Thursday, July 25, 2024

Herbal Remedies For Scalp Psoriasis

When To See A Doctor

Best Natural Home Remedies For Scalp Psoriasis.

If you suspect you have scalp psoriasis, you should schedule an appointment with a doctor. They may examine your scalp to rule out other conditions before sending you to a dermatologist for further evaluation and treatment.

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The Medical Experts are available whenever you need them. You can even approve payment only when youâre completely satisfied.

Besides, the quality of life of patients is affected. Many cases of patients suffer from insomnia, poor appetite due to scalp psoriasis symptoms, which will make the immune system weak, affecting health. Furthermore, the cost of treatment and quality of work are a burden for many patients.

II. Can Scalp Psoriasis Spread?

Scalp psoriasis often causes itching and flaking that haunt many people. People often donât want to contact patients with scalp psoriasis because they are afraid of infection. However, psoriasis or scalp psoriasis is not an infectious disease and is not able to spread to others when coming into contact with an infected person. Therefore, relatives who take care of patients and those around them do not need to worry about infection.

However, scalp psoriasis is inherited from generation to generation, especially in children. If left untreated, the affected skin tends to spread to the surrounding skin. Therefore, patients should treat the disease as soon as possible to avoid the consequences for children and the dangerous complications of scalp psoriasis.

III. Risk Factors Of Scalp Psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis is a very common condition and affects all ages. You can control this disease by minimizing risk factors. There are a lot of factors that increase the risk of scalp psoriasis, such as:

IV. Home Remedies

Geranium Oil For Psoriasis

Geranium oil can improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and even work to relieve stress. It also promotes the growth and regeneration of healthy cells.

Dilute this oil well. You may experience minor side effects when applying this diluted oil to the skin. You should always do a patch test before application of any essential oil. Geranium oil commonly causes allergic or other skin reactions.

Geranium oil is known to slow or stop blood flow. Use caution if you have high blood pressure or youre at risk of cardiovascular diseases.

For skin issues ranging from acne to dermatitis, you can try mixing up to five drops of geranium oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil. Apply this mixture to affected areas twice daily until you see improvement.

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Treatment For Scalp Psoriasis

How do you treat scalp psoriasis?

Scalp psoriasis is often more difficult to treat than other forms of psoriasis due to hair on the affected areas. Medication must reach the scalp and should not be applied over a large area, but rather in a targeted manner.

Ointments and lotions are difficult to reach the scalp due to the thick layer of flakes located there. Also very greasy ointments with, for example, petroleum jelly are less suitable especially on a hairy scalp because they cannot be washed out properly.

If you suffer from thick scales, it is necessary to remove them first, otherwise, the treatment of psoriasis will take much longer or will not work.

Thick flakes stop the anti-psoriasis agents you have been prescribed as it prevents the active substance from reaching the skin.

Basically, there are four different forms of psoriasis treatment for the scalp. External use with 1) shampoos, 2) light therapy, 3) topical medications , and 4) biologics .

How to Remove Psoriasis Scales From the Scalp

Follow these 3 steps to a healthy scalp:

1. Soak the flakes on the scalp

The flakes come off best when you soak them overnight using a scaling ointment.

OTC products that contain ingredients such as lactic acid, zinc pyrithione, salicylic acid, selenium sulfide, or urea are great at softening the scales. You do not need a prescription. You can massage this solution into the scalp during the day also to soften the flakes for gentle removal.

2. Remove loose flakes from your hair

Peppermint Oil For Psoriasis

5 Best And Effective Ways For Scalp Psoriasis Treatments ...

Peppermint oil may help most with any itching and pain you get in and around psoriasis patches. There are some 25 different species of peppermint with over 600 varieties. No matter what plant you use, the menthol in the oil is what gives peppermint its punch. This oil also tackles itching caused by anything from herpes blisters to scabies infestations.

In small doses, peppermint doesnt usually cause any side effects. Theres a slight chance of allergic reaction, so be on the lookout for any unusual signs and symptoms after application.

A popular home remedy involves combining one cup of distilled water with five to seven drops of peppermint essential oils in a spray bottle. You can spritz this mixture onto painful, itchy skin for soothing relief.

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Medicine You Apply To The Scalp

This is the most commonly prescribed treatment. Your plan may include one or more of the following medicines.

Corticosteroids: This is the #1-prescribed treatment for scalp psoriasis in children and adults. Corticosteroids work quickly to reduce redness, swelling, itch, and scale. This makes it more effective than any other treatment that you apply to the scalp.

When used as directed, this medicine is safe. Because side effects can occur with long-term use, your dermatologist may recommend another treatment to use with the corticosteroid. This reduces possible side effects.

Medicated shampoos: This is often part of a treatment plan.

If you have stubborn scalp psoriasis, your dermatologist may prescribe a shampoo that contains clobetasol propionate. This can be quite effective when used in a shampoo. Studies show that patients can safely use this shampoo every day for up to four weeks. Its also safe to use it once or twice a week to maintain results.

Gently shampoo

Rubbing, scrubbing, and scratching your scalp can worsen existing psoriasis.

Scale softeners: If the psoriasis on your scalp is thick, it can be hard for the treatment you apply to work. A product that contains salicylic acid can soften thick, stubborn patches. Other ingredients can also help.

Tip for applying medicine

Lift your hair up and away when applying medicine to your scalp.

How To Treat Scalp Psoriasis At Home

Its important to note that home remedies can help ease symptoms but theyre not proven cures. The following home treatments are generally safe and may help you reduce the symptoms of mild to moderate scalp psoriasis. Those with more aggressive forms of the condition should consult a doctor before starting home treatment.

Also Check: Safe Psoriasis Treatment While Pregnant

Make Time For Afternoon Tea

Tea tree oil isnt messing around. This strong antimicrobial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory oil can treat scalp psoriasis when paired with a carrier oil .

Dont go nuts with this one. Start with just a drop or two and see how your skin reacts. Also, if youre pregnant, breastfeeding, have linear IgA disease, or are taking the antibiotic vancomycin, then this oil is not for you.

What Are The Causes

Scalp Psoriasis Treatment At Home | Natural Remedies

We still don’t understand what exactly causes scalp psoriasis at a baseline level. What we do know is that psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that often runs in families and is characterized by flare-ups that can be triggered by stress, skin injury, infection, weather, as well as certain medications like lithium and antimalarials. We also know that those patches are caused by an internal inflammatory response. It goes something like this: White blood cells overproduce cytokines, signaling molecules that regulate your body’s immunity and inflammation response, which trigger inflammation in the skin. The inflammation, for some reason, causes an abnormally fast multiplication of keratinocytes, the main cells in the outer layer of the skin. And thus you’ll see raised, scaly patches of skin.

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Natural Remedies For Scalp Psoriasis

Although its important to note that home remedies are not proven cures, the following treatments have all been reported to help ease some symptoms of scalp psoriasis.

Aloe vera – As a plant that has antibacterial properties, aloe vera can help reduce the itching, inflammation and flaking caused by scalp psoriasis.

Coconut or avocado oil – The natural fats of both avocado and coconuts can help keep skin healthy. Simply add a couple of drop of either oil to your scalp, then put on a shower cap. After 20 minutes, remove the cap and wash your hair. This is known to reduce the itching and redness associated with scalp psoriasis.

Garlic – Another ingredient with anti-inflammatory properties and packed full of antioxidants, garlic can help treat skin conditions. Mixing pressed garlic with aloe vera is a commonly used home remedy. Like using coconut or avocado oil, simply rub the mixture on to your scalp, leave for 20 minutes, and then wash your hair.

Turmeric – This well-known herb contains curcumin, an ingredient that helps to heal wounds and reduce inflammation. If you have scalp psoriasis, introducing 1 to 3 grams of turmeric into your cooking can help alleviate the symptoms.

Vitamin D – Getting a sufficient amount of vitamin D is hugely beneficial for your health. And spending some time in the sun may help lessen the symptoms of scalp psoriasis. If you plan on spending more than 15 minutes outside, its advisable to put on sunscreen with an SPF rating of at least 30.

Salts Are Also Good Natural Remedies For Scalp Psoriasis

Salt is another excellent treatment option, but not just any sort of salt though

According to a study, bathing in water from the Dead Sea is an excellent option to treat psoriasis. Taking a trip to this location is pretty expensive and stressful however, the do it yourself treatment is available for you to do it at home with Dead Sea salt baths.

Note that there is no clear explanation that tells how the saltwater remedy works, but it certainly is a very popular solution, and for good reasons.

If you want to give the DIY home remedy a try, add Dead Sea salt in warm water and soak your whole body in it for 15 minutes. When you are done, dry your body with care and apply any moisturizing agent, like coconut oil, to ensure that scalp psoriasis does not dry out when you are done bathing.

Also Check: What Not To Do With Psoriasis

What Will Happen If You Dont Treat Scalp Psoriasis

Treating psoriasis and following up with your doctor is important to prevent flare-ups and other complications that come with psoriasis.

If You Leave Your Psoriasis Untreated, It Can:

  • Cause permanent hair loss due to constant scratching.
  • You may lose your nails and even notice changes in them.
  • You may experience joint pain and stiffness in case you have arthritis. It can even cause permanent joint damage.
  • You may develop erythrodermic psoriasis that occurs in those who discontinue medication too soon or without consulting their doctor. It is characterized by a sunburn like rash that can be widespread and results in peeling of the skin.
  • Constant flare-ups can be uncomfortable and frustrating.
  • You may become prone to other inflammatory diseases like heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease and others.
  • The symptoms may cause you to get depressed and affect your mental health.
  • Your quality of life may be compromised due to severe itching.

Scalp Psoriasis And Hair Loss

Homemade Natural Psoriasis Shampoo

Scalp psoriasis and hair loss is something many people with the condition worry about, but the condition itself does not lead to hair loss. With severe scalp psoriasis, heavy scratching, rubbing, and picking large scaly spots can cause temporary hair loss. The good news is that in the vast majority of cases, your hair grows back after scalp psoriasis clears.

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Coal Tar For Scalp Psoriasis

You Will Need

Coal tar shampoo OR coal tar gel

What You Have To Do

Use this product as directed by the manufacturer.

How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this as often as recommended on the product packaging.

Why This Works

The tar can help slow down the excessive skin cell production that is seen with psoriasis. The scaly texture of the skin will slowly return to normal. It can also give relief from itching and reduce the swelling .


Tar may not suit everybody. It is known to irritate and redden the skin. Conduct a small patch test to ensure your skin is not sensitive/allergic to it before using it for your problem. It is also advised not to step out in the Sun before 20-24 hours after using this remedy as tar makes your skin prone to sunburns.

Difference Between Dandruff And Scalp Psoriasis

The difference between dandruff and scalp Psoriasis is not much. Most women are unaware of this fact. Dandruff can be categorized as a skin concern in which there are flaky, yellowish particles on your scalp. There is no doubt that these are embarrassing, saying the least.

Psoriasis, however, is a more severe and dire condition. It is much more than just a skin condition. Psoriasis results in dead skin that is patchy and red that is quite visible on the scalp.

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Coconut Oil For Psoriasis

Coconut oil isnt considered an essential oil. But it has anti-inflammatory properties that may help ease psoriasis pain. Its widely regarded as a gentle ingredient. Because of this, its often recommended as a treatment for scalp psoriasis. The oil moisturizes the skin and scales.

When used alone, coconut oil doesnt typically cause any side effects. The oil is routinely used as a cooking ingredient and is safe for consumption. It can be taken internally or applied externally with few, if any, interactions. Coconut oil is often used as a carrier oil for essential oils. Do not consume coconut oil if there are any essential oils added.

You can use coconut oil in several ways. Try ingesting up to two tablespoons of virgin coconut oil daily. The lauric acid substance inside may block bacteria and viruses from entering your body. You can also apply virgin coconut oil liberally to the affected areas. It may be more effective if you put it on your skin directly after bathing.

If you have pain, itching, or other unusual symptoms after using coconut oil, stop using it and speak with your doctor. Learn more about coconut oil and psoriasis.

Glycerin For Scalp Psoriasis

Scalp Psoriasis Natural Treatment #psoriasis

You Will Need


What You Have To Do

  • Apply glycerin on the patches on the scalp and leave it on as an overnight treatment.
  • Rinse your hair as usual in the morning.
  • How Often You Should Do This

    Repeat this once or twice a week depending on the severity of your patches.

    Why This Works

    Glycerin is a great humectant and emollient . It locks in moisture and treats the dryness and flakiness.

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    Can Scalp Psoriasis Cause Hair Fall

    The condition alone does not result in hair loss. However, if the severity of itchiness is too high, then constant scratching of the scalp can cause a person to lose their hair.

    Harsh treatments can also result in hair fall. However, this is usually a temporary symptom. Your hair is most likely to grow back when your skin clears up.

    Best Natural Home Remedies For Scalp Psoriasis

    Scalp psoriasis is an irritating and chronic skin disorder accompanied by red, flaky patches. They are often itchy and painful on the scalp.

    The lifestyle changes in modern days, including styling products and blow-dryers contribute a lot to worsening and drying of psoriasis. Some of the common symptoms of scalp psoriasis include intense itching, burning sensation, hair loss, soreness, and uneven, bumpy, and red patches on the scalp, etc. Although scalp psoriasis is treatable clinically, it is highly advised to use natural home remedies to treat this malaise because they are both safe and cost-effective. Furthermore, most of the ingredients used in these remedies are easily available. Now let Beauty Talk learn about the best home remedies for scalp psoriasis in detail.

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    Limit Your Use Of Styling Tools

    Be gentle when styling your hair, in order to avoid irritating the scalp. “It is best to avoid tight hair styles, as pulling too tight on the scalp can lead to irritation,” says Garshick. “Additionally, curling irons, rollers, coloring, perming or relaxing your hair should be limitedespecially if there is an active flareas these can be irritating on the scalp.”

    If you’re concerned about concealing plaques, Green suggests “a low pony with added texture to hide irritation at the nape of your neck. You can add volume to down-dos by gently teasing strands at the root to conceal any scaliness behind the ears. If the hairline is typically your trouble zone, full or side-swept bangs can help hide redness.”

    What I Have Learned

    7 Natural Treatments For Scalp Psoriasis

    Stress is one of the main causes of outbreaks, less stress will definitely help in reducing flares and the severity of flares. Stay away from dandruff shampoos, my experience is that they would irritate my scalp and psoriasis. They cause more itching and flakes.

    Drink plenty of water. This may sound repetitive but you simply must stay hydrated when you have psoriasis. Keep your scalp hydrated with oils like vitamin E, coconut, or avocado oil. Watch what you eat and make sure youre eating healthy oils in your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to keeping your skin and scalp healthy.

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    Argan Oil For Psoriasis

    Argan oil is a carrier oil, not an essential oil. Its rich in vitamin E, which is hydrating to the skin. It may also improve your skins metabolism, reduce inflammation, and protect your skin from the sun.

    Argan oil may work on psoriasis because its both anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. This means that the oil helps to reduce redness, dryness, swelling, and itchiness.

    Note that culinary and cosmetic argan oils are not the same thing. You shouldnt ingest cosmetic argan oil. Allergic reactions are rare, and you should discontinue use if you experience discomfort.

    Because argan oil isnt an essential oil, it can be applied directly to the skin or mixed with essential oils for a blend of results.

    anthelmintic properties . It can help with a range of skin issues, from ones caused by psoriasis to ones caused by parasites.

    It helps to soothe any inflammation while also speeding up the skins healing process. Black seed oil is an excellent moisturizer and can even reduce scale thickness.

    Black seeds may slow blood clotting and lower blood pressure, so people with clotting disorders, diabetes, or low blood pressure should speak with a doctor before use. Pregnant women should also avoid using black seed oil. Black seed oil may also have a sedative effect.

    Black seed oil is a carrier oil. You can apply black seed oil directly to the skin or mix it with an essential oil before application. This method should help soothe itch and moisturize skin.

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