Friday, July 26, 2024

How Do Biologics Work For Psoriasis

How Do Oral Medications And Light Therapy Work

BIOLOGICS AREN’T WORKING! …..kinda……. Psoriasis update!

There are three oral medications available in Canada for psoriasis treatment: methotrexate, cyclosporine, and acetretin. They are used for severe psoriasis. Here’s how they work:

  • Methotrexate and cyclosporine both belong to a group of medications known as immunosuppressants. They work by decreasing the overall activity of the immune system. Methotrexate may also be given by injection.
  • Acetretin is a synthetic form of vitamin A. It’s not understood exactly how it works, but it is believed to restore a more normal pattern of cell growth in the skin. It may also decrease skin inflammation and make psoriasis lesions less thick and scaly.

Light therapy is believed to work by decreasing skin cell overgrowth and possibly by decreasing the immune system activity that leads to skin cell overgrowth. It is used for moderate to severe psoriasis. Light therapy is given by a qualified dermatologist, who shines ultraviolet light on the parts of the skin affected by psoriasis .

Medications known as psoralens may be used in combination with light therapy to make the skin more sensitive to the light and thus increase the effects of treatment. Unlike oral medications, light therapy can target specific areas of the skin, depending on where the doctor shines the light. Treatment sessions are usually given twice weekly, and it takes 4-10 treatment sessions for the therapy to work.

Once oral medications or light therapy are stopped, the psoriasis symptoms can return.

Drawbacks Of Biologic Drugs

People who take biologic drugs have an increased risk of infection, Dr. Kimball explained. They’re tweaking with your immune system, she said. We watch for infection, primarily, as the major thing that we’re keeping an eye on.

Biologics are also expensive, said Dr. Kimball. The average cost for biologic drugs is between $10,000 and $30,000 per year. Some insurance plans may cover the cost of biologics, but for some people, the out-of-pocket expense may be prohibitive.

Another drawback is that biologic drug administration requires IV infusion or an injection, which may not appeal to some people with psoriasis. That can be both intimidating and uncomfortable, said Dr. Kimball.

How Do Topical Treatments Work

Topical treatments are applied to the skin areas that are affected by psoriasis. They act directly in the area where they are applied. There are many different topical treatments – here’s how they work:

  • Topical corticosteroids work by controlling skin cell overgrowth and reducing inflammation.
  • Calcipotriol is a form of vitamin D. It works by slowing down skin cell overgrowth.
  • Salicylic acid helps get rid of psoriasis plaques by breaking down the dead skin cells on top of the psoriasis lesion.
  • Tazarotene is a synthetic form of vitamin A. Scientists do not know exactly how it works. However, it is believed to decrease skin cell growth and also increase breakdown of the dead skin cells in the psoriasis plaques.
  • Coal tar works by slowing down skin cell production.
  • Anthralin works by decreasing the growth of skin cells.

In general, the effects of topical treatments do not last once the treatment is stopped. Once treatment is stopped, the symptoms can return again. Topical treatments may be used alone, in combination with one another, or in combination with systemic therapy or light therapy.

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What Steps Should Someone Take If A Biologic Is Ineffective Or Stops Working

Many people experience benefits from biologics for several years. But in some cases, the response lessens over time.

This may result from the persons body developing antibodies against the medication, neutralizing its effect. In some cases, a particular class of biologics may not be effective at all.

While psoriasis on any two people may look the same, various genetic mutations can cause the condition. Depending on the particular type of mutation, or genotype, a person may respond better to a certain class of biologic.

Currently, medical professionals have yet to identify all of the genetic mutations that cause psoriasis, and they have no way of predicting which drug will lead to the best response.

However, many of these medications have been evaluated both in people new to biologics and those who have previously used other types. So, we do have some guidance when making decisions for our patients.

If an individual does not respond to a biologic after several weeks of continuous use, or if someone is no longer responding to one, the dermatologist may change the medication to another in the same class or to one in a different class.

How Do Biologics Work To Help Treat Psoriasis

Biologics for Psoriasis

As we mentioned, drugs like these work because they target a specific part of the immune system thats involved in psoriasis, Dr. Cheng explains. But they accomplish that in slightly different ways.

Biologics that target TNF-alpha are generally older drugs , and because TNF-alpha is involved in a lot of normal bodily processes outside of psoriasis, targeting it could come with more side effects than newer options. Specifically, TNF-alpha is a type of protein called a cytokine, and it has actions all over the body related to infections and inflammation. Thats why, in addition to helping treat the symptoms of psoriasis, drugs that modulate TNF-alpha can also be helpful in treating conditions like inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

Those newer optionsbiologics that target IL-17 or IL-23 are working on parts of the immune system that seem to play a large role in the formation of psoriasis plaques. So targeting them is less likely to affect the rest of your body than a TNF-alpha biologic might. Interleukins, another type of cytokine, are produced by white blood cells, which play a crucial role in the bodys immune responses. But different interleukins have different jobs and pathways in the body. Although IL-17 and IL-23 do seem to have minor roles in fighting infections, Dr. Cheng says, their most major role seems to be in psoriasis. Still, no biologic treatment is going to be 100% specific, Dr. Lipner says.

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Biologics May Help Prevent Related Health Conditions

While psoriasis plaques affect the skin, we know that psoriasis is a systemic inflammatory condition, says Dr. Zeichner. Its associated with arthritis a condition called psoriatic arthritis so if you have joint aches, it is important to treat them early. Left untreated, joint damage from psoriatic arthritis is permanent and progressive.

People who have psoriasis are also at higher risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and Crohns disease.

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, reducing inflammation in the skin also reduces inflammation in the rest of the body, which in turn can help reduce the likelihood of developing these related health risks.

Your Psoriasis Is Mild But Really Bothers You

Biologics are typically reserved for those with moderate to severe psoriasis, but they could be an option if your psoriasis is greatly affecting your quality of life.

Even if your psoriasis is considered mild, you may have painful plaques on the soles of your feet, your palms, your face, or your genitals. The pain may prevent you from doing your usual activities. In these cases, a switch to a biologic may be justified.

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Are Biologics Right For You

Biologics are very good at relieving psoriasis symptoms. Theyâre also expensive, so your insurer might not cover them until after you’ve tried other treatments.

Unless your psoriasis is very severe or covers a large part of your body, your doctor might first prescribe methotrexate or another body-wide immune drug to see if it works.

You might get switched to a biologic drug if you:

Tried one or more systemic treatments like methotrexate or retinoids and your symptoms didnât get better

Couldn’t stand the side effects from the drug you tried

Have a condition that makes other psoriasis drugs unsafe for you to take

Biologics arenât for everyone. They can make you more likely to pick up infections. Your doctor will test you for tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis, and other infections before you start on a biologic. If you’re pregnant, ask your doctor whether it’s safe for you. Experts donât know exactly how it might affect an unborn baby. Rarely, people have gotten cancer after taking a biologic.

Other conditions that could make a biologic drug unsafe for you to take include:

  • Cancer
  • Multiple sclerosis

How Biologic Drugs Are Administered


Biologic treatments are administered by injection or IV infusion because they consist of large molecules that cannot be properly absorbed orally. The compounds are also complex and fragile, making them unstable in the gastrointestinal system.

Injection or infusion, depending on the specific drug, can be administered in a clinical setting. Many biologic drugs that can be absorbed under the skin, or subcutaneously, can also be self-injected at home.

Researchers are aiming to develop drugs that work like biologics, but which could potentially be taken orally, Dr. Kimball said. We still have areas of research for oral treatments that are potentially more convenient and maybe less expensive over time, she explained. So there’s some good work going on and some new approaches there.

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Infusion Therapy Treatment For Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a common, chronic skin disease that causes itchy, scaly, red patches to develop throughout the body, often appearing on the scalp, elbows, and knees. Though the cause of psoriasis is not totally understood at present, the immune system and genetics both contribute to its onset. People with psoriasis generally experience flare-ups due to triggers such as stress, skin injury, medications, excessive consumption of alcohol, and infections. While psoriasis can make life very uncomfortable, infusion therapy can disrupt the inflammation cycle of the disease and provide a high degree of relief.

Review Of Key Questions

For all EPC reviews, key questions were reviewed and refined as needed by the EPC with input from Key Informants and the Technical Expert Panel to assure that the questions are specific and explicit about what information is being reviewed. In addition, for Comparative Effectiveness reviews, the key questions were posted for public comment and finalized by the EPC after review of the comments.

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Vaccinations And Biological Agents

Immunisation status should be reviewed prior to starting treatment with biological agents. If necessary, vaccines should be updated prior to treatment. Annual influenza vaccination is recommended.

As they may induce illness in immunodeficient individuals, live vaccines should not be used during treatment with biological agents. Currently-available live attenuated viral vaccines include measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, yellow fever, the intranasal form of influenza vaccine, and the oral polio vaccine. Live attenuated bacterial vaccines include BCG and oral typhoid vaccine.

What Is Systemic Treatment For Psoriasis

What Exactly Are Biologics for Psoriasis?

You may have heard your provider talk about systemic psoriasis treatment, as opposed to treating with topicals or light therapy. Systemic therapy means that the treatment gets where it needs to go through systemic circulation throughout the body, as opposed to putting a cream or a light directly on the affected area. In the case of psoriasis treatment, systemic therapies include oral treatments, injectables, and IV infusions, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation.4

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What Are Biologics And How Are They Different From Other Treatments For Psoriasis

Biologics are medications that are either made from living cells in a lab or through a biological process. This is how they get their name. Traditional drugs, on the other hand, are small molecules created in a lab.

Biologics target specific parts of the immune system. They treat diseases by modulating activity of specific immune cells or inflammatory messengers called cytokines.

Since biologics are so targeted, they can also be safer than medications that broadly suppress the immune system.

As we continue to gain knowledge about the specific causes of diseases such as psoriasis, better and safer biologics will continue to come onto the market.

Four classes of biologics are currently available:

  • blockers of tumor necrosis factor-alpha
  • interleukin 12 and 23 inhibitors
  • IL-17 inhibitors
  • IL-23 inhibitors

Each of these molecules are specific messengers in the immune system involved in the development of psoriasis. The dosing regimen and side effects differ, depending on the drug.

TNF-alpha blockers include adalimumab , etanercept , and certolizumab pegol .

They are all approved to treat both psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Depending on the drug, people will need a dose every week or every other week.

Also, these biologics are the most broad-acting medications, as TNF-alpha is an upstream mediator of inflammation. The further downstream the target, the more specific the biologic is, and potentially the fewer side effects it has.

Biological Agents For Other Types Of Skin Disease

Other biological agents used for severe skin diseases include:

There are many other promising biological agents under investigation for skin conditions.

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Why Do I Have This Disease

Although the exact cause of psoriasis is yet to be found, researchers believe a combination of genetic, environmental and immune factors may be involved.

In terms of genetics, there are many different psoriasis risk genes, and they all play a part in developing the condition. If someone in your family has psoriasis, youre more likely to develop it. For instance, if one of your siblings has psoriasis, your risk for developing it is 4 to 6 times greater than that of the general public. About 40% of patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are estimated to have a family history.

Though there is a genetic component that elevates risks, many people with a family history of the disease will not go on to develop psoriasis.

Researchers believe that for a person to develop psoriasis, that person must have a combination of the genes that cause psoriasis and be exposed to specific external factors known as triggers. Psoriasis triggers varywhat may cause one persons psoriasis to become active, may not affect another. Triggers can also change for an individual over the course of ones condition. Common triggers include infections , reaction to medications and injury .

Within this context of genetic and environmental components, psoriasis is ultimately a disorder of the immune system.

C Data Abstraction And Data Management

Biologics for Psoriatic Arthritis

Two reviewers will use a standardized data extraction tool to independently extract data disagreements will be resolved through discussion. The following data will be collected from each unique study: author identification, year of publication, funding source, study design characteristics and methodological quality criteria, study population , patient baseline characteristics , intervention and comparator regimen in detail , use of concurrent standard medical therapies, data needed to assess intermediate and final health outcomes and harms, outcome definition, and data reported for subgroups of interest defined in KQ 3. Authors will be contacted for clarification or to provide additional data when necessary.

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Why Do Dermatologists Prescribe A Biologic To Treat Psoriasis

A biologic is an important treatment option for people with moderate-to-severe psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, or both. For many people, taking a biologic was life changing because it helped control their symptoms when other treatments failed.

Benefits of biologics

Using a biologic to treat psoriasis is life changing for some people.

Biologics work by blocking reactions in your body that cause psoriasis and its symptoms.If you have psoriatic arthritis, a biologic can stop the pain, stiffness, and swelling in your joints. It can prevent the arthritis from worsening and causing more damage to your joints. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the following biologics to treat adults with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis. In many cases, these biologics have been approved to treat both diseases.


1Approved to treat adults when other psoriasis treatments fail to work or stop working.

Sometimes, a biologic is prescribed to treat a child who has psoriasis. This can be very effective for a child who has severe psoriasis. The FDA has approved usetekinumab to treat people 12 years of age and older who have moderate-to-severe psoriasis.

Comorbidities Special Populations Idiosyncrasies Influence Decisions

byCharles Bankhead, Senior Editor, MedPage Today March 6, 2019

WASHINGTON — Knowing when not to use a biological agent to treat psoriasis can help optimize outcomes for many patients, a psoriasis specialist said here.

Reasons for considering alternatives to biological therapy vary from valid clinical issues to demographic considerations to personal preferences and idiosyncrasies. At one time, patients’ aversion to needles made adherence to injectable therapies problematic, although that issue has subsided, Russell Cohen, MD, of Mount Sinai Health System in New York City, said during a forum on biologic therapy at the American Academy of Dermatology meeting.

In contrast, direct-to-consumer advertising has emerged as a major influence on patients’ perceptions about therapies, contributing to opposition to biologic therapy that lacks a scientific base but nonetheless makes sense to the patient.

“I had a patient who came in just yesterday 72 years old, total-body psoriasis,” said Cohen. “He had seen many dermatologists, and nothing made it better. He said, ‘I’ve heard that you’re the guy, you’re the biologic guy.’ We talked about everything and he was all ready to do it. I brought in my biologic coordinator, and I said, ‘OK, let’s do it.'”

“He said, ‘I can’t.’ I asked why not, and he said ‘Because my mother said they’re dangerous.’ His 97-year-old mother told him not to take a biologic.”

Comorbid Conditions

Special Populations


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