Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Does Psoriasis Come From

Skin: Condition: Infomation Phototherapy:

Psoriasis Remission – Why does Psoriasis come back?

Two types of light are used: narrowband ultraviolet B light and ultraviolet A light . The latter requires a sensitiser, known as a psoralen that can be taken as a tablet or added to a bath prior to treatment.

Further information on phototherapy is available in the following information leaflets: Treatments for moderate and severe psoriasis and ).

Dry Cracked Skin: Irritation That Can Lead To Infection

Dry, cracked skin is a psoriasis symptom. However, dry air can also cause your skin to become dry and itchy. When the skin is dry and irritated , it’s more likely to get infected. Infection may cause your skin to become red and swollen. If you have any skin rashes that keep coming back or won’t go away, see your doctor. Most cases of psoriasis can be diagnosed with a physical examination but because psoriasis can look like many other skin conditions, a skin biopsy may have to be done to definitively diagnose it.

Irritated Psoriasis Can Resemble Eczema

Plaque psoriasis can by very itchy causing some people to scratch it.

“Irritated psoriasis in a patient that is doing lots of rubbing and scratching can become inflamed and have features of chronic eczema. The more you scratch, the more it thickens, and so on,” says Dr. Brodell.

While both conditions may cause your skin to be red and inflamed, a dermatologist can tell the difference. Subtle differences in the appearance, location and distribution of the rash, and other clues allow the diagnosis to be made without a biopsy or blood test.

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Psoriasis And Stress: Whats The Connection

Even though researchers arent totally sure what causes psoriasis, the general understanding is that it comes from issues with the immune system and genetics. And stress can screw around with your immune system too.

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease that triggers body-wide bouts of inflammation. That inflammation can cause plaques or scales that can be itchy or painful .

Stress isnt just in your head when it kicks in, your body immediately reacts. A 2015 review suggests that when stress happens, we humans enter fight or flight mode. Its the bodys way of prepping us for an injury or infection by releasing cells that increase inflammation the immune systems way of saying Nope, not today.

When the stress becomes chronic, hanging around for days to years, these inflammatory cells can wreak havoc on your immune system. If psoriasis is already messing around with your immune health, a flare-up of plaques and scales might be the way your body starts responding to stress.Research suggests that 31 to 88 percent of people with psoriasis have dealt with stress-triggered symptoms. And folks who have experienced a stressful event in the last year are more likely to experience psoriasis flares as a result.

This backs up the idea that stress can trigger psoriasis flares. And while stress is not likely to be the *cause* of your psoriasis , your first flare-up might happen as a reaction to stressful events in your life.

Psoriasis Gut Dysbiosis & Infections

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One of the main focuses here is your microbiome.

When youve got leaky gut and loads of inflammation, you still have to look towards your microbiome.

What lives there?

Is it in a healthy balance?

Are there unwanted or unfriendly gut bugs hanging out there?

The reason you must look in the gut according to Dr. Elys paper is that, patients with psoriatic arthritis .

That statement is mindblowing.

As an integrative clinical nutritionist, I also found a significantly higher abundance of E.coli in clients diagnosed with psoriasis.

Another gem from this paper revealed marked small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in 78.5% of psoriatics.

Ive discussed the connection between SIBO and skin rash conditions before on the Healthy Skin Show.

And certain infections could potentially be correlated with itchiness!

For example, H.pyloripositive patients had intense itching of their psoriatic plaques and Helicobacter-negative patients did not. Among psoriatics, 40% were Helicobacter positive, and in controls only 5% were positive. 12% of psoriatics were found to be carriers of blastocystosis. These patients were found to have the most severe psoriasis and many of them had psoriatic arthritis.

In my clinical experience, it is fairly common to see a mixed bag of gut dysfunction and gut dysbiosis and even gut infections.

Does that mean that you have to have gut symptoms in order to have these things going on?

No, gut symptoms arent a prerequisite.

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Scratches Bites And Skin Injury

If you have a bug bite, cut, or scrape, or youve experienced any kind of skin injury, you may notice new psoriasis lesions near the affected area. These types of injuries can even occur during everyday activities, such as shaving or tending to a garden.

Skin injury can only trigger psoriasis lesions in people who already have psoriasis.

Other Symptoms And Complications

Psoriasis does not only affect the skin. It is a multisystem condition that can have other effects.

Around 3033% of people with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis, which involves inflammation, pain, and swelling in the joints. Psoriatic arthritis can also cause fatigue.

Also, without treatment, psoriasis can lead to permanent joint damage.

A person with psoriasis is more likely to experience other inflammatory conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. Current guidelines recommend regular screening for these issues. They are also more likely to experience depression.

The exact cause of psoriasis is unclear, but it appears to involve both genetic and environmental factors. Even if a person inherits these genetic factors, they may never develop psoriasis unless they encounter a trigger.

The factors below can both trigger the initial appearance of psoriasis and cause existing symptoms to flare:

  • strep throat

Getting a psoriasis diagnosis is the first step toward receiving effective treatment. It is also important to seek medical attention when symptoms change.

A person should contact a doctor if:

Also, a person should consult a doctor about any changes in the pattern of their psoriasis symptoms. For example, if a flare usually lasts for 1 week, they should contact a doctor if their symptoms persist for longer than 2 weeks.

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Heat Rash: Sweating That Leads To Bumpy Red Skin

Inverse psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that forms in the armpits and skin folds under breasts or in groin areas, making the skin red and shiny. Sweating makes this type of psoriasis worse. Heat rash also makes your skin red and forms in skin folds of the groin, breasts, and armpits. Heat rash occurs in hot, humid conditions. Sweating can cause your pores to get blocked and result in a bumpy, red skin rash that stings. Heat rash is more common in newborns, but can also affect older children and adults.

What Does Psoriasis Look Like

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The skin changes of psoriasis are well defined and slightly raised pink or red areas with silvery-white scales. Many people have just a few plaques but some individuals with moderate to severe psoriasis may have several plaques covering large areas of their body.

Several patterns of psoriasis are recognised:

  • Chronic plaque psoriasis is the most common type of psoriasis. Plaques of psoriasis are usually present on the knees, elbows, trunk, scalp, behind ears and between the buttocks although other areas can be involved too.
  • Guttate psoriasis consists of small plaques of psoriasis scattered over the trunk and limbs. It can be caused by a bacteria called Streptococcus which can cause throat infections.
  • Palmoplantar psoriasis is psoriasis affecting the palms and soles. Psoriasis may appear at other sites too.
  • Pustular psoriasis is rare type of psoriasis where the plaques on the trunk and limbs are studded with tiny yellow pus filled spots. It can be localised or generalised and can flare rapidly necessitating hospital admission for treatment.
  • Erythrodermic psoriasis is an aggressive rare form of psoriasis which affects nearly all of the skin and can sometimes require hospital admission for treatment.

Nail psoriasis is present in about half of people with psoriasis. The features of nail psoriasis are:

  • Pitting and ridging of the surface of the nail
  • Salmon pink areas of discolouration under the nail
  • Thickening and yellowing of the nails.
  • Complete nail destruction.

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Is Psoriasis Hereditary

Although psoriasis is not contagious from person to person, there is a known hereditary tendency. Therefore, family history is very helpful in making the diagnosis.

There are many effective psoriasis treatment choices. The best treatment is individually determined by the treating doctor and depends, in part, on the type of disease, the severity, and amount of skin involved and the type of insurance coverage.

For mild disease that involves only small areas of the body , topical treatments , such as creams, lotions, and sprays, may be very effective and safe to use. Occasionally, a small local injection of steroids directly into a tough or resistant isolated psoriatic plaque may be helpful.

For moderate to severe psoriasis that involves much larger areas of the body , topical products may not be effective or practical to apply. This may require ultraviolet light treatments or systemic medicines. Internal medications usually have greater risks. Because topical therapy has no effect on psoriatic arthritis, systemic medications are generally required to stop the progression to permanent joint destruction.

What Can I Do To Help

  • Discuss your psoriasis and how it affects your life with your GP or dermatologist and identify treatment goals.
  • Manage your risk factors for heart disease and stroke with your GP.
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle: eat a balanced diet, try to lose weight if you are overweight and exercise regularly.
  • Stop smoking if you smoke.
  • If you drink excessive alcohol, reducing your intake might be helpful.
  • Reduce stress, where possible.
  • Take your medications as recommended by your GP or dermatologist.

If you have pain in your joints discuss with your GP or dermatologist.

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Skin: Condition: Infomation Internal Treatments

  • Tablet options include acitretin , ciclosporin , methotrexate , and in some hospitals fumaric acid esters and apremilast.
  • Injectable treatments for psoriasis include etanercept, adalimumab, infliximab, ustekinumab, secukinumab, ixekizumab and guselkumab. Other new tablet and injected treatments are being developed in clinical studies at present.
  • Blood tests may be recommended by your GP or dermatologist. If you are considering tablet or injection treatment for your psoriasis, then blood tests will be needed before and during treatment.

Further details of these treatments can be found in the Treatments for moderate and severe psoriasis and individual drug patient information leaflets.

What Does Psoriasis On The Feet Look And Feel Like

Where Does Psoriasis Come From

In many cases, psoriasis on the feet presents like psoriasis does elsewhere on the body. The most common type is plaque psoriasis . Psoriasis on the feet may appear with:

  • Clearly defined red, purple, or brown patches or lesions on the skin, often covered with thick, silvery scales
  • Patches of thick, dry skin that may crack or bleed easily and that may cover the entire sole
  • Soreness, burning, or itching, either on a red patch of skin or over much of the foot
  • Small patches of skin that are scaly but not necessarily red
  • Signs of inflammation, such as heat and redness
  • Small pustules on the bottom of the feet

Pain and discomfort from psoriasis on the feet may be worse than pain from psoriasis elsewhere on the body because of the pressure caused by walking. Feet are highly sensitive, which can make basic movements uncomfortable if they are affected by psoriasis. When your feet hurt, even getting out of bed or wearing socks can be painful. Many MyPsoriasisTeam members with psoriasis on their feet report that their feet feel like they are on fire. One member even said, My feet feel like Im walking on knives. Another member shared, My feet are inflamed, red, and painful.

Occasionally, different types of psoriasis will appear on the feet.

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Plaque Psoriasis Symptoms: What It Looks And Feels Like According To Experts

When skin cells grow and pile up at breakneck speed, it can be hard to ignore the consequences. Besides altering your skin’s appearance, it can make you feel quite uncomfortable.

Plaque psoriasis can affect any area of the the body, says the National Psoriasis Foundation . Common targets include the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back, per the Mayo Clinic.

Symptoms vary from person to person and it look different depending on the color of your skin. We asked dermatologists to describe how plaque psoriasis affects the skin. Here’s what to look for, plus how it may present differently depending on your skin tone and other factors.

RELATED: What Is Plaque Psoriasis? How Doctors Diagnose and Treat This Chronic Skin Condition

Other Effects Of Stress

The effects of psoriasis are one of many health issues that can pop up after a bout of intense or long-term stress. Stress can affect every system in your body, including your:

  • Musculoskeletal system. The tense muscles you experience during stress are your bodys way of putting its guard up against injury and pain. Somewhat counterproductively, this can trigger migraine episodes and tension headaches.
  • Respiratory system.Asthma and panic attacks arent uncommon when dealing with stress, as it can constrict your airways.
  • Cardiovascular system. Blood vessels actually get larger under stress. This pumps way more blood into important organs and may contribute to high blood pressure. Also, your heart works harder during stressful periods.
  • Gastrointestinal system. Stress can disrupt communication between your gut and your brain, leading to digestive symptoms like bloating, nausea, and poopy problems.
  • Endocrine system. This is the part of your brain that chats with your hormone-pumping system to send cortisol all around your body during stress. If cortisol runs wild for too long, it can disrupt your hormonal balance, contributing to chronic fatigue, diabetes, obesity, depression, and immune system issues.
  • Reproductive system. Looking to add a bébé to the family? Too much stress can make conceiving more difficult for both the male and female reproductive systems.

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How Might Psoriasis Increase Cancer Risk

Although this study does not specifically examine the reasons why people with psoriasis may be more likely to develop cancer, we can offer a few possible explanations. Psoriasis is an inflammatory condition involving overactive immune cells in the body. We know that other chronic inflammatory diseases, such as Crohns disease, are also associated with increased risk of developing cancers.

Many patients with psoriasis also have metabolic syndrome, tobacco use disorder, and increased alcohol use. Some of these conditions have also been associated with increased risk of cancer. This study does not go into detail about the extent to which these comorbidities may influence the increased risk of cancer in psoriasis patients.

People with severe psoriasis often do not get enough relief with topical therapies , such as topical corticosteroids and vitamin D analogues. They may then be started on medications that target specific immune cells and proteins. Some of these medications increase the risk of infections. Previous studies have found little to no increased risk of cancer in patients receiving these therapies. Other treatments, such as phototherapy , are known to increase risk of developing skin cancers.

Measles: A Facial Rash That Can Cover The Body


Like guttate psoriasis, measles also follow symptoms of an upper respiratory infection in children and cause a skin rash of small, red spots. However, the measles skin rash usually starts on the face and spreads down to cover the body and is accompanied by fever, cough, and a runny nose. Measles rash is also flat, while the rash of psoriasis is typically raised. Measles is caused by a virus and is contagious, though the measles vaccination has made this a rare disease in the United States.

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How Can Psoriasis Be Treated

Treatment of psoriasis depends upon your individual circumstances. Treatment applied to the surface of your skin is sufficient alone in most patients. For people with more extensive or difficult to treat psoriasis, ultraviolet light treatment , tablet treatment or injection treatment may be required.

Everything You Need To Know About Toenail Psoriasis

The skin disease known as psoriasis affects an estimated 10 million Americansabout 4 percent of the population. About half of these affected people have psoriasis symptoms in their nails, and 15 percent experience symptoms only in their nails.

Toenail psoriasisalso known as psoriatic nail diseaseis not merely a cosmetic condition. It can interfere with the ability of a nail to protect the toe or to perceive touch.

Toenail psoriasis can also be quite painful, and the pain can restrict movement, making it difficult for the affected person to walk normally.

This can cause an antalgic gait. In addition, a damaged psoriatic nail can make the nail plate more susceptible to fungal infections.

Psoriatic nail disease is also associated with a serious condition known as psoriatic arthritis80 percent of people who suffer from psoriatic arthritis have had nail psoriatic nail disease.

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Treatment For Psoriasis On The Feet

If you think that you might have psoriasis on your feet, make an appointment with a podiatrist or a dermatologist. These experts can help determine whether psoriasis or another condition may be causing your dry, flaky, itchy feet. Clinical examination of your skin and possibly a skin biopsy will help confirm the diagnosis.

If psoriasis is determined to be the cause of your symptoms, there are several ways you and your doctor can help alleviate your discomfort. Keep in mind that it may take a while to find the right treatment.

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