Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Sun Good For Psoriasis

How Long Can I Expose My Skin To The Sun Before Burning

Psoriasis: Under the Skin

This depends on many factors, including:

The strength of the sunThis can be assessed by the UV index, announced in summertime weather reports. The UV index is a number representing the strength of the sun, and ranges from 1 to 11+. 1-2 represents low UV, 3-5 moderate UV, 6-7 high UV, 8-10 very high UV and 11+ extreme UV. In the UK the UV index rarely goes above 6 or 7.

Other factors also need to be taken into consideration. For the UK some very approximate guidance can be given on how long individuals can tolerate the sun before burning. Assuming moderate sun strength , and for previously unexposed and currently unprotected skin, then exposure times possible before onset of sunburn are approximately: phototype I, 5-10 minutes phototype II, 10-20 minutes phototype III, 20-30 minutes phototype IV, 40 minutes .

Your sun sensitivityThis is assessed by the Fitzpatrick phototyping scale, which describes how the skin reacts to sun exposure. It was developed in 1975 by Thomas B. Fitzpatrick, the American dermatologist, as a way to classify the typical response of different types of skin to sunlight. The Fitzpatrick scale remains a recognised tool for dermatological research into human skin pigmentation.

What increases the chances of burning?This also depends on many factors, including:

  • Which areas of skin are exposed

Scalp, neck, face , upper back and shoulders are more sensitive to the sun than the lower legs.

  • How much exposure you have already had

For example, a sunscreen.

Eucerin Skin Calming Itch Relief Treatment

This fragrance-free lotion contains cooling menthol and soothing oatmeal to help relieve and calm itch. Although it wasnât created for people with psoriasis, its ability to âhelp relieve night-time itching,â according to the manufacturer, might appeal to people with psoriasis who know this problem all too well.

What Are The Side Effects Of Phototherapy

Side effects Phototherapy is very safe, but it can have temporary side effects, including skin rashes and loose stools. Overheating and dehydration can occur if a baby does not get enough breast milk or formula. Therefore, a babys skin color, temperature, and number of wet diapers should be closely monitored.

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Myths Busting Some Facts Of Using Sunbeds

  • Tanning by use of sunbeds is NOT safer than sunbathing in the sun
  • You can damage your skin long before you actually get burnt or your skin starts to go red even on a sunbed
  • You cannot protect yourself by gradually building up the periods you use a sunbed
  • Short intense periods on a sunbed can damage your skin
  • Using a sunbed before your holiday will not protect you when you go on holiday from the suns risks. Using a sunbed gives the equivalent protection of a sunscreen with SPF of 2-4.

More information about cancers and the risks of sunbeds can be found at

Travelling abroadWhen travelling abroad, please bear in mind that you may need extra protection due to extra hours of daylight, stronger UVA and UVB rays and other climatic conditions. It is essential to bear this in mind when choosing sunscreens, clothing, headwear etc.

Be aware that antimalarial medication can make you photosensitive and has been reported to be a trigger for psoriasis.

Remember to check your medications and any vaccinations you may need with your doctor before booking your holiday or travelling.

This article is adapted from the Psoriasis and the sun leaflet.

Mypsoriasisteam Members Talk About Tanning Beds

Psoriasis in Winter: Remedies and Tips

Some MyPsoriasisTeam members have discussed using commercial tanning as an accessible means of treating their psoriasis with light exposure. As one member captured in her post, some people acknowledge the risks associated with commercial tanning: The tanning bed helps my psoriasis plus my joints. I understand the risks of skin cancer, and I choose to take that risk.

Other members have discussed the psoriasis symptoms they feel commercial tanning has helped alleviate. Doing better after three trips to the tanning bed, wrote one member. After just three 15-minute visits with the tanning bed, my sores are drying up fantastically! Another member wrote that tanning beds really help with the itching, while another simply said they feel so much better after they leave a tanning session. One MyPsoriasisTeam member noted that tanning has only helped them a little in the past it just depends on the part of the body. It never helped with my scalp.

These testimonials should be taken into consideration with the serious risks of tanning beds as treatment.

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Research Shows Vitamin D And Natural Sunlight Can Help Reduce Inflammation Helping To Clear Psoriasis Plaques

From helping you get enough Vitamin D to allowing your body to naturally fight depression, natural sunlight can have an incredibly positive impact on your physical and mental wellbeing especially if you have psoriasis. One study showed that people with psoriasis typically have low Vitamin D levels, and, since natural sunlight is the best way to increase your bodys levels of the vitamin, it may also be able to help reduce the intensity of your psoriasis.

In addition to boosting Vitamin D, research also indicates that ultraviolet light rays from the sun may have immunosuppressive elements. Since psoriasis is an immune-mediated inflammatory disease, those UV rays might also be able to help reduce psoriasis symptoms. Despite sunlights benefits, you should be careful to take precautions while a moderate amount of sunlight may have a positive effect on your psoriasis, too much could actually make it worse.

Like weve said before, when it comes to managing your psoriasis, knowledge is power. So, the more you know about how sunlight may affect your condition, the more you can do to live powerfully and intentionally while managing your psoriasis symptoms.

How Is Psoriasis Treated

Psoriasis is usually treated by a dermatologist . A rheumatologist may also help with treatment. Treatments can include:

  • ultraviolet light from the sun or from home or office treatments. But in some children, sunlight can make psoriasis worse.
  • creams, lotions, ointments, and shampoos such as moisturizers, corticosteroids, vitamin D creams, and shampoos made with salicylic acid or coal tar
  • medicines taken by mouth or injected medicines

A doctor might try one therapy and then switch to another, or recommend combining treatments. It’s not always easy to find a therapy that works, and sometimes what works for a time stops helping after a while.

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At Bupa we produce a wealth of free health information for you and your family. This is because we believe that trustworthy information is essential in helping you make better decisions about your health and wellbeing.

Our information has been awarded the PIF TICK for trustworthy health information. It also follows the principles of the The Information Standard.

Can Anyone Who Has Psoriasis Use Phototherapy

How To Cure Psoriasis Naturally

While dermatologists prescribe phototherapy for many people, it is not recommended for anyone who has:

  • Had a melanoma or any other type of skin cancer

  • A medical condition that makes you more likely to develop skin cancer, such as Gorlin syndrome or xeroderma pigmentosum

  • A medical condition that makes you sensitive to UV light, such as lupus or porphyria

  • To take medicine that makes them more sensitive to UV light, such as some antibiotics, diuretics, and antifungals

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Lecithin In Psoriasis: Acetylcholine Vs Fatty Liver

I have mentioned lecithin on this blog many times during the recent years. In most articles the connection I made was the acetylcholine production from choline which is found in lecithin.

Acetylcholine activates the alpha-7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor which is know the heavily affect the inflammatory response throughout the body.

In this article I want to present here the another big culprit in psoriasisfatty liver.

And why do I mention lecithin here?

Because choline which is abundant in lecithin may reverse fatty liver in a few months!

Where Can It Be Done

You can do this at local therapeutic spas, at your own house, or if you live near the coastline, in the seawater at the beach.

Nowadays, many spas have this treatment available this practice has gained popularity since many people have proven with good results in its effects.

Some specialized spas collect seawater for this treatment up to 600 miles from the coast to ensure it is germ-free from any sewer disposal.

The treatment is usually done in polls or with hydromassage the effect between both is pretty much the same, only with the massage bonus. Helping you to relax muscles and other body parts.

At your own place, you can buy small pots of salt which can then be used in bath water to wash with. It is a therapy that youll need to repeat a few times to achieve better results.

You can also collect seawater from a clean beach and use that water to wash at home as well since both ways consist in the same end, you will benefit from both. The choice will be up to what will be the most convenient to you.

If you live near a coastline or have access to a beach near you, feel free to dive in and enjoy the true power of seawater on your skin.

Avoid places that have pools with saltwater since they probably contain chemicals to control water purity. It will probably worsen your condition than treat you correctly.

As long as a suitable sunscreen is used and the hottest times of the day are avoided, short sunbaths can be of great help.

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Sunbathing With Psoriasis Psoriasis Exper

UVB The Most Effective Phototherapy Equipment for Treatment of Psoriasis, Vitiligo and other skin diseases. More than 400 independent clinical studies around the world* have shown that Philips UVB Narrowband Phototherapy lamps are the most effective lamps currently available for the treatment of Psoriasis and Vitiligo, as well as other less common skin diseases Dealing with any skin condition can be frustrating, but psoriasis may just be one of the most problematic of the bunch. If you do suffer from it, take heart in the fact that you’re not alone the National Psoriasis Foundation estimates that psoriasis affects 2-3% of the world’s population.. The chronic, autoimmune condition stems from an overactive immune system that speeds up the turnover. Dr. John Pagano has gained international fame with his groundbreaking book, Healing Psoriasis , in which he presents an all-natural regimen designed to control psoriasis symptoms without drugs or ultraviolet treatments. Dr. John’s Healing Psoriasis Cookbook is the indispensable companion book to Healing Psoriasis. Weighing in at nearly 600 pages, this extraordinary cookbook.

Is Sun Good Or Bad For Psoriasis Sufferers

Is the sun helpful or harmful for psoriasis?

Psoriasis is caused when the immune system mistakes normal skin cells for pathogens and reacts by creating an overproduction of skin cells in response. Psoriasis is the most common autoimmune disease in America, Moore said. There is no cure for psoriasis and it is a lifelong disease that flares up and subsides due to stress, illness and unknown factors. The total direct and indirect health care cost of psoriasis to patients is calculated to be $ 11.25 billion per year, with lost work accounting for 40% of the cost burden, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation. About 60% of patients with psoriasis missed an average of 26 days of work per year due to their illness.

Sun exposure is generally discouraged because of the harmful rays that can cause skin cancer and premature aging, but for the 7.5 million Americans with psoriasis, the sun is a natural medicine. The sun is one of the best treatments for psoriasis.

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Living With Psoriasis: Sun Protection Mypsoriasistea

Psoriasis is an inflammatory disorder where we have defective T-lymphocytes sitting in our skin tissue. These T-cells produce chemicals called cytokines that overstimulate our skin cells to multiply too fast. Ultraviolet light is able to penetrate the skin and kill off some of these T-cells Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease that can affect many body systems, but it mainly targets the skin. It causes red, scaly patches commonly seen on the knees, elbows, trunk, and scalp. Research shows some people with psoriasis harbor certain gene mutations, but this is not true for everyone with the disease

What Are The Types Of Psoriasis

In children, common types of psoriasis include:

Plaque psoriasis. This is the most common type of psoriasis. It causes plaques and silvery scales, usually on the knees, elbows, lower back, and scalp. They can be itchy and painful and may crack and bleed.

Guttate psoriasis. This type often shows up after an illness, especially strep throat. It causes small red spots, usually on the trunk, arms, and legs. Spots also can appear on the face, scalp, and ears.

Inverse psoriasis. This causes smooth, raw-looking patches of red skin that feel sore. The patches develop in places where skin touches skin, such as the armpits, buttocks, upper eyelids, groin and genitals, or under a woman’s breasts.

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Lecithin Is A Pretty Powerful Psoriasis Cure And Fatty Liver Regenerator

I start this blog post about lecithin presenting you the testimonials from people who cured their psoriasis with lecithin.

And please dont argue that soy lecithin is bad because it is GMO and estrogenic because you can use non-GMO sunflower lecithin if you want.

Clearing up the psoriasis plaques is all what matters when it comes to lecithin whether you take soy, sunflower or even egg lecithin .

If Getting Natural Sunlight Is Out Of The Question Eating Vitamin D Rich Foods Or Getting Artificial Phototherapy May Be Able To Help

Psoriasis Journey: Leaving to get Sun Exposure âï¸?

If you live in an area with little natural sunlight or have another medical condition which prevents you from getting sunlight, there are still ways to reap the benefits of sunlight for psoriasis treatment, albeit using slightly different methods. For example, you can up your Vitamin D consumption by eating foods like salmon, tuna, egg yolks, Swiss cheese, fortified milk and orange juice, which are all great, natural sources of the nutrient. In addition, Vitamin D3 supplements and creams may also be able to treat Vitamin D deficiency in people with psoriasis.

Another way to help treat psoriasis can be artificial phototherapy, in which a light box is used to shine UVA or UVB rays onto the skin. While UVB rays are typically more effective in phototherapy, UVA rays penetrate deeper, and can be combined with a drug called psoralen, which increases the bodys sensitivity to these rays during the phototherapy process. While natural psoriasis treatments like Vitamin D-rich supplements and foods, as well as doctor-approved phototherapy may be a good substitute for natural sunlight, tanning beds are not, and should generally be avoided by anyone with psoriasis.

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How Sunlight Affects Psoriasis: Benefits & Risks

  • utes at a strong, sunny point of the day, such as noon or 1pm
  • D provided by sunlight
  • Typically, psoriasis sufferers rejoice during summer because the weather improves their condition. Many patients find that their psoriasis improves in the summer months due to increased sun exposure, explains Dr Thivi Maruthappu, consultant dermatologist and spokesperson for the British Skin Foundation
  • D from 10
  • Light therapy is effective for reducing or clearing up the symptoms of psoriasis. An estimated 75 percent of people using narrow-band ultraviolet B therapy, which is the most common type.
  • Sun exposure can help suppress an overactive immune system, which could explain why sunlight is used to treat autoimmune diseases like psoriasis. And since white blood cells increase with sun exposure and they play a key role in fighting diseases and defending the body against infection, moderate sun exposure is very helpful for your immune system
  • D is also used as a treatment for psoriasis, which is a condition that commonly inflicts the penis. A vita

Risks Of Using Tanning Beds For Psoriasis

Although commercial tanning may help some people with psoriasis, the bottom line is that the ultraviolet radiation from indoor tanning beds is proven to cause skin cancer. Given the high risk of commercial tanning, in 2009, the World Health Organizations International Agency for Research on Cancer increased the classification of UV-emitting indoor tanning devices to the highest level of cancer risk: group 1, or carcinogenic to humans, which moved indoor tanning devices up to the same risk category as tobacco and asbestos.

Indoor tanning use can cause several types of skin cancer. According to the American Cancer Societys Cancer Action Network, using indoor tanning devices before age 35 increases a persons melanoma risk by 59 percent, squamous cell carcinoma risk by 67 percent, and basal cell carcinoma risk by 29 percent. In many cases, skin cancers develop years after tanning bed use. Discuss the risks and benefits of sunlight for psoriasis with your dermatologist.

Also Check: Are Tanning Beds Good For Psoriasis

Beware Of Insect Bites

Psoriasis sufferers are vulnerable to suffering from the Koebner phenomenon, where symptoms get worse after the skin is damaged.

An insect bite will break the skin and could set this reaction off, so it’s well worth taking care during the warmer months.

If you’re worried, it’s a good idea to cover up with long-sleeved tops and long trousers to prevent insects from getting close to your skin.

You should also invest in an effective insect repellent. However, bear in mind that one of the key ingredients in these products, DEET , can react badly with your psoriasis and cause plaques to get worse.

Choose a product with low levels of DEET and never spray insect repellent directly on patches of irritated skin or open sores.

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