Friday, May 3, 2024

Best Treatment For Psoriasis Scars

Treating Skin Of Color

5 Tips To Avoid Psoriasis Scars

For some psoriasis patients, getting the right diagnosis isnât always so black and white. And once minorities receive the proper diagnosis, they often face unique risks, challenges and stigmas.

Editor’s note: This story was updated on 06/17/2020. NPF has released a statement regarding the current racial injustice in the U.S.

When Brenda Kong was diagnosed with psoriasis in 1993, her family had been in the U.S. about 11 years. âMy parents spoke limited English, and there isnât a word in our language for psoriasis,â says Kong, who was born in Cambodia and whose parents spoke Khmer. âThey didnât understand what it was, and for a long time, they couldnât understand why Western doctors couldnât heal me.â

Kong, now 37, was diagnosed with psoriasis at 13 and psoriatic arthritis at 22. As an active young athlete, she tried to hide her skin by wearing long socks when she played volleyball and tennis, but her condition was difficult to conceal. Her parentsâ friends offered unsolicited advice about which foods to cut from her diet and which herbal teas to drink. Theyâd ask embarrassing questions and lift her sleeves to examine her skin. âThey were trying to help, but when youâre a teenager, youâre sensitive to everything,â says Kong, who lives in Oakland, California.

Which Type Of Doctors Treat Guttate Psoriasis

People should see a doctor or health care professional if they develop a sudden eruption of small red drop-like lesions of guttate psoriasis. Dermatologists, doctors who specialize in the treatment of skin disease, are best equipped to diagnose and treat guttate psoriasis. This form of psoriasis is usually a mild inconvenience to most people. Most of the time, the lesions last several weeks to a few months. Other times, the guttate eruption can develop into chronic plaque psoriasis. Scarring is not a problem.

The doctor can prescribe treatments that help relieve the itching. This type of psoriasis usually “runs its course” and goes away without medical treatment in a few weeks.

Do You Always Need To Treat Scars

Often, you dont need to do anything to treat psoriasis scars as they will clear up on their own. It gets better in two stages. In the first three months, most psoriasis itself clears, and over the next three months, you will see a gradual return to standard skin color. However, It can take longer if you have dark skin as Psoriasis lesions are often thicker-scaled and take time to get under control.

Also, due to koebner phenomena common in Psoriasis, the patient can develop new lesions, itching, and scars.

Before using any of the following treatment methods, you should consult your doctor for a complete diagnosis and evaluation.

Also Check: Does Guttate Psoriasis Leave Scars

What Medications Are Used In The Treatment Of Guttate Psoriasis

Doctors may use antibiotics when the guttate psoriasis is related to a streptococcal infection. They may choose an antibiotic that will act on a wide range of bacteria. People should always tell their doctor what drugs they are currently taking because of the possibility of drug reactions.

Be aware of possible allergic reactions to any antibiotic used, especially penicillin. Stop taking the drug if an allergic reaction is suspected. Occasionally, chronic guttate psoriasis resistant to light therapy and antibiotics may require treatment with systemic medications used to treat classical plaque-type psoriasis.

What Can I Do To Help

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  • Discuss your psoriasis and how it affects your life with your GP or dermatologist and identify treatment goals.
  • Manage your risk factors for heart disease and stroke with your GP.
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle: eat a balanced diet, try to lose weight if you are overweight and exercise regularly.
  • Stop smoking if you smoke.
  • If you drink excessive alcohol, reducing your intake might be helpful.
  • Reduce stress, where possible.
  • Take your medications as recommended by your GP or dermatologist.

If you have pain in your joints discuss with your GP or dermatologist.

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Best Treatment For Psoriasis Scars

Furthermore, the market for scar treatment is driven by the growing prevalence of skin diseases, such as vitiligo, psoriasis, eczema, and photoaging of the skin, and increasing appearance.

After psoriasis treatment, you may be left with discolored patches of skin. Heres what you can do about them. After psoriasis treatment, you may be left with discolored patches of skin.

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Able to soothe the skin and reduce irritation, Tamanu oil is best known for its ability to target problems like eczema and psoriasis. Research has also revealed, however, that Tamanu oil can be used to lighten and reduce the appearance of scars. For that reason, Pur365 Tamanu Oil 100% Organic has become the best scar treatment for many buyers.

RELATED: Microneedling Gave Me the Glowiest Skin of My Life Compared to in-office treatments.

Many touted it as the best option for treating acne scars, even deeply indented, dark marks.

If youve recently had surgery that has caused scars, it is best to wait at least one year before making a decision about scar treatment. Many scars fade and become less noticeable over time.

This smelly, sticky substance has been used to treat psoriasis for more.

Studies show it works best in people who are also taking steroids for.

If you have psoriasis scars, many treatment options are available to help reduce their appearance. We’ll detail five of them for you.

: Beauty

What Is Guttate Psoriasis

  • Guttate psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that appears as small, salmon-pink bumps on the skin. The word guttate is derived from the Latin word gutta, meaning drop. Usually there are fine scales atop the small round to oval lesion.
  • Treatment may incorporate antibiotics and phototherapy.

As in all types of psoriasis, guttate psoriasis occurs in those with an inherited genetic predisposition and is not a contagious skin condition. Although guttate psoriasis usually occurs on the trunk, arms, or legs, it not unusual for the condition to involve any areas of skin .

The trigger to the condition is often a streptococcal sore throat followed within two to three weeks by the skin eruption. Guttate psoriasis may resolve entirely or may evolve into typical chronic plaque psoriasis. The disease may recur if the person is a strep carrier .

The sudden appearance of an outbreak may be the first psoriasis outbreak for some people. Alternatively, a person who has had plaque psoriasis for a long time may suddenly have an episode of guttate psoriasis. The plaque variety of psoriasis can also be chronic and can be triggered by infections other than those from streptococcal bacteria. For example, the chickenpox or colds can trigger psoriasis.

Who Gets Guttate Psoriasis?

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Moisturize At Least Twice A Day

Using emollients especially creams with exfoliating acids such as lactic, glycolic, or salicylic acid is key to reducing itching and scaling. It should be done in addition to whatever therapy is prescribed by your doctor, Dr. Pelle says. Apply moisturizer twice a day for the best results. You can also use it to soothe itchiness and help you resist the urge to scratch.

Acrodermatitis Continua Of Hallopeau

Psoriasis Treatment I Psoriasis on Face Treatment

This type of pustular psoriasis is rare. It causes pus-filled bumps on the fingertips, toes, or both. The disease can also develop underneath the nails.

Often beginning on one finger or toe, new pus-filled bumps may continue to appear. When this happens, new pustules can develop on more than the fingers and toes. In rare cases, the pus-filled bumps can slowly spread up the arms or legs.

Anyone who has pus-filled bumps over much of the skin needs immediate medical care. When widespread, pustular psoriasis can be life-threatening.

The first choice for treating this type of pustular psoriasis often includes the following.

  • Synthetic vitamin D combined with a strong corticosteroid: This combination is applied to the skin.

  • PUVA: This is a type of light treatment that involves taking a medication called psoralen before getting UVA light treatments on the affected skin.

While the above describes what treatment may be used for each type of pustular psoriasis, your treatment plan may include different medications. Your age, other medical conditions , and general health also play key role in determining which treatment is best for you.

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ReferencesFitzpatrick JE. Pustular eruptions. In: Fitzpatrick JE and Aeling JL. Dermatology Secrets. Hanley & Belfus, Inc., Philadelphia, 1996:66-7.

Jeon C, Nakamura M, et al. Generalized pustular psoriasis treated with apremilast in a patient with multiple medical comorbidities. JAAD Case Rep. 2017 3: 495-7.

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What Procedures And Tests Diagnose Guttate Psoriasis

Guttate psoriasis is a medical condition that is typically diagnosed after a doctor or health care professional performs a physical exam of the skin. The dermatologist generally can tell if it is psoriasis just by clinical judgment based on the appearance of the skin lesions.

Skin biopsies are occasionally necessary to confirm diagnosis of psoriatic lesions.

Blood tests to rule out other treatable diseases may be necessary. In young children, certain drug eruptions and occasionally viral rashes can be confused with guttate psoriasis.

Findings from blood tests may confirm that the patient had a streptococcal infection recently. Increased levels of antibodies to the streptolysin-O are present in more than one-half of patients.

This type of psoriasis may be treated at home in most mild to moderate cases. Keeping the skin moist will prevent extra irritation. Thick moisturizers applied after a bath to keep in moisture and soften the skin are helpful.

If it is summertime or the patient is in a part of the country where there is plenty of sunlight, careful graded increases in sun exposure may be quite helpful in diminishing the eruption. One must take special care to avoid a sunburn because this can occasionally result in an exacerbation of the eruption.

Over-the-counter topical steroids like 1% hydrocortisone cream may help to reduce inflammation and itching.

What Does Psoriasis Look Like

The skin changes of psoriasis are well defined and slightly raised pink or red areas with silvery-white scales. Many people have just a few plaques but some individuals with moderate to severe psoriasis may have several plaques covering large areas of their body.

Several patterns of psoriasis are recognised:

  • Chronic plaque psoriasis is the most common type of psoriasis. Plaques of psoriasis are usually present on the knees, elbows, trunk, scalp, behind ears and between the buttocks although other areas can be involved too.
  • Guttate psoriasis consists of small plaques of psoriasis scattered over the trunk and limbs. It can be caused by a bacteria called Streptococcus which can cause throat infections.
  • Palmoplantar psoriasis is psoriasis affecting the palms and soles. Psoriasis may appear at other sites too.
  • Pustular psoriasis is rare type of psoriasis where the plaques on the trunk and limbs are studded with tiny yellow pus filled spots. It can be localised or generalised and can flare rapidly necessitating hospital admission for treatment.
  • Erythrodermic psoriasis is an aggressive rare form of psoriasis which affects nearly all of the skin and can sometimes require hospital admission for treatment.

Nail psoriasis is present in about half of people with psoriasis. The features of nail psoriasis are:

  • Pitting and ridging of the surface of the nail
  • Salmon pink areas of discolouration under the nail
  • Thickening and yellowing of the nails.
  • Complete nail destruction.

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Wet Dressings And Warm Baths With Salts Or Oats

Baths and showers can be relaxing, but those that are too long or too hot can strip the skin of its oils, and this can make psoriasis worse.

Some people find that a warm bath containing colloidal oatmeal or Epsom salts is soothing and relieves symptoms.

According to , an oatmeal bath or a wet dressing can reduce itching, and a warm bath containing a suitable bath oil can help moisturize the skin.

In 2005, researchers found evidence that Dead Sea salts might help with dry skin. Volunteers immersed a forearm in water with a 5-percent concentration of magnesium salts, the most common minerals in the Dead Sea, for 15 minutes.

The participants skin barrier function improved, their skin hydration was better, and they had reduced roughness and inflammation compared with the control group who used tap water instead.

After bathing, applying an appropriate moisturizer while the skin is still damp can help prevent moisture loss.

Psoriasis Can Cause Pigment Changes That Can Last For Months

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One of the most common longer-term effects of psoriasis flares is skin discoloration. During a flare, parts of the immune system disrupt the production of melanocytes, the cells responsible for giving skin color.

People with lighter skin tones can experience hypopigmentation, where patches of skin become paler than the surrounding skin. With darker skin tones and skin of color, the issue can also be hyperpigmentation, where patches of skin become darker than the surrounding skin, according to Amy Kassouf, MD, a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.

The skin tone typically goes back to normal once the inflammation goes away, she notes. However, it can take time, from months to even over a year, for things to completely even out. During that time, it can really look like scarring.

RELATED: Overcoming a Psoriasis Flare

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Why Treating Scars Matters

Psoriasis plaques and scarring may lead to feelings of insecurity. Minimizing the appearance of psoriasis scars may help lessen the psoriasis stigma and help boost your confidence. Speak with your doctor to learn more about your treatment options.


Ultraviolet light might improve psoriasis lesions in some patients however, too much sun can lead to sunburns, which may make your psoriasis worse and ultimately results in flareups, so the use of sunscreen.

B.Coal tar Formulas:

This can help improve the itching associated with psoriasis lesions and ultimately reduces the risk of scar formation. Coal tar is available in

Over-the-counter psoriasis shampoos



These formulations are available to apply on your psoriasis patches directly. However, you should consult your doctor before using them.

C:Skin lighteners:

Skin lightening creams are applied once your skin has improved from psoriasis and the patch is healed. Following are the list of skin lightening agents available

  • 2% hydroquinone
  • Retinoid
  • Vitamin C

It is essential to consult with your skin doctor before applying these OTC products, as they may contain other chemicals that may result in psoriasis flareup.

D.Light therapy

Your dermatologist applies certain forms of light to your skin, typically using a laser or lamp it lessens the inflammation and allows your skin to heal.

E.Makeup Cover-Up Tips

How Psoriasis Scars Form

Psoriasis itself doesnât cause scarring. But patches can be itchy, which may lead you to scratch them. The more you scratch, the more damage you do to your skin.

Once your psoriasis begins to resolve, it can leave behind dark or light spots. This is called either post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. This happens because psoriasis causes your skin to produce more inflammatory chemicals, which affects how your body processes melanin, or pigment. Itâs more noticeable on dark skin.

When dark or light spots appear after your psoriasis patches disappear, donât assume your psoriasis treatments arenât working. They are. Itâs important you continue to use them, because if you donât get control over your psoriasis, you have a greater risk of scarring and discoloration.

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How Psoriasis Is Diagnosed

A GP can often diagnose psoriasis based on the appearance of your skin.

In rare cases, a small sample of skin called a biopsy will be sent to the laboratory for examination under a microscope.

This determines the exact type of psoriasis and rules out other skin disorders, such as seborrhoeic dermatitis, lichen planus, lichen simplex and pityriasis rosea.

You may be referred to a specialist in diagnosing and treating skin conditions if your doctor is uncertain about your diagnosis, or if your condition is severe.

If your doctor suspects you have psoriatic arthritis, which is sometimes a complication of psoriasis, you may be referred to a doctor who specialises in arthritis .

You may have blood tests to rule out other conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, and X-rays of the affected joints may be taken.

What Are The Treatments For Guttate Psoriasis

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The good news is, guttate psoriasis usually fades by itself within a few weeks to a few months.

It doesn’t necessarily need treating unless it’s really bothering the person. No particular treatment has been shown to work better than others.

A GP may prescribe a mild steroid cream if the lesions are itchy – although in practice it is quite hard to spread cream over such a large area of the body. It is worth nourishing the skin with simple moisturisers.

Although it is related to a bacterial throat infection, giving antibiotics doesn’t actually speed up the spots going away.

A dermatologist may use ‘light therapy’ which is where they beam UV light at you in a special box . This is a specialised treatment that isn’t available in all hospitals. It can help to clear up the guttate psoriasis a bit quicker than otherwise.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Psoriasis

  • Psoriasis may not have any associated symptoms, but it can be itchy and painful. Certain sites such as the scalp, lower legs and groin can be particularly itchy. If psoriasis affects the hands and feet, painful fissures can develop and these can affect use of the hands and walking. Severe psoriasis on the body can also develop cracks which are painful and can bleed.
  • Psoriasis can affect the nails and lifting away of the nail from the finger can be painful.
  • Psoriatic arthritis produces pain, swelling and stiffness in one or more joints, particularly in the morning.

Is It Possible To Prevent Guttate Psoriasis

Guttate psoriasis may not be preventable. However, complications or further flare-ups may be reduced by avoiding anything that triggers a psoriasis outbreak. For example, anyone with psoriasis should try to minimize all forms of skin trauma, such as scratching or vigorous rubbing, which may lead to new psoriatic lesions on previously unaffected areas. This is known as the Koebner phenomenon.

The association between streptococcal infections and guttate psoriasis cannot be overemphasized.

  • Early detection and treatment of such infections may prevent an acute flare-up of the skin disease. Samples should be obtained and cultured in patients who are susceptible to psoriasis and have a sore throat.
  • Some doctors advocate early antibiotic therapy of any sore throat in individuals who are susceptible.

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