Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Psoriasis Be A Symptom Of Something Else

What Else Should I Know

A Solution for Your Plaque Psoriasis

Making healthy choices can help with psoriasis. Here are some things you can do:

  • If you smoke, quit. Smoking can trigger outbreaks of psoriasis in some people.
  • Avoid alcohol. It can make psoriasis treatments less effective.
  • Eat healthy foods. Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables can help fend off diseases that might trigger psoriasis.
  • Stay at a healthy weight. This decreases the risk of inverse psoriasis.
  • Keep skin clean and well moisturized. Bathing daily with bath salts or oils and then applying moisturizer can help ease the symptoms of psoriasis.

People who have psoriasis may feel self-conscious about how it looks. That’s one reason why some people turn to a therapist or join a support group of people who understand what they might be going through.

The key to psoriasis treatment is keeping up on whatever your doctor prescribes. If that means applying an ointment twice a day, then find a way to remind yourself to do it so you don’t forget. Psoriasis is one of those things that you need to stay focused on treating, even when you’re feeling OK.

Whether your psoriasis is mild or severe, learn all you can about it. Talk to your doctor or check websites like:

Shingles: A Rash And Severe Pain That Lingers

Shingles is another viral infection that shares some symptoms with psoriasis. Like psoriasis, shingles can make your skin burn and itch and produces a red, blistered skin rash. Shingles is caused by the same virus that first brings on chickenpox. The virus stays in your body and can come back years later to cause shingles, especially during times of stress or infection. The skin rash of shingles follows the course of a single nerve, usually on the trunk. In some cases, severe pain lasts long after the burning, itchy rash disappears. Shingles is more common in people over age 50.

Is Psoriasis The Same As Eczema

Psoriasis and eczema are two different skin conditions. They differ in where the disease appears on the body, how much it itches and how it looks. Eczema tends to appear more often behind the knees and inside the elbows. Eczema also causes more intense itching than psoriasis. Many people, especially children, can get both eczema and psoriasis.

Also Check: Psoriasis On Face And Neck

Warning Signs Of A Serious Eye Problem

Eyes aren’t exempt from the wear and tear of aging. Some of the age-related changes in the eyes are annoying but not serious for example, it can become difficult to focus on near objects, and eyelashes may thin out a bit. But other changes can be serious eye problems that threaten vision.With age, the eyes’ ability to stay lubricated starts to wane. This can leave eyes feeling irritated, sticky, dry, or gritty. The lens of the eye can become less elastic. Night vision may also start to suffer, which can pose problems when driving at night. In contrast, cataracts, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy can rob you of your sight.How do you know if an eye problem is a nuisance or the start of something serious? The following signs and symptoms warrant a call to your doctor. Catching serious eye problems early can help preserve your vision. Even non-vision-threatening eye problems can be treated to keep your eyes comfortable and your eyesight as sharp as possible.

Articles On Types Of Psoriasis

Psoriasis or ringworm? Symptoms, treatment, and other rashes

Knowing which kind of psoriasis you have helps you and your doctor make a treatment plan. Most people have only one type at a time. Sometimes, after your symptoms go away, a new form of psoriasis will crop up in response to a trigger.

In general, most types of psoriasis result from the same triggers:

Here’s how you can spot the 7 types of psoriasis and what you can do to treat them.

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Guttate Psoriasis: Small Red Spots

Guttate psoriasis the second most common type of psoriasis is characterized by multiple small, round red spots on the skin, usually widespread across the trunk and limbs. Often resulting from a bacterial or viral infection in children, such as strep throat, these spots come on suddenly and sometimes require oral medication or injections. Mild cases, however, may clear up without treatment.

Dry Cracked Skin: Irritation That Can Lead To Infection

Dry, cracked skin is a psoriasis symptom. However, dry air can also cause your skin to become dry and itchy. When the skin is dry and irritated , it’s more likely to get infected. Infection may cause your skin to become red and swollen. If you have any skin rashes that keep coming back or won’t go away, see your doctor. Most cases of psoriasis can be diagnosed with a physical examination but because psoriasis can look like many other skin conditions, a skin biopsy may have to be done to definitively diagnose it.

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What Are The Types Of Psoriasis

According to the Mayo Clinic1, there are several types of psoriasis:

Plaque psoriasis is common and appears as dry, raised patches of skin covered with scales. Generally, these plaques happen on your elbows, knees, lower back, and scalp.

Nail psoriasis affects your fingernails and toenails. You may have many different symptoms including pitting, abnormal nail growth, discoloration, or separation of your nail from the nail bed.

Guttate psoriasis is more common in young adults and children. It can happen after you get an infection like strep throat and produces lesions that look like small drops on your abdomen, arms, or legs.

Inverse psoriasis primarily affects the groin, butt, and breast areas. The patches are smooth and tend to get worse when you sweat a lot or experience a lot of friction.

Pustular psoriasis is rare and causes sores that are filled with pus. You may get them on your palms or the soles of your feet.

Erythrodermic psoriasis is uncommon and causes a peeling, burning rash that can appear on your entire body.

You may read articles or hear other people discuss psoriatic arthritis in conjunction with psoriasis. Psoriatic arthritis is another autoimmune condition that causes painful, swollen joints. Having psoriasis increases your risk of developing psoriatic arthritis, so its important to let your doctor know of any joint symptoms you develop, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

When Psoriatic Disease Strikes The Hands And Feet

Psoriasis: More than just a rash

We take many common movements and activities for granted â until they become difficult or impossible to do. Get a grip on whatâs happening.

Our hands and feet are ultra-sensitive. Sensory neurons, which trigger pain sensations in the brain, cluster at the fingertips. The complex anatomical structure of hands and feet â with many joints, tendons and ligaments packed tightly together â gives us an acute sense of touch and lets us do precision movements. Our hands, particularly when used for communication through gesture, draw attention.Our feet are so important for our balance and mobility.

Thatâs why psoriatic disease, when it strikes the hands and feet, has an outsize effect. The symptoms can be more intense and more upsetting. Fingernail psoriasis, for instance, is often immediately noticeable and can make something as basic as a handshake feel uncomfortable. Pain and other symptoms of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in the hands and feet can make other routine tasks hard to accomplish.

Gary Bixby, who lost all his fingernails and toenails to severe psoriasis , says psoriatic nail disease makes it painful to chop fuel for his wood-burning stove, a frustrating problem during winters at his home in Blair, Wisconsin.

âIt was affecting more fingernails, then my toenails and large areas on my arms, legs and trunk,â says Bixby. âThatâs when I went to a podiatrist, who thought I had psoriasis, and then to a dermatologist, who confirmed it.”

Also Check: Causes Of Psoriasis And Eczema

Ringworm: Fungal Infections Of The Skin And Nails

Tinea is a type of fungal infection that resembles some symptoms of psoriasis. Psoriasis can cause the thick fingernails symptomatic of fungal nail infections, and both can cause red, itchy skin rashes. When tinea grows on your skin, it can cause a scaly, red skin rash that clears in the middle, called ringworm . Fungal infections of the skin and nails can be hard to treat. Antifungal medications work, but you may need to take them for a long time.

Response To Antifungal Treatment

You can buy over-the-counter antifungal creams] and ointments at your pharmacy without a prescription.

Apply this medication to the affected areas. If the rashes begin to disappear, you likely have a fungal infection, or athletes foot. If the rashes dont disappear, you may be dealing with psoriasis or something else.

Recommended Reading: Productos Naturales Para La Psoriasis

Psoriatic Arthritis Signs And Symptoms

Early symptoms with psoriatic arthritis are important. People will complain of pain and swelling in their joints hands, feet, wrists, etc. They may have a small patch of psoriasis or have psoriasis covering many areas of the body. There may be complaints of stiffness and fatigue. For example, studies in Toronto showed the year before they were diagnosed, people had reported joint pain, fatigue, and stiffness. Early in the disease, people will often have episodes of worsening of the psoriatic arthritis and then episodes of improvement.

Psa Has Many Different Symptoms

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Even taking skin manifestations out of the equation, psoriatic arthritis is a very complex, heterogeneous disease. It can present in many different ways, Dr. Haberman explains.

You can have different symptoms from swollen joints to pain in your heels to fatigue that doctors dont realize are signs of PsA. Some PsA patients have traditional joint pain while others might complain more of enthesitis, or inflammation where ligaments and tendons connect to bones, such as at the heel or bottom of the foot. Read more about the different domains of PsA.

Don’t Miss: Can Triamcinolone Be Used For Psoriasis

What Are Psoriasis Triggers

Its important to understand your specific psoriasis triggers, Dr. Wassef says. Despite a great treatment plan, if you are still getting exposed to your psoriasis triggers, you will still flare, she notes. Finding and eliminating your triggers can help decrease the amount of medicine you use and limit the number of flares you have.

You may need to do some detective work to figure out your triggers, but keeping a journal that documents your symptoms, the timing of your flare, the weather conditions, your diet, and stress levels may help you pinpoint specific triggers if you have any. Not everybody with psoriasis can link their flares to certain triggers, Dr. Agbai says. In those individuals, genetic predisposition is thought to be the primary cause.

Psoriasis triggers include1:

  • Living in cold, dry climates
  • Having skin injuries, like a cut, scrape, or sunburn
  • Experiencing stress
  • Smoking or chronically being exposed to secondhand smoke
  • Suddenly discontinuing an oral or systemic corticosteroids

Can Psoriasis Be A Symptom Of Something Else

Is psoriasis more than skin deep? We take a closer look at what other issues psoriasis can co-exist with.

Psoriasis is a more complicated condition than it might first appear, and can be either symptomatic of – or a prelude to – other health issues. This is because psoriasis is an inflammatory condition that involves the way the whole body works it isnt just about the skin.

The picture is complicated, but can be summed up by these two statements:

  • Psoriasis can make you more prone to other conditions
  • Other conditions can make you more prone to psoriasis

Studies show that psoriasis is part of a wider health picture with other conditions more likely – though not inevitable! – if you have psoriasis. Talk to your doctor if you have psoriasis and find yourself getting other symptoms it may be that you need to make a different treatment plan.

If you’re worried about any of these conditions and need some expert support, contact the Psoriasis Association: discussing your concerns with people who know what you’re going through can help put things in perspective and give you some good coping mechanisms for living with psoriasis.

What other conditions are psoriasis sufferers more prone to?
  • Depression
  • Weight gain or weight loss
  • Arthritis/achy or swollen joints
What conditions can trigger psoriasis?
  • Stress
  • Immune system disorders such as HIV
  • Hormonal changes
  • Throat infections
  • Weight gain

Recommended products for psoriasis-prone skin:

Recommended Reading: Start Of Psoriasis On Elbow

Are There Home Remedies For Late

While home remedies will not make psoriasis go away, many people with mild to moderate psoriasis manage their symptoms using natural and alternative remedies. Tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar can relieve itching and loosen plaques especially in scalp psoriasis. An oatmeal bath or Epsom salts can soothe irritated skin. Adding omega-3 fatty acids to your diet can help reduce inflammation.

Do You Think Youve Been Misdiagnosed

How To Get Rid Of Scalp Psoriasis: 5 Best Treatments ð¤·

If youre concerned about being misdiagnosed, make an appointment with your dermatologist. You may even want to request a skin biopsy so you can get a more definitive diagnosis. While youre at it, try to think of information that might help with identification.

Ask yourself:

  • Do I have a family history of psoriasis?
  • How long have I noticed symptoms?
  • Where is the affected area located?
  • Are there any triggers that might have produced my symptoms? If so, what are they?
  • Do I have signs that align with any of the look-alike conditions?
  • Are there any other symptoms, like swollen joints, that are bothering me?

If you still arent satisfied after your appointment, seek a second opinion. You can ask your primary care doctor for a referral for a dermatologist. A dermatologist is usually your best bet for getting the most accurate diagnosis of a skin condition.

Read Also: Bentonite Clay For Scalp Psoriasis

Plaque Psoriasis: Red Bumps And Silvery Scales

Plaque psoriasis is the most common form of the chronic skin condition, affecting about 80 percent of people with psoriasis. Usually starting as small red bumps on the skin, plaque psoriasis develops into red patches with a silvery, scaly coating these raised patches are called plaques. Plaques usually show up on elbows, knees, and the lower back, and they can last for months or even years without treatment.

How To Prevent Dehydration

The key to avoiding vertigo from dehydration is to prevent dehydration altogether. There are several steps you can take to make sure youre staying well hydrated.

  • Drink plenty of water: It should go without saying that getting enough water is crucial to staying hydrated. While there arent specific numbers you need to hit each day when it comes to your water intake, a good rule of thumb is eight glasses of water a day.
  • Have water nearby: Keeping a glass or bottle of water nearby at all times is a great way to make sure you stay hydrated. This is extra important any time youre working out, in hot weather or doing an activity that makes you sweat more than normal.
  • Stay hydrated when youre sick: Even though its important to drink plenty of fluids regularly, you need to focus on this even more when youre sickespecially with fever, vomiting or diarrhea.

If you believe youre suffering from vertigo as a result of dehydration, consider visiting your local CareNow® for a proper diagnosis. We have more than 100 locations throughout the United States, each staffed with qualified physicians ready to serve you.

We also offer convenient care for you through the Web Check-In® feature on our website. When you take advantage of early online check-in, you can save time by avoiding the waiting room before your visit.

Recommended Reading: Is Nail Psoriasis A Fungus

Can Psoriatic Arthritis Affect Other Parts Of The Body

Having psoriatic arthritis can put you at risk of developing other conditions and complications around the body.

The chances of getting one of these are rare. But its worth knowing about them and talking to your doctor if you have any concerns.


Seek urgent medical attention if one or both of your eyes are red and painful, particularly if you have a change in your vision. You could go to your GP, an eye hospital, or your local A& E department.

These symptoms could be caused by a condition called uveitis, which is also known as iritis. It involves inflammation at the front of the eye.

This can permanently damage your eyesight if left untreated.

Other symptoms are:

  • blurred or cloudy vision
  • sensitivity to light
  • not being able to see things at the side of your field of vision known as a loss of peripheral vision
  • small shapes moving across your field of vision.

These symptoms can come on suddenly, or gradually over a few days. It can affect one or both eyes. It can be treated effectively with steroids.


Psoriatic arthritis can put you at a slightly higher risk of having a heart condition. You can reduce your risk by:

  • not smoking
  • staying at a healthy weight
  • exercising regularly
  • eating a healthy diet, thats low in fat, sugar and salt
  • not drinking too much alcohol.

These positive lifestyle choices can help to improve your arthritis and skin symptoms.

Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns about your heart health.

Crohns disease

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Tips For Getting The Right Diagnosis

Is It Psoriasis or Something Else?

For the best chance of getting the right diagnosis, a person should make sure they give an accurate history when a doctor or dermatologist asks. The more information a medical professional has to work with, the more likely they are to diagnose a persons illness correctly.

This is especially important with skin conditions such as psoriasis. A medical professional will typically rely on both a history and a visual assessment to work out what a persons skin condition is. A visual assessment alone may not be enough.

If a person is unsure about their diagnosis, they can request further diagnostic tests. This may involve speaking to a dermatologist, who might use dermoscopy or recommend a skin biopsy.

A skin biopsy involves taking a small sample of the skin and sending it to a lab for testing.

Don’t Miss: What Happens If You Pick Psoriasis

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