 4.5 million U.S. patients suffering from psoriasis, an immune-mediated, genetic disease characterized by patches of raised red skin covered by flaky white buildup,1 may seek out alternative therapies, including Oregon grape root, to relieve their symptoms.

Botanical Information

Oregon grape is the state flower of Oregon. This shrub is over three feet in height and bears yellow flower clusters in the spring that develop into waxy blue berries from which it gets its name. Its compound leaves made up of spiny leaflets resembling holly leaves are responsible for the less common name, holly grape. In 1877, J.H. Bundy, an Eclectic doctor from Colusa, CA, was the first to introduce Oregon grape to the medical profession as Berberis aquifolium tincture made from the fresh bark of the root.2Berberis aquifolium officially became recognized in the United States Pharmacopeia in 1900.

Later designated botanically as Mahonia aquifolium, this medicinal plant is known for its yellow inner bark, particularly of the root. The yellow pigment acts as a visual marker for the important alkaloid component, berberine. This alkaloid usually is considered responsible for much of Oregon grapes therapeutic activity.

Oregon Grape Root Side Effects Safety Dangers Interactions And Warnings

Mahonia aquifolium

During clinical trials, some patients reported negative but transient gastrointestinal effects. When taken in high dosages, some people may experience numbness, tingling, low blood pressure, shortness of breath, and upset stomach, and as such is it not recommended for people with Raynauds Disease. The herb can also affect blood glucose levels, so those with diabetes should take precautions and consult with a doctor before using. Some people have reported an allergic reaction to the plant.

Oregon Grape Root can have a mild sedative effect, so it is not recommended to ingest it if you are already taking sedatives or drugs that have sedative side effects. It has also shown to have negative interactions with the antibiotic drugs doxycycline and tetracycline.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use the herb because the berberine present has been known to cause jaundice and brain damage in infants, and it can cause uterine contractions and miscarriage.

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What Is Oregon Grape

Oregon grape also known as Mahonia Aquifolium is a flowering plant which derives from the family of berberidaceae . Oregon grape is most notably found in western North America. Its primarily found in the Rocky Mountains from British Columbia to California. In terms of appearance its a shrub like plant which can grow up to 3 feet tall and 5 feet wide with prickly leaves, a bundle of yellow flowers and green berries that ripen to blue / black berries. The reason Mahonia Aquifolium is referred to as Oregon Grape is because in the 1800s the Mahonia Aquifolium was a food source and medicine along the Oregon trail, hence the popularity of the name. It was so popular that its widespread use almost led to its extinction in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The part of the Oregon Grape that is used is typically the bark, and to most people it is unpalatable as it has an intense bitterness to it. Some common names of Oregon Grape Root are Oregon Mountain Grape, California Barberry, Mountain Holly and Mahonia.

In a hurry?Here is a list of our Favorite Oregon Grape Root on the market.

Complementary And Alternative Therapies

Mind-body therapies and stress management, including meditation and hypnosis, may help treat psoriasis. Studies show that people who practice meditation before getting light therapy do better than people who had light therapy alone. Exercise can help, too, as can drinking plenty of water.

Taking daily baths with lukewarm water and mild soap can help slough off scales. After your bath, gently pat skin dry and immediately apply a moisturizer to seal in water.

Talk to your doctor before taking any supplements or herbs, because some can have serious side effects or interact with common prescription medications, such as blood thinners and birth control pills. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, ask your doctor before taking any supplement, herb, or over-the-counter medication. Be sure all your health care providers know about all therapies you use, including complementary and alternative therapies.

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Seek Guidance On Herbs And Supplements

Numerous herbs and supplements have been touted for ant-inflammatory properties that purport to help the immune system and fight inflammation yet both Dr. Gohara and Dr. Wechsler say there isnt enough research yet to know for sure. Be sure to talk with your dermatologist about dosage, drug interactions, and side effects before trying the following popular herbs and supplements that are commonly touted for psoriasis:

Fish oil or omega-3 supplements: According to a 2014 meta-analysis published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, there is moderate evidence that fish oils might benefit people with psoriasis.

Probiotics: A small study of 26 patients with psoriasis showed that a specific type of probiotic called Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 may help regulate inflammatory responses in the body. Beyond supplements, probiotics are found in yogurt and fermented foods.

Tumeric: This centuries-old spice is touted for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and can be found in curries as well as supplement form. Studies have found that turmeric alters TNF cytokine expression, which for some, can help minimize psoriasis flares.

Mahonia aquifolium : Also known as barberry, this flowering plant native to North America has been studied in the treatment of mild to moderate plaque psoriasis.

What Is Oregon Grape Used For

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The root of Oregon grape has been used as herbal medicine to treat many maladies including colds, flu, herpes, hepatitis, syphilis, stomach upset, cancer, skin disorders, yeast infections, and more. Herbalists have touted the use of Oregon grape, claiming that it is effective in stimulating liver function, treating infections, and supporting digestive health.

Its important to note that there are limited clinical research study results available on the safety and health benefits of Oregon grape.

In fact, most of the published clinical research study results on Oregon grape involved the use of the root of the herb in a topical cream, for the treatment of a skin condition called psoriasis.

Oregon grape has also been used for its digestive stimulant properties , antimicrobial properties , immune-boosting, and anti-inflammatory properties.

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Gene Expression Signature Of Moderate Psoriasis

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the molecular characteristics of moderate psoriasis represented by this cohort, a global gene expression profile was generated from skin biopsies. Baseline lesional skin samples were compared with nonlesional samples from the same patients . A total of 6845 probe sets with significant modulation were identified. The corresponding 4320 DEG define a disease signature of moderate psoriasis. A hierarchical clustering analysis showed distinct expression patterns of these genes in psoriatic lesions compared with nonlesional skin . To gain functional insight to the disease signature, a pathway enrichment analysis was conducted that resulted in 193 enriched pathways . The top 15 pathways included the Role of IL-17A in psoriasis, indicating that the IL-17 pathway is a key component of moderate psoriasis.

Fig. 3

Moderate psoriasis signature. Hierarchical clustering diagram of a moderate psoriasis signature generated from biopsies taken from lesional skin and nonlesional skin of the same patients at baseline genes are represented as rows and samples as columns. Upregulated genes are shown in yellow and downregulated in blue enrichment of ingenuity pathways by moderate psoriasis gene signature. The stacked bar chart displays the number of up-regulated and down-regulated genes in each Ingenuity Canonical Pathway. The pathways are ranked by the p-value of a Fisher exact test from top to bottom

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