Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Difference Between Seborrhea And Psoriasis

Who Develops These Conditions

Dry Scalp -vs- Dandruff -vs- Seborrheic Dermatitis -vs- Psoriasis

Anyone can get psoriasis of the scalp. Theres no way to prevent it. Its more likely to occur in adults who have psoriasis elsewhere on their body.

The exact cause of psoriasis isnt known, but it involves an overreaction of the immune system. It tends to run in families, so its likely theres a genetic link.

Anyone can get seborrheic dermatitis, too. However, males develop it more often than females. Some things that may play a role in developing seborrheic dermatitis include:

  • a family history of seborrheic dermatitis
  • oily skin

What Is Cradle Cap

Cradle cap is a common skin disorder affecting newborn babies, usually those younger than three months of age. The medical name for this condition is infant seborrheic dermatitis.. It is generally not uncomfortable for the infant, except in severe cases when it may be itchy. Cradle cap in children, teenagers and adults is usually known as seborrheic dermatitis, or seborrhea. Seborrheic dermatitis can affect any part of the body, whereas cradle cap is usually restricted to the scalp and face

Diagnosis And Treatment Of Seborrheic Dermatitis

GARY W. CLARK, MD, MPH, Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, Washington

SARA M. POPE, MD, MPH, Puget Sound Family Medicine Residency Program, Naval Hospital, Bremerton, Washington

KHALID A. JABOORI, MD, Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, Washington

Am Fam Physician. 2015 Feb 1 91:185-190.

Patient information: A handout on this topic is available at .

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition in infants, adolescents, and adults. The characteristic symptomsscaling, erythema, and itchingoccur most often on the scalp, face, chest, back, axilla, and groin. Seborrheic dermatitis is a clinical diagnosis based on the location and appearance of the lesions. The skin changes are thought to result from an inflammatory response to a common skin organism, Malassezia yeast. Treatment with antifungal agents such as topical ketoconazole is the mainstay of therapy for seborrheic dermatitis of the face and body. Because of possible adverse effects, anti-inflammatory agents such as topical corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors should be used only for short durations. Several over-the-counter shampoos are available for treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, and patients should be directed to initiate therapy with one of these agents. Antifungal shampoos and topical corticosteroids can be used as second-line agents for treatment of scalp seborrheic dermatitis.

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How Do You Get Rid Of Seborrheic Dermatitis On The Scalp Naturally

Its best to work with your dermatologist to treat seborrheic dermatitis since this condition can be chronic and recur in some people. To help manage the itching on your own, you can try home remedies like a gentle moisturizer, unscented skin products, lukewarm baths or showers, coconut oil, tea tree oil, and stress management techniques.

What Questions Should I Ask My Healthcare Provider

Pin on skin
  • Do my symptoms indicate seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, atopic dermatitis or psoriasis?
  • What over-the-counter treatment or combination of treatments would work best for me?
  • Is there a specific brand of dandruff shampoo, cream or lotion that you recommend?
  • Is there a prescription shampoo, cream or lotion you can prescribe?
  • How often should I see a dermatologist regarding this condition?
  • What should I do if I have an allergic reaction to a shampoo/cream/lotion?
  • Is my acne treatment covered by my insurance?

Although seborrheic dermatitis is itchy and uncomfortable, it does not harm your health. The condition can be managed with treatment. Itchy skin and white flakes on your black shirts shouldnt be a normal part of your day!

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What Can I Expect If I Have Seborrheic Dermatitis

Cradle cap happens in most babies. Its generally a harmless condition that doesnt cause pain, itching or discomfort. It appears within the first weeks to months of life and is rarely seen after 12 months of age in most babies. It can be easily managed with simple at-home care.

In adolescents and adults, seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp or the face and body is a condition that comes and goes throughout life. Fortunately, it can be controlled with treatment. The condition improves quickly with regular treatment.

See your healthcare provider if your condition doesn’t respond to self-treatment, or if the affected area becomes painful, forms crusts, or drains fluid or pus.

How Is Seborrheic Dermatitis Diagnosed

Seborrheic dermatitis is an easy condition to diagnosis because of its appearance on the affected skin and where it appears on your body. No blood, urine or allergy tests are needed. Your dermatologist may perform a skin biopsy to rule out other diseases if your condition does not respond to treatment.

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Eczema: Red Itchy Irritated Skin

Like psoriasis, eczema is a chronic skin condition that often causes intense itching. Scratching causes redness and inflammation of the skin, leading to a worsening of the eczema. Scratching can also cause a secondary bacterial infection. The most common type of eczema is caused by a reaction to irritants like detergents, soaps, or household cleansers. So if you have eczema, you should be careful to use mild soap and regularly moisturize your sensitive skin. Your doctor may prescribe a steroid cream or other medications if eczema is severe.

What Are The Causes Of Seborrheic Dermatitis What Aggravates It

Symptoms of Scalp Psoriasis Is There A Cure?

Researchers arent sure of the exact cause of seborrheic dermatitis. They think there may be many causes. Factors that are thought to play a role include:

  • A type of yeast called Malassezia, which is present on everyones skin, but overgrow in some people.
  • An increased level of androgens .
  • An increased level of skin lipids.
  • An inflammatory reaction.
  • Family history .

Other factors that trigger or worsen seborrheic dermatitis include:

  • Stress.
  • History of other skin disorders, including rosacea, psoriasis and acne.

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It Can Affect The Scalp Hairline Forehead Back Of The Neck And Skin Around The Ears

Did You Know?

Symptoms may include fine scaling that looks like dandruff, or appear as thick, crusted plaques that cover the entire scalp. Other skin disorders, such as seborrheic dermatitis, may resemble psoriasis. However, scalp psoriasis appears powdery with a silvery sheen, while seborrheic dermatitis looks yellowish and greasy. Scalp psoriasis is common in patients of color, but treating it can be particularly tough due to the hair type.

Scalp psoriasis may be an indicator of psoriatic arthritis , as many people have both. If you think you have scalp psoriasis, see a dermatologist to diagnose scalp psoriasis and visit a rheumatologist to screen for psoriatic arthritis.

No matter how severe your scalp psoriasis is, there are options for treating the itching and flakes â from over-the-counter shampoos and topicals to light therapy, oral treatments and biologics.

How Can You Tell Whether You Have Eczema Or Seborrheic Dermatitis

The following are the primary signs to help identify seborrheic dermatitis:


  • color of the patches: bright red covered in yellowish scales
  • on the scalp: dandruff which is actually scales clustered into often itchy patches.

Affected areas of the body:

  • In adults: appears mainly on the scalp, face, folds along the sides of the nose, and eyebrows, but sometimes also affecting the middle of the chest, between the breasts.
  • In infants: symptoms begin on the scalp. Patches appear first around the fontanel before spreading, sometimes to the ears, eyebrows or even down to the diaper area and skin folds. This dual-localization is characteristic of this condition and a key differentiating factor from atopic eczema, which does not affect the buttocks.

Other difference:

  • Eczema is always itchy, whereas seborrheic dermatitis isnt necessarily .

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Shingles: A Rash And Severe Pain That Lingers

Shingles is another viral infection that shares some symptoms with psoriasis. Like psoriasis, shingles can make your skin burn and itch and produces a red, blistered skin rash. Shingles is caused by the same virus that first brings on chickenpox. The virus stays in your body and can come back years later to cause shingles, especially during times of stress or infection. The skin rash of shingles follows the course of a single nerve, usually on the trunk. In some cases, severe pain lasts long after the burning, itchy rash disappears. Shingles is more common in people over age 50.

What Are The Symptoms Of Seborrheic Dermatitis

Difference Between Seborrheic Dermatitis and Psoriasis ...
  • Itchy white flakes of skin on your scalp . When scratched, the flakes come loose, mix in with your hair, or fall onto your neck and shoulders.
  • Red scales on your skin.
  • Crusty yellow scales on infants heads . Cradle cap shouldnt itch, but scratching may cause additional inflammation in the area and break the skin, leading to bleeding or mild infections.
  • Blepharitis .
  • Pinkish plaques of scales on both sides of your face.
  • Flaky patches on your chest and at your hairline that are shaped like a flower petal or a ring.
  • Redness in the folds and creases of your genitals, armpits and beneath your breasts.
  • Inflamed hair follicles on your cheeks and the upper half of your trunk.

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How Is Sebopsoriasis Diagnosed

Sebopsoriasis is diagnosed by its clinical appearance following a detailed history and examination. A skin scraping for mycology may reveal Malassezia, but this is not diagnostic, as the yeast is a normal component of skin flora .

Skin biopsy is rarely performed in sebopsoriasis. It shows histopathological features intermediate between psoriasis and seborrhoeic dermatitis.

What Kills Seborrheic Dermatitis

What are successful treatments for Seborrheic dermatitis? Common treatments for seborrheic dermatitis include antifungals like econazole, ketoconazole, and clotrimazole, corticosteroids like clobetasol, and shampoos containing coal tar, selenium sulfide, coal tar, pyrithione zinc, salicylic acid, or ketoconazole.

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What Do Psoriasis And Eczema Look Like

Signs and symptoms of psoriasis

The most common type of psoriasis is plaque psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis appears as thick, raised, red patches on the skin that are covered with white scales made of old, dead skin cells. These plaques can be itchy and painful. They can also crack and bleed.

Psoriasis can affect any part of the skin, but it usually shows up on the knees, elbows, scalp, and lower back. Other forms of psoriasis can occur on the genitals or in your skin folds, like in your armpits . Psoriasis can also just involve the hands and feet .

Up to 35% of people with psoriasis also have nail changes related to psoriasis. This includes:

  • Small pits or holes in the nail

  • Yellow or brown nail color

  • Thickening of the nail

  • Changes to the nail shape

There are several other serious health problems that can be more likely if you have psoriasis. Some of the more common issues include:

Signs and symptoms of eczema

Eczema appears as red, dry patches of skin that are very itchy. Some people with eczema scratch these areas a lot, which can lead to bleeding and thick or leathery skin. Unlike psoriasis, eczema can become infected with bacteria or viruses.

Although eczema can affect any part of the skin, some areas are more common. In infants, eczema usually happens on the cheeks, elbows, and knees. In older children and adults, eczema usually affects the insides of the elbows, behind the knees, and the hands and wrists.

How Can I Reduce My Risk Of Seborrheic Dermatitis

Symptoms of Scalp Psoriasis

Theres little that can be done to prevent seborrheic dermatitis. Cradle cap is a natural, harmless condition. It can be simply treated at home. If you are a teenager or an adult with seborrheic dermatitis, you might be more prone if you have higher than normal levels of androgens, a higher level of lipids in your skin or have an overgrowth of the yeast that is always present on your skins surface.

Some simple healthy things you can do to reduce your risk include getting plenty of rest, controlling your emotional stress and getting a daily small doses of sunshine . Stay away from the midday sun.

Always follow your healthcare providers instructions for using medicated shampoos and skin products. Under treatment or inappropriate treatment can result in flare-ups of your condition and return visits to your healthcare provider.

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What Causes Each Condition

Anyone can develop psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis. While the exact cause of psoriasis is unknown, research suggests there is a genetic link as it tends to run in families.

Common psoriasis triggers include alcohol, stress, skin injury, certain foods, dry weather, and infection such as strep throat. Seborrheic dermatitis is more likely to occur in males. Common triggers include illness, stress, harsh chemicals, hormone changes, oily skin, and extreme weather.

Difference Between Plaque Psoriasis And Seborrheic Dermatitis

Eczema. Seborrheic Dermatitis. Pityriasis Rosea. Lichen Planus.

on the appearance of the lesions , which can look similar to skin.

Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema. Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, may also be a long-term condition affecting the skin. It occurs because of. Psoriasis vs. eczema in inconvenient places of the body. Psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis can both cause an.

Itching can be one of the significant differences between eczema and psoriasis. Psoriasis tends to cause mild itching while eczema causes intense itching. If a person does scratch the skin, the results can be swollen, sensitive, and even raw skin. Eczema itching is usually worse at night.

Even though a preliminary working diagnosis of CD may often be made after a thorough clinical assessment, deciding whether the dermatitis.

Differences in the Clinical Morphology between.

Psoriasis is a long-lasting autoimmune disease characterized by patches of abnormal skin.

This may include pits in the nails or changes in nail color.

Plaque psoriasis typically appears as raised areas of inflamed skin covered with.

form of psoriasis with clinical aspects of psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis, and it may.

Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory eruption usually affecting the scalp and central areas.

Erythematous plaques may have sharply defined borders.

Patients with scalp psoriasis and seborrhea have been shown to have elevations .

Plaque psoriasis can.

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What Causes Cradle Cap In Babies And Adults

What causes cradle cap is not entirely certain, but in babies it may be the result of overactive oil-producing sebaceous glands, which are stimulated by the motherââ¬â¢s hormones. These glands produce sebum, an oily or waxy substance that lubricates and waterproofs the skin.

Another factor contributing to cradle cap or seborrhea in adults may be the colonization of the sebaceous glands by natural yeasts, specifically particular subspecies of the genus Malassezia. It is possible that these yeasts do not cause cradle cap, but rather take advantage of the overproduction of sebum that is already happening.

It is also likely that stress, chemical irritants and dry, cold weather may play a role in causing cradle cap. Cradle cap is not caused by bacteria, allergies, lack of hygiene or lack of care. It is not contagious.

Cradle cap can be treated quite easily and will usually clear up within a few weeks or months.

In older people, cradle cap, or seborrheic dermatitis, can be caused by the same factors that lead to the condition in infants.

Heat Rash: Sweating That Leads To Bumpy Red Skin

Dry Scalp Vs. Dandruff: Whatâs The Difference? #haircare # ...

Inverse psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that forms in the armpits and skin folds under breasts or in groin areas, making the skin red and shiny. Sweating makes this type of psoriasis worse. Heat rash also makes your skin red and forms in skin folds of the groin, breasts, and armpits. Heat rash occurs in hot, humid conditions. Sweating can cause your pores to get blocked and result in a bumpy, red skin rash that stings. Heat rash is more common in newborns, but can also affect older children and adults.

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How To Get Relief From Itching And Flaking

To relieve itching at home, the following remedies may be helpful:

  • Moisturize: Apply a gentle moisturizer to your skin after showering or bathing to help prevent dry skin and flaking.
  • Opt for lukewarm water: Hot showers may feel amazing, but they can be rough on your skin. Try keeping baths and showers to five minutes and using lukewarm water that wont dry out irritated skin.
  • Go for unscented: When choosing household items that touch your skin like soaps or laundry detergents, look for gentle, unscented types since these are less likely to cause skin irritation.
  • Try coconut oil: Using coconut oil on the scalp has been shown to hydrate the skin and may reduce inflammation as well.
  • Look for tea tree oil: Tea tree oil has been used for other skin conditions like athletes foot, and a 2002 study found that shampoos infused with tea tree oil may be effective at treating dandruff.
  • Manage stress: Because stress can increase the risk of developing seborrheic dermatitis, find healthy ways to reduce stress like getting enough sleep, practicing mindfulness, and meeting with a therapist.

Getting The Right Diagnosis

As with any medical condition, seeking a proper diagnosis is critical to developing the right treatment plan. “The first and the most important part of caring for your skin condition is to get the right diagnosis,” says Dr. Shi. “Various skin rashes can often look similar and have very different treatment approaches. For example, some over-the-counter psoriasis treatments work by reducing skin thickness and scaling, and if used incorrectly on eczema skin, can actually cause an eczema flare.”

Dr. Shi says, “More often than not, people with these conditions may require a prescription strength medication. Therefore, it’s better to see a dermatologist to confirm the correct diagnosis and get an individualized treatment plan.” As each of the three conditions will fluctuate in severity over time, a treatment plan may require different approaches.

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