Friday, July 26, 2024

Does Olive Oil Help Psoriasis

Olive Oil And Shea Butter

Olive oil use for Psoriasis

Vitamin F present in shea butter helps in hydrating and reducing the itchiness caused due to psoriasis. Also, the vitamin E in it protects the skin against any harmful UV rays.

  • Combine olive oil and shea butter oil.
  • Using a dropper pour the mixture into the ears.
  • Wipe off the excess oil.
  • Repeat regularly.
  • Alternatively, you can use peanut oil instead of shea butter oil.

Olive Oil And Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is being used as a disinfectant since the ancient times. A diluted apple cider vinegar can help soothe the lesions caused by psoriasis.

  • Apply diluted apple cider vinegar onto the affected area.
  • Let it sit for few minutes and then cover it with warm olive oil.
  • Massage gently for few minutes and leave it on for another 10 15 minutes.
  • Rinse the area with lukewarm water and pat it dry.
  • Repeat the same process regularly.

Caution: Concentrated doses of ACV may result in burning sensation. Always dilute before using.

How Do Foods Cause Inflammation

Studies are ongoing about how certain foods trigger an inflammatory response. Research suggests that some foods, especially highly processed ones, put your bodys defense mechanisms into overdrive.

For example, fatty foods can increase inflammation in adipose tissue , which is throughout your body. Ongoing fat tissue inflammation greatly increases your risk of psoriasis. It also increases your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other chronic health conditions.

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Make Your Own Body Oil

You can make your own tea tree oil mixture to try directly on affected areas of your skin. When choosing a tea tree oil to purchase, make sure the oil is 100 percent pure tea tree oil and from a trustworthy health store.

You should never apply any tea tree oil directly to the skin. Dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil such as coconut, jojoba, or olive oil. Make a mixture with a ratio of 1 drop of tea tree oil to about 12 drops of the carrier oil.

Before trying the oil mixture on your skin, conduct a patch test to see how your skin reacts. To do this test, apply the oil mixture to a small area of skin that is not affected by psoriasis. If the skin becomes irritated, bumpy, or itchy, you may be allergic. You should not use the mixture on other areas of your skin.

If your skin does not react to the patch test, rub a small amount of the oil mixture onto areas affected by psoriasis. Let the oil absorb into your skin.

Olive Oil For Ear Psoriasis

10 Home Remedies for Eczema and Psoriasis Relief

As per International Eczema and Psoriasis Foundation , an estimate of 18% people suffering from psoriasis end up affecting their ears. Regardless of the area of the ear it occurs, the excess buildup of skin cells make it difficult to hear. Below are few remedies you can try to control ear psoriasis and improve hearing capability.

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Why You Should Never Put Lemon In Your Water

Nearly 70 percent of the lemon slices had bacteria, viruses, and other microbesincluding disease-causing E. coli. Even though lemon is a natural germ-killer, it can still get contaminated itself. Another ABC investigation testing one lemon at 10 different restaurants found that half the wedges contained human waste.

Eat A Diet With More Colorful Fruits And Vegetables

Eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables is one of the simplest things you can do to help your psoriasis.

When planning meals, use a variety of colors to ensure that you dont overlook any key nutrients.

Colorful fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, which makes you feel fuller and less prone to overeat. They also include disease-fighting antioxidants.

If you have psoriasis, you should keep a healthy weight in order for any medicine to be more effective.

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How To Use It

DIY Peppermint oil itch relief:

  • Mix 23 drops of peppermint oil with a spoonful of carrier oil such as coconut oil, sweet almond oil, or jojoba. Apply to the affected area.
  • You can also add a few drops of the essential oil to your bath.
  • For quicker absorption, add 57 drops of peppermint oil to one cup of distilled water. Using a spray bottle, spritz your skin with the soothing blend.

As always, patch test your skin to see if youre allergic, and dont apply it directly to children, or infants. Dont apply directly to skin without diluting.

Essential Oil Mixture For Psoriasis

Hot Oil Treatment as a Pre Poo scalp psoriasis


  • 6 tablespoons carrier oil
  • 4 drops patchouli
  • 9 drops bergamot


Add the carrier oil to a glass bottle . Mix the essential oils for psoriasis with the carrier oil and put the lid on the bottle. Next, gently shake the bottle to combine the oils. Apply to the affected area twice daily.

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Turmeric: The Wonder Spice

Not all treatments for psoriasis and skin conditions are topical. Turmeric powder is a bright yellow natural spice, which when ingested has proven to have anti-inflammatory healing benefits. This spice can easily be added to a variety of cooked meals, and the guidelines are to try to eat about one teaspoon a day. You can try turmeric in your favourite soup, curry and stew recipes. You can also make a cup of turmeric tea!

Epsom Salt Bath For Psoriasis

To make an Epsom salt bath, add about 2 cups of Epsom salt to a tub of warm water. But before you start running the bath, there are a few considerations to keep in mind.

People with psoriasis often experience skin irritation after showers or baths. To avoid this, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends bathing in warm not hot water and soaking for no longer than 15 minutes.

When youre done soaking, rinse off and pat your skin dry. Then apply a moisturizer right away to help hydrate your skin.

Scalp psoriasis can be a challenge to treat at home because hair can get in the way of your skin. According to the AAD, you can take a few steps to avoid making scalp psoriasis worse:

  • Dont scratch, rub, or scrub your scalp, even when shampooing.
  • Remove scales gently, using a scale softener.
  • Avoid stress, which can worsen psoriasis.
  • Follow your prescribed scalp psoriasis treatment plan.

Epsom salt baths may help relieve stress. Soaking your scalp in water with Epsom salts may also help soften scales and relieve itchiness just make sure to avoid scrubbing your scalp.

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Foods Containing Refined Carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates are highly processed . Theyve been stripped of fiber and whole grains and tend to contain a lot of sugar, which can cause your blood sugar to spike. Refined carbohydrates also increase advanced glycation end products, which are substances in your blood that can lead to inflammation.

Epsom Salt Uses For Body Psoriasis

10 Home Remedies for Eczema and Psoriasis Relief

According to the NPF, baths with Epsom salts, Dead Sea salts, oil, or oatmeal may help remove psoriasis scales and soothe itchy skin.

Remember to take warm, short baths rinse and pat your skin dry and follow up with moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.

Stress can trigger a psoriasis flare. It often leads to a cyclical pattern where stress causes flares, then the flare itself compounds stress.

Taking steps to reduce stress is one way to prevent and manage flares.

Aside from any skin benefits, soaking in an Epsom salt bath may help promote relaxation and contribute to feelings of calm, helping to disrupt this stress-psoriasis cycle.

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How To Buy The Best Olive Oil

We have already discussed that Extra Virgin variety of olive oil is the best one to go for. But, it doesnt mean that we can buy just any bottle of olive oil, printed Extra virgin on it.

Below enlist the checklist to be considered below buying your pack of extra virgin olive oil:

  • Harvest date or Expiry date

Most of the health benefits of olive oil are related to the polyphenols. Experiences show that as the time passes , the polyphenols content reduces and so as the health benefits. Consider olive oil simply as olive juice with two years of shelf life . The older the oil becomes, the lesser healthy it would be.

Buy olive oil with harvest date not older than a year. If harvest date is not mentioned, then look for expiry date. It should be at least one year away.

Most of the olive oil bottles would have the expiry date only. They dont mention harvest date. In general, expiry date used to be two years after the harvest date.

  • Packaging

The oil container should be opaque to avoid oxidative damage.

  • Color

Do note that oil color is not a direct indicator of quality. It can have light green, medium green or golden color.

  • Taste and Aroma

Fresh olive oil tastes fruity with peppery, bitter taste. If the oil smell rancid like sweaty socks, wine, vinegar or wax- discard it. Similarly, if it tastes musty , do not use it.

  • Variety of Olives

Certain varieties of olives contain more polyphenols than others. To name a few- Picual, Coratina, Koroneiki and Conicabra.

How Olive Oil Can Reduce Inflammation Linked To Skin Condition

A fascinating new medically reviewed report from verywellhealth has listed heart-healthy extra virgin olive oil as one of the key foods to help reduce symptoms of psoriasis a chronic skin condition.

The report, which lists the foods to avoid and foods to include in your diet if you suffer from psoriasis, states that olive oil, flaxseed oil and safflower oil contain anti-inflammatory fatty acids and antioxidants. Not all oils are heart healthy, and some provide more omega-6 fatty acids than others.

The polyphenols Oleouropein Aglycone and Oleocanthal within extra virgin olive oil help to combat inflammatory diseases Morocco Gold extra virgin olive oil is rich in both of these polyphenols.

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Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

You can also use Roman chamomile to treat psoriasis due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties. Roman chamomile reduces inflammation, promotes smooth and healthy skin, and alleviates skin irritation. The oil has also been used to treat skin problems such as wounds, bruises, and eczema.

Coconut Oil Does Not Cause Any Side Effects And Is Gentle On The Skin – Coconut Oil Helps with Rashes, Psoriasis and Eczema by Dr Bruce Fife

Allergies to coconut oil are extremely rare. Coconut oil does not cause any skin irritations and side effects as compared to other medicated creams, ointments, and essential oils, that some people may be allergic to.

It is perfectly safe and effective to be used by all. It can be applied to any part of the body without concerning for discomfort or reactions. It is also absorbed easily by the skin.

What does this mean?

Coconut oil has almost no side effects and allergies. it is very gentle to use on any skin part.

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Foods To Avoid If You Have Psoriatic Arthritis

When you have psoriatic arthritis, you want to stay away from foods that can make the inflammation in your body worse. These include:

  • Alcohol: It makes your liver work harder and disrupts the way your organs work together.
  • Sugar: It sends out things called cytokines that create inflammation in your body.
  • Processed foods: They contain trans fats that can start inflammation throughout your body.
  • Diet soda: If itâs sweetened with aspartame, your body might think thatâs a foreign substance and start an immune response.
  • Fried foods: They contain trans fats that can start inflammation throughout your body.
  • Processed meats: They contain saturated fats, which can make inflammation worse.
  • Red meat: It contains saturated fats, which can make inflammation worse.
  • Dairy: These foods contain saturated fats, which can make inflammation worse.

Ten Essential Oils For Psoriasis

Psoriasis is thought to be caused by an overly active immune system which makes the skin to flake off quicker. This accelerated replacement process causes new and dead skin cells to accumulate on the surface of the skin, forming flakey and red patches. In some instances, psoriasis can be treated with medication. In extreme cases, however, it can be incurable and the treatments would last for a persons entire life. To relieve the great discomfort brought by psoriasis, some sufferers use essential oils for much needed relief.

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Remedies For Psoriasis To Try At Home

Although the Philips TL01 UVB Lamp has been proven to be the most effective light treatment for Psoriasis, there are some natural alternatives you can try out in between sessions or if UVB treatment isnât available to you.

Effectiveness of these treatments can vary widely between people suffering from Psoriasis but as many of these treatments can be done at home with quite a low cost, it is worth experimenting with works with you to supplement UVB home therapy.

Olive Oil With Peppermint Oil And Shea Butter

10 Home Remedies for Eczema and Psoriasis Relief

Peppermint oil has anti-microbial, anti-septic properties which provide a cooling effect on the skin. Shea butter consists of Vitamins E, D, F protect against UV Damage, inflammation and promote a healthy skin.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of peppermint oil and 1 tablespoon of olive oil into 4 oz container of Shea butter.
  • Stir well and melt in a saucepan and pour it in a container.
  • Apply this cream on the affected areas and massage it gently.
  • Leave it on for few minutes and wipe off the excess cream.
  • Repeat the application several times a day.

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What Can Essential Oils Help You Treat Psoriasis Whats The Way To Use It

Psoriasis is a pretty tough and uncomfortable situation to deal with. The itchy red patches on the skin do impact the quality of life, and the situation is worst when it flares-up.

If you are facing the same situation, then you are surely not alone. So, leave your worries as psoriasis is manageable. There are a plethora of treatments available to attain relief from psoriasis issues. One proven solution is the essential oils that relieve the affected person from itchiness and discomfort.

In several therapies for skin conditions, essential oils are used. Admittedly, not as the first-line treatment but as a complementary therapy to treat skin problems. Should you use it to treat psoriasis? What options are available to you? And, in what way should you use it? Get all the queries solved here!

The Study: The Effects Of Olive Oil On Psoriasis

The impact of olive oil on psoriasis was first discovered when Dr. Fujio Numano was conducting various trials to see the effect olive oil had on cardiovascular disease. It is during these trials that he realized the impact olive oil had on various skin problems of the group of patients who had reported having had skin ailments. For instance, he noted that a 71-year-old man had shown about 80% recovery from psoriasis lesions.

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Peppermint Oil For Psoriasis

Peppermint oil may help most with any itching and pain you get in and around psoriasis patches. There are some 25 different species of peppermint with over 600 varieties. No matter what plant you use, the menthol in the oil is what gives peppermint its punch. This oil also tackles itching caused by anything from herpes blisters to scabies infestations.

In small doses, peppermint doesnt usually cause any side effects. Theres a slight chance of allergic reaction, so be on the lookout for any unusual signs and symptoms after application.

A popular home remedy involves combining one cup of distilled water with five to seven drops of peppermint essential oils in a spray bottle. You can spritz this mixture onto painful, itchy skin for soothing relief.

Foods To Eat If You Have Psoriasis

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Just as some foods trigger inflammation, others can help combat inflammation. In general, having a balanced whole-foods diet is the best approach to reduce inflammation throughout the body. It may reduce psoriasis flare-ups or make your symptoms less severe. Following a Mediterranean diet for psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis can also reduce chronic inflammation that contributes to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and other conditions.

The best foods if you have psoriasis include:

  • Fish, lean protein or plant-based proteins such as tofu or tempeh
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Small amounts of low-fat dairy
  • Whole grains

Theres no evidence that vitamins or supplements help ease psoriasis symptoms. The best way to get all the vitamins and minerals you need is from the foods you eat. But its generally safe to take a daily multivitamin. Talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian about other supplements that might be right for your needs.

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Tea Tree Oil And Coconut Oil

The anti-inflammatory properties of coconut oil reduce the swelling. Vitamin E and K regain the moisture in the skin cells. It exfoliates the flakes and smoothens the skin. This process is effective in treating psoriasis on the scalp and other affected areas of the body.

  • Combine 2 3 tablespoons of coconut oil and 5 10 drops of tea tree oil.
  • Mix well and apply it on the affected areas.
  • Leave the application overnight.
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Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.

Dr. JRKs 777 Oil is manufactured by Dr. JRKs Siddha Research and Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd. Which is very well known for its research based product. It is a GMP certified and ISO 9001:2008 company.

This oil contains coconut oil as base oil, uniquely processed with wrightia tinctoria or Sweta Kutaja.

Coconut oil is recommended in the texts of Ayurveda to use as a base oil in ayurvedic preparations for skin and hair. Wrightia tinctoria or Sweta Kutaja is a skin-friendly herb recommended in Ayurveda.

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