Joint Pain Or Stiffness
Psoriatic arthritis causes inflammation in the joints, which can cause pain, tenderness, and stiffness. You might feel this in just one joint or in several.
Psoriatic arthritis usually affects the knees, fingers, toes, ankles, and lower back. Symptoms of pain and stiffness may disappear at times, and then return and worsen at other times. When symptoms subside for a time, its known as a remission. When they worsen, its called a flare-up.
Rule Out Dandruff First
Scalp psoriasis can be a serious issue for those who have it. If you suspect you’re one of those people, it’s important to rule out dandruff first. Dandruff can be caused by a number of factors, but most commonly it’s the result of oily, itchy, or irritated skin. As a result of this irritation, dry skin flakes off and often lands on your hair or clothing. One key symptom to look out for here is dry skin flakes. Itchiness can also be a symptom of dandruff, but it shouldn’t be accompanied by any redness or scaly skin. If you think you see either of those things, it’s probably time to get checked out for psoriasis. In addition, dandruff often comes and goes. Keep track of how long you’re experiencing symptoms — if they’re ongoing for more than a week or so, you could be looking at scalp psoriasis.
What Are The Symptoms Of Psoriasis
The signs and symptoms of psoriasis can vary depending on the type of psoriasis you have. The 5 most common symptoms of psoriasis include:
- Rashes or patches of red, inflamed skin, often covered with loose, silver-colored scales in severe cases, the plaques will grow and merge into one another, covering large areas.
- Itchy, painful skin that can crack or bleed
- Small areas of bleeding where the involved skin is scratched
- Problems with your fingernails and toenails, including discoloration and pitting the nails may also begin to crumble or detach from the nail bed.
- Scaly plaques on the scalp
Psoriasis can also be associated with psoriatic arthritis, which causes achy, swollen joints. Between 10% and 30% of people with psoriasis also have this painful joint condition.
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What Increases Your Risk
Many doctors believe that psoriasis may be passed down from parents to their children . This is because certain genes are found in families who are affected by psoriasis.footnote 2 About one-third of people who have psoriasis have one or more family members with the condition.footnote 3
Other factors that can contribute to the development of psoriasis include:
- Emotional or physical stress. Stress may cause psoriasis to appear suddenly or make symptoms worse .
- Infection. Infections such as strep throat can cause psoriasis to appear suddenly, especially in children.
- Skin injuries. An injury to the skin can cause psoriasis patches to form anywhere on the body, including the site of the injury. This includes injuries to your nails or nearby skin while trimming your nails.
- Smoking. Smoking may make you more likely to get psoriasis and make the symptoms more severe.footnote 4
Treatment Of Scalp Psoriasis
Though the medications given for treating the scalp psoriasis contain the same ingredients of those medicines meant for other types of psoriasis, it would be in liquid forms such as foams, shampoos, oils, etc. However the medicines for other types of psoriasis would be in the form of ointments and creams.
Doctor may prescribe the following medicines for treating scalp psoriasis:
- Anthralin
- Keratolytics
- Doctor may advice some of the systemic drugs and biologics for treating scalp psoriasis.
- Shampoo with menthol or tar shampoos may be given for alleviating itching. Oral antihistamines and topical corticosteroids can also be used in addition to the above drugs to get relief from itching.
Laser therapy:
- The portion of the affected scalp can be exposed to the natural sunlight or to the artificial ultraviolet A or ultraviolet B rays. This treatment can be taken along with the prescribed drugs or alone. A controlled exposure to UV rays of sunlight or the artificial ultraviolet rays, destroy the overactive T-cells thereby helping to reduce the inflammation and scaling.
- Narrowband UVB therapy, Excimer laser, UVB phototherapy, PUVA, Pulsed dye laser, Goeckerman therapy and combination of light therapy with retinoids are some of the forms of available laser therapies.
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Articles On Scalp Psoriasis
Scalp psoriasis is a common skin disorder that makes raised, reddish, often scaly patches. It can pop up as a single patch or several, and can even affect your entire scalp. It can also spread to your forehead, the back of your neck, or behind and inside your ears.
You canât catch scalp psoriasis from another person. As with other types, we donât know what causes it. Doctors believe it comes from something wrong with your immune system that causes skin cells to grow too quickly and build up into patches. You may be more likely to get scalp psoriasis if it runs in your family.
About half of the estimated 7.5 million Americans with psoriasis – which can affect any skin surface – have it on their scalp. Sometimes the scalp is the only place they have it, but thatâs uncommon.
Scalp psoriasis can be mild and almost unnoticeable. But it can also be severe, last a long time, and cause thick, crusted sores. Intense itching can affect your sleep and everyday life, and scratching a lot can lead to skin infections and hair loss.
Common Signs Of Scalp Psoriasis That Everyone Should Know
Many people often overlook the fact that the skin is the bodys largest organ. Because of that, its very susceptible to various diseases and conditions. One of them is Scalp Psoriasis, which is a disorder that results in red, scaly patches on the skin. If left unchecked, it can spread from the scalp to the other parts of your head.
Though there are theories, medical experts and doctors are not exactly sure what causes scalp psoriasis. It appears to be genetic, with family members possibly passing it down to others. However, it doesnt seem to be transmissible from person to person otherwise.
Psoriasis itself can affect any part of your skin. About 50% of Americans living with psoriasis have it specifically on their scalp. Its also likely if you have it on your head, youll also have it on other parts of your body.
Some people who have scalp psoriasis might not even know they have it, since symptoms can be extremely mild. In other cases, the disease can result in large sores and intense itching, leading to hair loss or infections.
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Do Scalp Psoriasis Home Remedies Work
How you take care of your hair and scalp can have a big impact on your scalp psoriasis flare-ups. In addition to the treatment plan your doctor recommends, you may want to try some of the following tips at home12:
Skip styling tools when possible: Since heat can further dry out your scalp and exacerbate symptoms, its best to avoid blow-drying, curling, and straightening tools if you can. When brushing your hair, use gentle pressure to avoid further irritation. If you have natural hair and are used to consistent styling that requires heat, talk to your dermatologist or stylist to figure out a plan that reduces the risk of potential flare-ups while maintaining the health of your hair.
Avoid the tight up-do: If you have longer hair and have hair loss, you may also want to avoid pulling it back tightly in a ponytail, since that can pull on the already-fragile scalp and possibly lead to more hair loss. If you must pull your hair back, keep the hair low and loose to prevent excess tugging.
Choose hair products wisely: Using certain hair products, such as hair dyes, can also be irritating to your scalp. Ask your dermatologist for brand recommendations or if there are ways your stylist can dye your hair that might be more gentle on your scalp.
Scalp Psoriasis Symptoms And Signs
Psoriasis can appear anywhere on your skin, but it is most prone to show up on your elbows, knees, and your scalp. About half of all people with psoriasis will experience at least one flare-up in the scalp area.
Symptoms of scalp psoriasis can vary in severity. More mild forms are noted by slight scaling, while more severe forms are characterized by thicker, more crusted plaques that cover the entire scalp, potentially extending to the forehead, the back of the neck, and around the ears. Other common symptoms of scalp psoriasis include:
- Red patches on the scalp
- Flaking that appears like dandruff
- A generally dry scalp that may crack and bleed
- Itching that may be mild or so intense that it can interfere with everyday activities or sleep
- Bleeding from excessive scratching
- Soreness or burning sensation
Although scalp psoriasis cannot actually cause hair loss, scratching or attempting to remove the scales can result in temporary hair loss. Hair should grow back once the psoriasis has cleared and your scalp has healed.
As with all forms of psoriasis, these symptoms come and go in cycles of flare-ups lasting weeks or months and then subsiding or even going into remission. What scalp psoriasis looks like also varies from person to person.
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What Causes Scalp Psoriasis
Psoriasis has the same cause, no matter where it forms. It develops when a persons immune system malfunctions and tells skin cells to grow too quickly. New skin cells form in days rather than weeks.
The body does not shed these excess skin cells. The skin cells pile up on the surface of the skin, causing patches of psoriasis to appear. This process ultimately leads to the redness and flaking on the scalp.
Scalp Psoriasis: Symptoms And Treatment
Dealing with an itchy, flaky scalp? It could be dandruff or it could be a sign that youre dealing with a common condition known as scalp psoriasis. Scalp psoriasis isnt just the result of a dry scalp, its an autoimmune disorder. Of course, its important to be able to pinpoint the warning signs of scalp psoriasis so that you can turn to a qualified dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment.
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What Does Scalp Psoriasis Look Like
The appearance of scalp psoriasis varies. If you have psoriasis on other parts of your body, your flare-ups on the scalp will likely look the same. Scalp psoriasis commonly presents with:
- Scaly patches of skin
- Bumpy patches of skin
- Red or purple skin discoloration
- Thick, silvery-white patches of skin and/or flakes that are like dandruff
- Hair loss
Scalp psoriasis may be confused with another condition called seborrheic dermatitis . Like scalp psoriasis, this condition causes itchy and flaky skin. While psoriasis flakes are often dry and white or silver, the seborrheic dermatitis flakes often appear yellow and are greasy.
In some cases, scalp psoriasis is mistaken for dandruff, and if the psoriasis symptoms are mild, the conditions are nearly indistinguishable to the naked eye. It may take a specialist to tell the difference. If you have psoriasis on other parts of your body, its much more likely youre dealing with scalp psoriasis, especially if there are thick patches of skin on your scalp or the condition lasts for weeks without improving.
How Is It Treated
Most cases of psoriasis are mild, and treatment begins with skin care. This includes keeping your skin moist with creams and lotions. These are often used with other treatments including shampoos, ultraviolet light, and medicines your doctor prescribes.
In some cases, psoriasis can be hard to treat. You may need to try different combinations of treatments to find what works for you. Treatment for psoriasis may continue for a lifetime.
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What Are The Symptoms
Symptoms of psoriasis appear in different ways. Psoriasis can be mild, with small areas of rash. When psoriasis is moderate or severe, the skin gets inflamed with raised red areas topped with loose, silvery, scaling skin. If psoriasis is severe, the skin becomes itchy and tender. And sometimes large patches form and may be uncomfortable. The patches can join together and cover large areas of skin, such as the entire back.
Psoriasis can also affect the fingernails and toenails, causing the nails to pit, change colour, and separate from the nail bed.
In some people, psoriasis causes joints to become swollen, tender, and painful. This is called psoriatic arthritis .
Symptoms may disappear , even without treatment, and then return .
What You Can Do: Reach Out
If youve been feeling low for a while, consider getting help from a mental health professional like a counselor. Build a good support system, too. You can join a psoriasis help group through the National Psoriasis Foundation. It can make you feel better to talk about what youre going through, especially with people who understand. They can help remind you that youre more than your skin.
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What Is Scalp Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a common skin condition, characterised by red scaly thickened patches . It often affects the scalp. Scalp psoriasis may occur in isolation or with any other form of psoriasis.
The back of the head is a common site for psoriasis, but multiple discrete areas of the scalp or the whole scalp may be affected. Scalp psoriasis is characterised by thick scale over well-defined, red thickened skin. The scale is often silvery white. Psoriasis may extend slightly beyond the hairline .
Scalp psoriasis, even though often adequately camouflaged by the hair, is often a source of social embarrassment due to flaking of the scale and severe ‘dandruff’. Scalp psoriasis may not cause any symptoms at all or may be extremely itchy. It tends to be a chronic problem, lasting many years, although it often fluctuates in severity and extent.
In very severe cases, there may be some temporary mild localised hair loss, but scalp psoriasis does not cause permanent balding.
Scalp psoriasis
See more images of scalp psoriasis.
How Common Is Scalp Psoriasis
It is common and approximately half of all people with psoriasis also have it on their scalp. The reason it deserves special mention is that it can be more difficult to treat and usually requires specifically formulated treatments.
Psoriasis on the scalp forms in the same way as on other parts of the body but the hair traps the scale and so it does not rub away as it would, for instance, on the elbow. The result is that the scale can quickly build up, causing a thicker plaque which becomes more difficult to treat . This difficulty is compounded by the hair, which acts as a physical barrier obstructing the easy application of creams and ointments to the affected skin. Children can get scalp psoriasis too. Treatments will be much the same as those used for adults. On rare occasions, scalp psoriasis has been known to disappear spontaneously, but it can remain on the scalp for lengthy periods of time too.
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Is Psoriasis The Same As Eczema
Psoriasis and eczema are two different skin conditions. They differ in where the disease appears on the body, how much it itches and how it looks. Eczema tends to appear more often behind the knees and inside the elbows. Eczema also causes more intense itching than psoriasis. Many people, especially children, can get both eczema and psoriasis.
Cut The Itch With Apple Cider Vinegar
Some people say to use this on your scalp a few times a week. Its long been used as a disinfectant, so it may burn a bit when you put it on. You can mix it with equal parts water to cut the sting. Some people like to use it full-strength and then rinse once it dries. But dont try this one if you have cracks or open skin. Itll really hurt! It may take a few weeks to notice a difference in itchiness. In general, check with your doctor before you try natural remedies.
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Whats The Difference Between Scalp Psoriasis And Dandruff
Dr. Bhutani says it can be really tough to tell scalp psoriasis and dandruff aparteven for doctors! Although both conditions can cause those annoying flakes, which may be the only visible symptom at first for some people, they tend to pop up for different reasons. Unlike scalp psoriasis, dandruff isnt an autoimmune issue and can be spurred by various factors, like having very dry or oily skin, which can lead to an overgrowth of a yeast-like fungus that thrives on a moist scalp10.
But you may be able to pick up on subtle differences if you look a bit closer. Dandruff flakes can be white or yellow, which is not common in scalp psoriasis. With scalp psoriasis, plaques have a dry scale with more clearly defined edges, and the scales themselves are often thicker with a silvery sheen.
If your scalp is extremely itchy or you have any other scalp psoriasis symptoms, then you may want to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist, who can thoroughly assess whats going on. If youre only noticing some flaking and have tried an over-the-counter dandruff shampoo but havent noticed improvement, then you may want to see a dermatologist anyway theyll be able to take a closer look and prescribe something a bit stronger if you need it.
When To See A Doctor
Anyone who has a new rash on the scalp or the body should seek medical help.
A doctor will carry out a physical exam and ask the person about their symptoms.
A dermatologist may be able to diagnose scalp psoriasis by examining the rash. Sometimes, they may recommend a skin biopsy to rule out other conditions.
Scalp psoriasis may flare up periodically, but it is not usually a serious medical condition. Appropriate treatment can usually control symptoms.
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