Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Difference Between Dry Skin And Psoriasis

Where On The Body Is Psoriasis Likely To Appear

Dry Scalp -vs- Dandruff -vs- Seborrheic Dermatitis -vs- Psoriasis

Psoriasis can affect any part of the body, but especially in those areas where skin rubs against clothing, such as:

  • Elbows
  • Lower back
  • Soles of the feet

The hands are also common sites for psoriasis flare-ups as a result of frequent hand washing and because of the wear and tear on busy hands throughout the day. Anything that puts stress on the hands or causes dryness raises the risk. Psoriasis that forms on the scalp is associated with psoriatic arthritis, a type of psoriasis that causes inflammation of the joints.

Typical Onset For Eczema

Eczema flares can start as early as one to six months after birth. Atopic dermatitisthe more extreme type of eczematypically starts before the age of five and can continue into adolescence and adulthood. However, it’s worth noting that the condition sometimes presents in adulthood.

For some people, it flares periodically and then clears up for a time, even for several years, Gmyrek says, noting that the flares can feature thin red plaques covered in dry scales, and most often occur in flexor areas of the body, like the insides of the elbows and the backs of the knees. While the cause is still unknown, Gmyrek says that a genetic predisposition is largely to blame.

Which Is Worse: Eczema Or Psoriasis

So which is worse? It can depend on the severity of your case and your point of view, says Dr. Bayart.

You can have a very mild case of either that barely affects your life or have a severe case of either that can be completely debilitating, she says.

It may require some trial and error, but the right diagnosis and the right treatment can go a long way toward helping you manage. While it can certainly be frustrating and in some extreme cases, debilitating, most patients can achieve relief with the proper treatment plan and regain and enjoyable quality of life, says Dr. Minars.

However, its important to recognize that psoriasis is also linked to other serious health conditions, like heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Your skin is telling you from the outside that you are at higher risk for those issues, says Dr. Bayart. You need to be especially careful about your health.

The first step is the right diagnosis. Knowing what the rash means can put you in control of your health.

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Treatments For Scalp Psoriasis

Addressing scalp psoriasis can be somewhat difficult, due to its location on the body.

Hair can complicate treatment for scalp psoriasis. As one research team described in a report for the journal Psoriasis: Targets and Therapy, hair doesn’t just complicate the application and penetration of medications to affected areas. It also impacts the likelihood a person will stick to their treatment plan. During the study, individuals commonly complained of the greasy effects of their medications and the difficulty of removing products from their hair.

That said, topical treatments are currently used as first-line treatment in many people with scalp psoriasis. Those with more moderate to severe cases may also need phototherapy or a type of medication known as biologics.

Topical Treatments

Topical corticosteroids have proven the most effective treatment for scalp psoriasis in clinical trials and are the most commonly prescribed treatment. These medications are available as over-the-counter or prescription lotions, oils, gels, foams, soaps, shampoos, and creams.

Other common topical treatments for scalp psoriasis include salicylic acid in 5 percent to 10 percent concentrations, which offers a keratolytic effect. Coal tar and coal-tar shampoo can offer anti-inflammatory and anti-itch benefits. Shampoos containing Nizoral and selenium sulfide can also be helpful.

This treatment is more difficult to apply to the scalp, due to hair coverage.

Systemic Treatments

Articles On Psoriasis Symptoms

Psoriasis Vs Eczema The Difference

Maybe you’re settling into your easy chair for a little Sunday siesta. Or you’re heading out the door for a day of fun in the sun. Either way, you stop and pause, because you’ve got an itch that just won’t leave you alone — along with blotches of red on your skin. What gives?

Your doctor needs to make the final call, but psoriasis or eczema could be the problem. Both are skin conditions with similar symptoms, but there are ways to tell them apart.

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Typical Onset For Psoriasis

While psoriasis can occur at any age, Garshick says that the average age of onset can occur at two different peaks, either 15-35 years or at 55-60 years old. Gmyrek adds to this, noting that, while rare, about 10 to 15 percent of psoriasis cases occur before the age of 10.

Whats more, Gmyrek points out that psoriasis tends to run in families, though, exactly whats passed down is not clear.

Additionally, she says that, unlike some skin conditions, men and women develop psoriasis at similar rates, and its seen across all racial groups. Caucasians develop psoriasis at a rate of about 3.6 percent compared with African-Americans who develop psoriasis at a rate of 1.9 percent, she adds.

What Is Pustular Psoriasis

This type of psoriasis appears as small blisters surrounded by red skin and can be limited to certain areas of the body or cover most of the body. With this psoriasis type, the redness usually appears first, before the pustules and scaling develop. It’s worth noting that these blisters associated with pustular psoriasis are filled with white blood cells and are not contagious.5

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Where On The Body Is Eczema Likely To Appear

Atopic dermatitis flare-ups usually appear where the limbs bend and skin folds trap moisture, causing irritation. Typical spots for eczema flare-ups include:

  • Behind the knee
  • Neck
  • Wrist and hand

Eczema, which can be triggered through contact with an allergen or other irritant in the environment, can produce a rash anywhere on the body.

How Is Each Treated

The Difference Between PSORIASIS ECZEMA

Eczema treatment depends on how severe it is. For mild to moderate cases, youâll use a topical corticosteroid to control inflammation, and youâll use an emollient on your skin. This type of moisturizer has an oil or cream base, not a water base, like lotion, which could dry your skin out more.

If you have moderate to severe eczema, you may need to try a medicine that affects your immune system like , methotrexate, azathioprine, or cyclosporine. If nothing else works, your doctor may prescribe a biologic drug called dupilumab . You might also try light therapy using ultraviolet light.

Psoriasis treatment is either systemic, which means it affects your entire body, or topical, which goes on your skin. If your disease is limited, or mild, you may be able to control it with topical corticosteroids and emollients.

Light therapy paired with methotrexate, cyclosporine, acretin, or a biologic is also an option for more severe cases. Or you could use just a biologic drug, which includes:

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What Is Psoriatic Arthritis

Some people with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis, which causes joint pain, stiffness and swelling. Though most commonly experienced in the fingers, toes and along the spine, psoriatic arthritis can affect any part of your body, and the pain and swelling can range from mild to severe. Similar to other psoriasis types, there is no cure for psoriatic arthritis, and its imperative that those with this type of psoriasis seek medical treatment, as symptoms can become disabling if left untreated.7

A Life With Psoriasis

Although psoriasis comes and goes over time, its a lifelong condition. A lack of public understanding about psoriasis causes many people with this condition to feel isolated and ostracized.

But most people with psoriasis lead fulfilling, active lives. Here are some tips you can try to avoid psoriasis triggers.

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How Do You Treat Dandruff

The way you treat your dandruff will depend on the type you have. Bridgette does recommend you look for products with ingredients such as selenium sulfide, salicylic acid, sulfur, coal tar, zinc, and alpha-hydroxy acids no matter what type of dandruff you have. In general, zinc and coal tar-based products applied to the scalp with anti-microbial properties will prevent unhealthy bacteria and fungus that can be developed on the scalp as a result of dry flakes on the scalp.

Amino acids are a beneficial scalp care ingredient that can work for greasy and dry dandruff. Sulfur amino acids, such as cysteine and methionine, help with managing dandruff by reducing skin cell buildup as well as offer antimicrobial properties, Bridgette notes. Selenium sulfide is for use on the scalp only and not to be used on the hair fiber. Also use selenium sulfide only on the specific area where there is dandruff, bacterial or fungal infections, and extreme oiliness. Selenium sulfide is an agent that treats dandruff, and fungal infections on the scalp and skin. This agent also controls and reduces inflammation, itchiness, and redness of the scalp.

Now, lets dive into how to treat the two different types of dandruff.

What’s The Difference Between Eczema And Psoriasis

Scalp Psoriasis Of The Scalp
  • Children get eczema. They can also get psoriasis.

  • While more children develop eczema than psoriasis, almost 1% of children have psoriasis.

  • Its not always easy to tell whether a child has eczema or psoriasis. A study conducted in Australia found that most children who had psoriasis were initially diagnosed by their primary care doctor as having another disease, often eczema.

  • To a dermatologists trained eye, psoriasis and eczema tend to look quite different.

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Learning The Differences Between Eczema And Psoriasis

  • Psoriasis causes well-defined, thick, red, scaly patches, commonly in areas like the elbows and knees. It is common to see psoriasis on the face, buttocks, and scalp of a child. Youll also commonly see thick patches of skin with overlying redness.

  • Eczema tends to appear in the crooks of the knees and the elbows.

  • Children who have psoriasis tend to have mild itching. In eczema, the itching can be intense.

  • There are many ways for a dermatologist to tell the difference between eczema and psoriasis, including what one sees on the skin, the amount of itch, and where the disease appears on the skin.

Shingles: A Rash And Severe Pain That Lingers

Shingles is another viral infection that shares some symptoms with psoriasis. Like psoriasis, shingles can make your skin burn and itch and produces a red, blistered skin rash. Shingles is caused by the same virus that first brings on chickenpox. The virus stays in your body and can come back years later to cause shingles, especially during times of stress or infection. The skin rash of shingles follows the course of a single nerve, usually on the trunk. In some cases, severe pain lasts long after the burning, itchy rash disappears. Shingles is more common in people over age 50.

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Make Skin Health A Priority This Spring

If you have dry skin, let it peel away and nourish your skin this spring. If you think you may have psoriasis, you should talk to a doctor and begin eating a diet that helps fight inflammation.

Do you have questions about psoriasis? How about skin health questions? We have the answers via our free Dr. Chat! Our general physician doctors are available 24/7 online. Simply click below and start chatting with a doctor in minutes.

Submitted by Dr. Richard Honaker:

Acne: Blocked Pores That Lead To Pimples

Difference between Eczema and Psoriasis

Some forms of psoriasis appear as pus-filled blisters that may be confused with pimples. Pustular psoriasis forms white blisters that are filled with pus and surrounded by red skin. Far more common than psoriasis, acne also causes a pus-filled pimple eruption. However unlike psoriasis acne is caused by excess oil, blocked pores, and bacteria. Acne is common in teens and young adults and occurs on the face, neck, back, or chest. Pustular psoriasis is usually seen in adults and can occur anywhere on the body, but less likely on the face.

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What’s The Difference Between Dry Skin And Psoriasis

Dry skin happens when skin cells don’t have enough lipids and oils to stay self-hydrated. Skin can become flaky, rough, and cracked. When you get really dry, the skin may stubbornly retain these characteristics, and fail to improve with just your regular moisturizer or hydrating treatments. That’s because the barrier function of the skin has likely been compromised.

Heat Rash: Sweating That Leads To Bumpy Red Skin

Inverse psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that forms in the armpits and skin folds under breasts or in groin areas, making the skin red and shiny. Sweating makes this type of psoriasis worse. Heat rash also makes your skin red and forms in skin folds of the groin, breasts, and armpits. Heat rash occurs in hot, humid conditions. Sweating can cause your pores to get blocked and result in a bumpy, red skin rash that stings. Heat rash is more common in newborns, but can also affect older children and adults.

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Active Ingredients Wont Work On Psoriasis

All types of dandruff will visibly diminish after an active ingredient shampoo is used to remove the scaling almost immediately, Bridgette shares. Active ingredient shampooing does not immediately diminish psoriasis. Shampooing psoriasis sometimes removes the outer scabs and leaves the patches exposed to raw skin cells.

Understanding Dandruff & Psoriasis

Psoriasis VS Dandruff in 2020

Dandruff is a skin concern that many people experience at some point of time in their lives. It causes white flakes on the scalp that fall off on the shoulder. It is neither serious nor contagious, but many people consider this to be embarrassing.

Scalp psoriasis is a skin condition in which skin cells multiply quicker than they should . This results in skin cell build-up termed plaques that are rough to touch and covered with white skin tissue .

Following are some of the top differences between dandruff and psoriasis:


  • Rash near eyebrows, nose and ears, in some cases

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What Symptoms Should You Look Out For

Unfortunately, its difficult for the average person to tell the difference between eczema and psoriasis. Its best to see a specialist if you spot a rash of any kind that doesnt clear up or returns.

Dr. Ziegner is specially trained to look at various aspects of rashes to distinguish between psoriasis, eczema, and other inflammatory skin conditions. Theres no substitute for expert evaluation. In addition to a visual examination, Dr. Ziegner will go over your medical history and discuss your symptoms.

Identifying Eczema Vs Psoriasis On The Body

Remember: Eczema typically falls within joint folds, while psoriasis congregates just about anywhere, though most commonly on the knees, elbows, and scalp. However, if you have inverse psoriasis , Gmyrek says that you may also find psoriasis scales in groin folds, under the arms, and below the breasts. Additionally, if you notice little dents in your nails, that could also be a sign of psoriasis.

Beyond location, Dr. Camp points out the eczema is much less defined than psoriasis. So, if you notice dry patches without redness or a raised silhouette, eczema is most likely more to blame. However, remember that only a doctor can officially deem it so.

The most definitive way to distinguish the two is with a skin biopsy, although there are scenarios when even that is not conclusive to differentiate the two,Garshick says.

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The Dry Skin Of Psoriasis

Not all psoriasis patches appear dry or scaly. At times, large red patches may have no visible scales. However, the patches of psoriasis can build up from dead skin cells to the point of scaling and peeling.

Removal of large scales should not be forced. Gentle removal will prevent breaking the skin and causing bleeding.

Some psoriasis patches may build up a very thick, white layer of dead cells before shedding scales.

When To See A Doctor About Eczema

Psoriasis & Eczema – Differences & Remedies | Zyropathy

When your symptoms become too uncomfortable and you find that home remedies are not doing the trick to ease your symptoms, you should contact your dermatologist or go to your nearest eczema pharmacy. Once they view the symptoms, your doctor will develop a treatment plan to get rid of the eczema symptoms. If your child is suffering from eczema, we discuss eczema treatment for kids in our helpful guide for parents.

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How Do I Treat Dry Skin

To treat dry skin, you will be both preventive and reactive. The first stop should be to find a moisturizer that has ceramides and lipids. This will help keep your skin hydrated while supporting the skin barrier.

You should also take warm, not hot showers, and for no longer than 5 to 7 minutes. Using products that dont irritate the skin is also wise, so check your perfumes and scented lotions for retinol, astringent, and glycolic acid.

Psoriasis Remains A Mystery

While eczema appears as a skin rash, psoriasis presents in different forms. Some outbreaks look like scaly red patches. Others look like a plaque buildup. This is due to the rapidly growing skin cells. The cause of psoriasis is unknown, with no cure. Genetics is the most prominent precursor of the disease. Persons with diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and depression can also have psoriasis. Like eczema, external factors like stress and alcohol trigger the disease.

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How To Treat Dry Skin

You’ll need equal parts prevention and treatment, says Goldenberg. Look for a moisturizer that contains ceramides and lipids to help build back the skin barrier, so that skin can better retain hydration on its own. Apply moisturizer to damp skin for optimal absorption . Try to take lukewarm showers , and keep your bathing time under seven minutes.

You’ll also want to cut potentially irritating products from your routine, like those containing retinol, glycolic acid, astringent, and heavy fragrance. These can cause extra dryingexactly what you don’t want! And sleep with a humidifier on to add moisture back into the air to help skin heal.

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