Sunday, September 15, 2024

How To Explain Psoriasis To A Child

Reassure Your Child On The Way Forward

A guide for patients: What is psoriasis?

One of the hardestthings about psoriasis is how unpredictable it is and how chronic it is forlife. Flashes can be for no reason. A treatment that has worked well in thepast may stop working. The views of children are also changing. A child who inthe past seemed perfectly healthy with symptoms may become morbidly embarrassedas soon as high school begins.

Life with a long-termskin condition has its ups and downs. So reassure your child – and yourself -that even if there are difficult days, he will be fine. It’s not an easylesson, but you’re helping him develop a sense of resilience that he’ll benefitfrom for the rest of his life.

What Are The Possible Complications Of Psoriatic Arthritis In A Child

Children with psoriatic arthritis are at risk of having an eye condition called uveitis. This is an inflammation of the eyes middle layer.

With early diagnosis and treatment, children can go into remission. This means that symptoms go away. But when treatment is delayed, remission is less likely. Then the condition may lead to long-term disability.

What Are The Treatments For Psoriasis In Children

Generally those used in children are the same as for adult psoriasis, although there may be dosage differences and some products might not have a licence for use in children.Go to treatment section for full list.

In general, doctors try to control psoriasis in children with topical treatments because they are the safest. Occasionally they may use UV light or systemic treatments. The therapeutic needs of each individual, child or adult, are different. Your doctor is in the best position to decide what is the best treatment for you or your child. He will always come to that decision by weighing up the relative risks and benefits involved in each possible treatment. Once you and your child have agreed a treatment plan with your doctor it is important to follow it through even though it can be hard work and frustrating. Medicines can only be effective if they are used according to instructions.

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Cumulative Life Course Impairment

As in adults, psoriasis in children can have a profound impact on quality of life and emotional, social, and academic functioning,6 and this can often come at a critical stage in a childs life. The chronic and recurrent nature of psoriasis, in combination with the stigmatisation, low self-esteem, physical symptoms, and treatment burden associated with the condition, can have a devastating, irreversible impact on opportunities, achievements, and psychological health, especially for an individual presenting with psoriasis in childhood. These severe, life-changing consequences are termed cumulative life course impairment , and can only be mitigated if the disease is adequately managed.6,21

What Can I Do To Help

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Psoriasis can affect both you as parents emotionally as well as physically, and this is especially true of children. It may influence their social life, performance in school, leisure activities, confidence and self-esteem.As a parent you may feel guilty or unable to cope, and feel frustrated at times that your child does not understand how important it is to carry out or comply with their treatments so great patience is needed .

So you can help your child to cope with psoriasis by explaining that:

  • It is not catching
  • it is a common skin problem and they are not alone
  • you love them just as much with psoriasis as you did before
  • it is not anyones fault
  • it is not due to lack of cleanliness
  • it is important to persevere with treatments because they can control the disease

Make their treatments as normal as possible so that it will be part of their daily structure this will prepare them for dealing with things more easily and naturally as they get older

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Key Points About Psoriatic Arthritis In Children

  • Psoriatic arthritis is a rare form of arthritis or joint inflammation that affects both skin and joints. It can occur in people who have the skin disease psoriasis.

  • It is most common in adults ages 30 to 50. But it can start in childhood.

  • This condition causes inflamed, swollen, and painful joints. It also causes eye pain and fatigue.

  • Treatment may include medicines, heat and cold, splints, exercise, physical therapy, and surgery.

  • Early treatment can help the disease go into remission. Delayed treatment may lead to long-term disability.

How Can Parents Help

For some children, psoriasis is just a minor inconvenience. For others, it is a difficult medical condition.

To manage symptoms and make outbreaks less likely, your child should:

Kids and teens with psoriasis may feel uncomfortable with the way their skin looks. Help your child understand that psoriasis is common and treatments can help.

Whether your child’s psoriasis is mild or severe, learn about the condition together. Offer to help find a therapist or join a support group if that might help. Talk to your doctor or check websites like:

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How Is The Severity Of Psoriasis Assessed

Assessing the severity of psoriasis can assist in deciding upon the most appropriate course of treatment. The severity of psoriasis can be determined in the following ways:

Individuals with severe psoriasis are best managed by a specialist dermatologist. Children and adolescents with psoriasis can experience significant psychological and social effects and may require input from a paediatric dermatologist, paediatrician and counsellors.

What About Herbal Remedies

Causes And Symptoms Of Psoriasis

Again there are numerous products on the market and these should be used with caution and under strict supervision of your doctor or healthcare professional as these too, taken in combination with any other medications may have adverse side effects causing unnecessary discomfort. One in particular is St John’s Wort which can in some cases cause increased sensitivity to light which can or may cause problems for some people undergoing for their psoriasis. Always advise your doctor or healthcare professional on any herbal or dietary supplements that you are taking or may wish to take as this may be a factor in future prescribing for your condition.

Also Check: Is Zinc Oxide Good For Psoriasis

Box : Common Triggers For Psoriasis627

Triggers for psoriasis in children may include:

  • psychological stress, which can trigger or exacerbate psoriasis27
  • hormonal changeshigh levels of disease activity may be seen, for example, during puberty27
  • trauma to the skinfor example scratching, piercings, tattoos, burns, or surgery to previously uninvolved skin 6,27
  • ultraviolet light exposuresunlight is usually beneficial, but may exacerbate psoriasis in some people, and can trigger generalised pustular psoriasis27
  • smoking27
  • streptococcal infectionespecially of the upper respiratory tract, which is strongly associated with guttate psoriasis it can also trigger or exacerbate chronic plaque psoriasis, generalised pustular psoriasis, and erythrodermic psoriasis27
  • sudden withdrawal of oral or potent topical corticosteroids, which can trigger rebound flares that may rarely evolve into generalised pustular psoriasis or erythrodermic psoriasis27
  • certain drugsnotably, lithium, antimalarial medications such as chloroquine, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.27

My Child Has A Rash And I Suspect Its Psoriasis What Should I Do

Any rashes on a child should be checked out by a doctor to rule out other conditions. If your child develops a rash make sure when you visit your doctor to tell them that there is a family history of psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis in your family as this is an important fact that may be overlooked at initial diagnosis as psoriasis can also be mistaken for eczema.

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Reassure Your Child About The Road Ahead

One of the hardest things about psoriasis is how unpredictable it is, and that it is a lifelong, chronic disease. Flares may happen for no reason. Treatments that worked well in the past may stop working. And children’s perspectives change, too. A kid who seemed completely fine with symptoms in the past could become painfully self-conscious once middle school starts.

Life with a long-term skin disease has ups and downs. So reassure your child — and yourself — that while there may be some tough days, they’ll get better. It’s not an easy lesson, but you’re helping them build a sense of resilience, and they’ll benefit from that for the rest of their life.

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What Is Psoriatic Arthritis In Children

Psoriasis in Children

Psoriatic arthritis is a rare form of arthritis or joint inflammation that affects both skin and joints. Psoriasis is an ongoing condition that causes a red, scaly, itchy rash. It also causes nails to become thick and pitted with tiny holes.

Psoriatic arthritis causes painful joint pain and swelling, along with skin rashes. It most often affects finger and toe joints. But it can also affect wrists, knees, ankles, and the lower back.

This condition is most common in adults ages 30 to 50. But it can start in childhood. In many cases, the skin disease starts before the arthritis.

Early diagnosis and treatment helps to ease pain and prevent joint damage from getting worse.

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How Different Is The Presentation In Children

The disease in children is more pruritic, common in girls, and the lesions are relatively thinner, softer, and less scaly. Plaque type is the most common form of disease, but certain clinical variants are rare in children like erythroderma, arthropathy, and localized and generalized pustular psoriasis. Psoriasis in children is more frequently precipitated by infections and manifests as acute guttate psoriasis. However, Indian studies show that children manifest the established plaque type of disease more often, rather than the guttate variety. Facial involvement in children is a frequent observation in majority of the reports, which varies from 18 to 46%, whereas mucosal involvement has been rare in Indian children.

A study from North India reported that extensors of the legs were the most common initial site affected , followed by the scalp . Classical plaque psoriasis was the most frequent clinical presentation , followed by plantar psoriasis . Nail involvement was observed in 130 cases. Pitting was the most common nail change, followed by ridging and discoloration. Five children had psoriatic arthropathy. Koebnerization was observed in 27.9% of patients.

Another study showed that plaque psoriasis was the most common type , followed by guttate psoriasis , psoriasis pustulosa , and psoriasis erythroderma . Scalp was the most common initial site affected , nail changes were found in 25.5%, but no mucosal involvement was observed.

Ideiglenesen Le Vagy Tiltva

Although acitretin has traditionally been considered a first-line treatment for psoriatic erythroderma, it should be noted that this indication was established by comparison with etretinate 54,55 under the assumption that the proven equivalence between etretinate and acitretin in the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris would also largely hold true.

Hogyan lehet pikkelysömör gyógyítani véglegesen Treatment of palmoplantar lichen nitidus with acitretin Treatment of palmoplantar lichen nitidus with acitretin LUCKER, G. Summary We report a patient with lichen nitidus of the palms of the hands and the toes, whose skin lesions responded to treatment with acitretin. Dr’s tried everything. Was placed on a new drug, Acitretin, when in my 20’s. Later it was branded as Soriatain and the cost increased and kept increasing each year.

WOCBP must agree to use effective contraception, defined as oral contraceptives with one barrier method, or tubal ligation with one barrier method or double barrier method condom plus spermicide or diaphragm plus spermicide during the study and for at least 6 months after the last dose of investigational product. Egg donation is not permitted while on study medication and for at least 6 months after the last dose of study medication. Sperm donation is not permitted while on study medication and for at least 6 months after the last dose of study medication.

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Anxiety Over My Children Getting Psoriasis

When Lori and I got married, in 1994, I dont recall how much information I had on whether I might pass psoriasis to our children. Id heard that psoriatic disease does cluster in families, but I couldnt identify any relatives who had psoriasis.

Lori and I were still considering the pros and cons of having children when we found out Lori was pregnant, two months after our wedding. We stared at a home pregnancy test repeatedly checking the window on the stick to see if there really were two lines. A lab test at the clinic confirmed the results.

Neither of us was ready for the anxiety that would follow.

Lori underwent genetic counseling and testing that determined, to our immense relief, that the fetus didnt have spina bifida. But there were no assurances our child wouldnt get psoriasis sometime in her life.

Genetics and statistics didnt matter to me in those moments as I quietly worried.

Lydia, our firstborn, arrived in 1995, and so far, she doesnt have psoriasis. Fortunately, Tim, born in 1999, and our youngest, Aleta, born in 2001, werent born with spina bifida and dont have psoriasis yet either.

Its possible that my children will develop psoriasis at some point, but what I know now is that everyone has their own unique set of genetic and environmental circumstances that ultimately affect what will or wont happen.

Less Common Types Of Psoriasis In Children

Do I Have Eczema or Psoriasis?

Kids aren’t likely to get these types of psoriasis:

  • Pustular psoriasis. This shows up as blisters on red or swollen skin on the hands and feet. If a child does get it, it’s typically either milder than an adult would have or a kind called annular pustular psoriasis that causes a red ring around the blisters.
  • Inverse psoriasis. This happens in the folds of the body: under the knee, in the armpit, or around the groin. It looks very red, smooth, and shiny.
  • Erythrodermic psoriasis. This is a severe form that can be life-threatening. It causes redness over most of the body. It’s very itchy and painful and can make skin come off in sheets.

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What Is The Best Clothing To Wear

Loose fitting cotton clothing is probably the most comfortable, especially during the summer months. If wearing synthetic clothing such as football tops, these could be worn over cotton clothing so as to avoid any possible irritations.It is best sometimes to be guided by your child and how their skin feels during a flare-up.

Some topical treatments can be messy, and some can cause staining, and so this needs consideration when wearing good clothing, and indeed sitting on household furnishings. Always read product/patient instruction leaflets before use. Set aside some old clothes, night bedding, etc if you are to be using messy treatments.

Why Is This Happening To Me

Your child might want to know the reasons why theyre experiencing depression when theyre friends are not.

Its a good idea to be honest with them and explain that you dont know the answer to that. Consider telling them that scientists are still trying to figure out why some people get depression and not others.

If theres one thing to stress during this conversation, its that having depression is not their fault. Try to remind them that they didnt do anything to cause depression but there are things they can try to get better.

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How To Explain Psoriasis To A Child

I have had psoriasis since I was about 7 when I fell off the couch and hit the back of my head on a table and busted it open. It healed but never really stopped. The scab would grow larger and thicker and eventually changed to white flakes. And I have two kids 7 and 4 who are getting quite curious, as they should be I want them to be observant of their surroundings and all. But that has them questioning what the patches on my arms and behind my ears are. A question that Ive always had some light hearted explanation for suddenly is so hard to answer. I guess what Im getting at is, How to explain psoriasis to a child ?

Get The Most Out Of Treatment

Child Psoriasis Treatment

To make sure your child’s treatment has the best chance to succeed:

Find the right doctor. Look for one who regularly treats children with psoriasis. This is usually a dermatologist. Make sure you can talk with them easily. If they donât ask for your input on what you see happening with your child, find a new doctor.

Stick to a plan. Talk to your child about how important it is to stick to the treatment schedule. You may need to apply medication a couple of times a day. Remind your child that it can take time for the treatment to work. They should take an active role in their treatment as early as possible. Even first-graders can put on moisturizers, and older kids can take full control.

Pick the right therapy. Think about your child’s age and schedule. Work with the doctor to find a therapy that works best for them.

Talk straight. Choose your words carefully when talking with your child about covering up. Some kids get used to wearing long sleeves year-round. But you donât want your child to feel like theyâre always hiding.

Build connections. Look for groups or message boards online, or ask your child’s doctor about face-to-face support groups. You can also check out summer camps for kids with skin conditions. They’re all great ways to get support, learn practical tips, and build confidence. And that goes for you, too. A chat with other parents who have kids with psoriasis can give you new insights and strategies.

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