Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Is Psoriasis An Immune Disorder

How Do Foods Cause Inflammation

World Psoriasis Day brings awareness to the auto-immune disease

Studies are ongoing about how certain foods trigger an inflammatory response. Research suggests that some foods, especially highly processed ones, put your bodys defense mechanisms into overdrive.

For example, fatty foods can increase inflammation in adipose tissue , which is throughout your body. Ongoing fat tissue inflammation greatly increases your risk of psoriasis. It also increases your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other chronic health conditions.

Psoriasis And Celiac Disease

When you have celiac disease, you can’t digest gluten, a protein in wheat, rye, and barley. Celiac disease can damage your small intestine and prevent it from absorbing key nutrients.

The chance of getting celiac disease is nearly 3 times higher among people with psoriasis. About 4 of every 100 have it. Research shows that the higher the levels of specific antibodies related to celiac disease, the worse psoriasis tends to be.

Review Abstract And Article

The selection of the relevant data published in the literature took place in three steps. In the first step, three researchers independently selected the articles based on the title. Any disagreement was solved by consulting a senior investigator . The second step consisted of evaluating the abstracts. At least two members of the research team independently assessed each abstract. The research team resolved all discrepancies through consensus.

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Why Is Psoriasis An Autoimmune Disorder

As part of its defense against foreign invaders, your body makes specialized white blood cells called T-cells. Under normal circumstances, T-cells identify and coordinate attacks on foreign invaders.

However, when you have psoriasis, your T-cells mistakenly identify your skin cells as invaders and attack them. This attack injures the skin cells, setting off a cascade of responses in your immune system and in your skin, resulting in the skin damage seen in psoriasis swelling, reddening, and scaling.

In an effort to heal, your skin cells begin reproducing much more rapidly than normal, and large numbers of new skin cells push their way to the surface of your skin. This occurs so quickly that older skin cells and white blood cells aren’t shed quickly enough. These discarded cells pile up on the surface of the skin, creating thick, red plaques with silvery scales on their surface: the hallmark of the classic form of plaque psoriasis.

What Is The Difference Between Scalp Eczema And Scalp Psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis: Pictures, symptoms, and treatment

Scalp eczema and scalp psoriasis can look very similar. Theyre both inflammatory skin conditions. Scalp psoriasis typically has well-defined plaques, while scalp eczema is much itchier, even before you see the rash.

Your healthcare provider can tell the difference between scalp eczema and scalp psoriasis during an examination.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes thick patches of skin to develop on your scalp or the skin around your scalp. You may feel self-conscious, and it can be unpleasant if its itchy or painful. However, it isnt contagious, and treatments can help your symptoms improve. Its important to pay attention to your skin, including your scalp. Contact your healthcare provider as soon as you notice any plaques developing on your scalp.

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Does Psoriasis Weaken The Immune System

Psoriasis skin lesions are thought to be the result of an overactive immune response.

With psoriasis, the body produces too many inflammatory agents, called cytokines, which normally help fight infections and heal injuries. But instead of focusing on fighting off an infection or injury, these cytokines also attack healthy tissue.

Psoriasis itself doesnt weaken the immune system, but its a sign that the immune system isnt working the way it should. Anything that triggers the immune system can cause psoriasis to flare up. Common ailments like ear or respiratory infections can cause psoriasis to flare.

Many people with psoriasis are prescribed immunosuppressive drugs to manage the condition. Because these drugs suppress the immune system, they increase your risk for contracting viruses like a cold and the flu. If you do get sick, these illnesses may last longer than they would if you didnt take these medications.

Talk with your healthcare provider about ways to stay healthy. That includes getting an annual flu vaccine, washing your hands regularly, and adjusting your treatment plan if you do get sick.

What Is Cdc Doing About Psoriasis

In 2010, CDC worked with experts in psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and public health to develop a public health perspective that considers how these conditions affect the entire population. The resulting report is Developing and Addressing the Public Health Agenda for Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis pdf icon. You can read a short article about the agendaexternal icon in The American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

CDCs National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey , an intermittent source of national psoriasis data, has included questions about psoriasis as late as the 2013-2014 cycle. A recent analysis of NHANES data estimates that 7.4 million adults had psoriasis in 2013external icon.

  • Psoriasis causes patches of thick red skin and silvery scales. Patches are typically found on the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back, face, palms, and soles of feet, but can affect other places . The most common type of psoriasis is called plaque psoriasis.
  • Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory type of arthritis that eventually occurs in 10% to 20% of people with psoriasis. It is different from more common types of arthritis and is thought to be related to the underlying problem of psoriasis.
  • Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are sometimes considered together as psoriatic disease.

Who is at risk for psoriasis?

Anyone can get psoriasis. It occurs mostly in adults, but children can also get it. Men and women seem to have equal risk.

Can I get psoriasis from someone who has it?

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How Is Psoriasis Diagnosed And Treated

Psoriasis often has a typical appearance that a primary care doctor can recognize, but it can be confused with other skin diseases , so a dermatologist is often the best doctor to diagnose it. The treatment of psoriasis usually depends on how much skin is affected, how bad the disease is , or the location . Treatments range from creams and ointments applied to the affected areas to ultraviolet light therapy to drugs . Many people who have psoriasis also have serious health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and depression. Some people with psoriasis also have an inflammatory condition which affects their joints, called psoriatic arthritis.

Psoriatic arthritis has many of the same symptoms as other types of arthritis, so a rheumatologist is often the best doctor to diagnose it. The treatment of psoriatic arthritis usually involves the use of drugs .

Psoriatic disease may be treated with drugs or a combination of drugs and creams or ointments.

How Can You Measure Inflammation In The Body

Psoriasis — Beyond the Skin

While certain foods are known to cause inflammation, not everyone reacts the same way to these foods. Ive had some patients who felt that wheat was making their psoriasis worse. Another patient noticed more flare-ups when she ate nuts, says Wesdock.

Some tests can measure inflammation with biomarkers, which are substances in your blood that spike when your body reacts a certain way to foods such as fats or sugar. For example, a simple test can check for increased levels of C-reactive protein in your blood. The liver makes extra CRP if theres inflammation in your body. Doctors might use this test to determine how likely you are to develop a chronic condition like heart disease.

As you adjust your diet to ease psoriasis symptoms, be sure to work with your psoriasis doctor to monitor symptoms and inflammation levels.

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What Steps Can I Take To Boost My Immune System

Maintaining overall good health can help strengthen your immune system. Avoid smoking and alcohol. Get plenty of rest, exercise regularly, and eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

If you feel your diet doesnt provide the full range of nutrients your body needs to stay healthy, consider taking a multivitamin. Just talk with your healthcare provider before taking over-the-counter medications or supplements, as they may interfere with some psoriasis treatments.

Reducing stress can also help boost your immune system. Since stress is a common psoriasis trigger, managing stress can help you stay on top of your condition, as well.

Is There A Test For Psoriasis

To see if you have psoriasis, your doctor usually examines your skin, scalp, and nails for signs of the condition. They may also ask questions about your health and history.

This information can help the doctor figure out if you have psoriasis, and, if so, identify which type. To rule out other skin conditions that look like psoriasis, your doctor may take a small skin sample to look at under a microscope.

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Other Links And Further Complexity In Systemic Pso

Scientific research has revealed other and increasingly complex associations of cutaneous psoriasis with other extracutaneous conditions. Psoriatic patients have a higher incidence and prevalence of uveitis, and the involvement of IL-17, IL-23, TNF-, and IL-6 molecules unite both conditions . Asthma and psoriasis can coexist and what they have in common is IL-17A . Psoriasis is also linked to polycystic ovary syndrome and it has been shown that skin clinical features can vary depending on the PCOS phenotype . A recent meta-analysis found that patients with psoriasis appear to have a slightly increased risk of cancer, particularly keratinocyte cancer and lymphomas, although data for National and International Registries on treatment with biologic agents did not show an increased risk of cancer, and data on cancer in patients with psoriatic arthritis remain inconclusive . The prevalence of having depression or anxiety is higher in psoriasis patients than in controls, and TNF- could be a pathophysiologic link between the two conditions .

Other Molecules Other Cells: A Currently Collateral Role In Systemic Involvement Of Pso

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Studies have highlighted the role of other molecules and cells in the pathogenesis of psoriasis as an immune-mediated systemic inflammatory disease. According to the current evidence, however, they appear collateral or dependent on the systems considered above.

IL-22 has a role in the joint and cardiometabolic involvement of psoriasis, but is essentially dependent on the IL-23/IL-17 axis, since it has a primarily cooperative action with IL-17 . Moreover, the strategy of blocking IL-22 has proven to be not effective in treating psoriasis . L-1 induces dermal T cell proliferation and IL-17 production in mice. In addition, IL-1 stimulates keratinocytes to secrete chemokines that preferentially chemoattract peripheral CD27- CCR6 + IL-17 capable of producing T cells .

Adipokines are cytokines produced by adipose tissue, which have functions in the regulation of metabolic functions, such as glucose and lipid metabolism, inflammation, and vascular homeostasis. They have been implicated in cardiovascular involvement in psoriasis. According to a recent review on the subject by Lynch et al. , studies on adiponectin are contradictory regarding its pattern in PsO, and prospective controlled studies are needed to clarify their relationship. High levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines resistin and leptin have been detected and correlate with disease severity, but rather than a pathogenic role they may constitute markers of disease.

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Are There Any Home Remedies For Scalp Psoriasis

While home remedies are safe for most people, its a good idea to check with your healthcare provider before trying some of the following options. You may be at risk of developing an allergic reaction.

  • Aloe vera. Aloe vera is a wound care gel. It can keep your skin hydrated while treating itchiness and irritation. Gently apply aloe vera to your plaques two to three times per day.
  • Baking soda. Mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda with a small amount of warm water to make a paste. Gently apply the paste to your plaques and leave it on for up to 10 minutes to treat itchiness and irritation. Baking sodas gritty texture also helps remove dead skin cells . Gently rub it on your affected areas to soften your plaques.
  • Coconut oil. Coconut oil moisturizes your skin. It also contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help reduce inflammation.
  • Olive oil. Olive oil helps moisturize your dry skin and minimize irritation and itching.

Things To Know About Psoriatic Arthritis

Learn more about what it means to have psoriatic arthritis.

1. PsA Is an Autoimmune Disease
2. It Has Ups and Downs, Called Flares
3. It Can Be a Master of Disguise
4. It Has Distinguishing Features
5. It Affects Up to a Third of People with Psoriasis
6. Its Gender Neutral
7. It May be Hereditary
8. Its Not Contagious
9. It Isnt Just About Your Joints
10. You May Not Look Sick
11. Effective Treatment is Available
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What Is The Difference Between Scalp Psoriasis And Dandruff

Dandruff is a skin condition that affects your scalp. Its itchy, white or yellow flakes on your scalp. Medical researchers arent sure of the exact cause of dandruff, but they think factors may include:

  • A yeast called Malassezia that overgrows on your skin.
  • An increased level of androgens.
  • An increased level of skin lipids.
  • An inflammatory reaction.

Scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune disease.

What Exactly Is An Autoimmune Disease

Psoriasis Causes

When you have an autoimmune disease, your body mistakes normal, healthy tissues for foreign invaders. Basically, it goes to war with itself, causing damage and inflammation.

Not so fun fact: There are 100+ autoimmune diseases. Some of them, like psoriasis, only affects one body part . Others are system-wide, leaving your body exhausted and achy almost 24/7.

Regardless of your autoimmune diagnosis, your body is doing its war-waging thing because of some mysterious perfect storm of genetics and environmental factors.

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How Does Psoriatic Disease Affect The Immune System

Psoriatic disease is an immune-mediated disease that includes psoriasis, along with other comorbidities such as psoriatic arthritis and related systemic inflammation. In people living with psoriasis and/or PsA, the immune system is triggered and activated, acting as though there are harmful pathogens attacking the body.

This inflammation can present with noticeable signs such as discoloration of the skin or swelling around joints. However, the overactive immune system may also lead to inflammation a person cannot see. It can affect in the body, organs and systems and lead to other health conditions associated with psoriatic disease. Comorbidities of psoriatic disease include cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, obesity, hypertension , type 2 diabetes, anxiety and depression, and more.

Researchers who study psoriatic disease are still working to identify the substances inside the body that trigger this immune response. One possibility could be certain kinds of bacteria acting as antigens . For example, sometimes streptococcal infection can trigger a case of guttate psoriasis. Another possible antigen could be antimicrobial peptides, molecules made by the body that are a part of the immune system and that work as antibiotics. *

Need For An Integrated Multidisciplinary Care Of The Psoriatic Patient

Research and models focused on the pathogenesis of psoriasis as a systemic immune-mediated inflammatory disease should not remain speculative and self-referential, rather they should lead to a more coherent and comprehensive model of the clinical approach to the psoriatic patient. Research groups, such as the Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis , now emphasize the concept of psoriatic disease rather than psoriasis . An integrated approach to the psoriatic patient is needed today, which has been shown by various studies to improve patient care .

The management of the psoriatic patient today raises strictly practical problems in daily clinical practice. Pre-therapeutic check-ups before starting biological or systemic therapies, which usually consist of instrumental and routine laboratory tests, sometimes lead to detection of abnormalities requiring specialized extra-dermatological evaluation. Moreover, the multidisciplinary approach to psoriasis usually leads to finding the most appropriate treatment for any specific patient.

For example, in psoriatic arthritis, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are effective in improving joint symptoms, especially in case of the mild disease. However, in case of even mild skin involvement, early treatment with conventional synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs should be considered .

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Biomarkers Availability For Therapeutic Effect Monitoring

As psoriasis can be considered a systemic immune-mediated inflammatory disease, it is fair to ask about the existence of biomarkers to monitor this systemic involvement which can be used in clinical practice as diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic efficacy tools.

To be defined as a biomarker, a molecule needs to pass validation tests. For instance, a good biomarker must have a high prognostic and predictive value.

Many molecules have been advocated as biomarkers of psoriasis, first and foremost serum molecules. Among them is C-reactive protein , whose elevation can be considered an independent risk factor for cardiovascular risk and whose elevation is associated both with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis . Studies demonstrated that biological therapy decreases blood CRP levels in both psoriasis and coexisting conditions. In patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis treated with systemic therapies, including adalimumab, etanercept, infliximab, and ixekizumab, studies have reported reductions in erythrocyte sedimentation rate and/or CRP levels . TNF- inhibitors also significantly reduce CRP levels in patients who have either metabolic syndrome or Crohns disease . IL-17A inhibitor secukinumab reduces ESR levels in PsA . Etanercept therapy was associated with significant reductions in transaminases, CRP, and fasting insulin, and an increase in insulin sensitivity, whereas treatment with PUVA did not lead to significant reductions in these markers .

Foods With Saturated Fats And Trans Fats

Psoriasis vs. lupus: Similarities and differences

Fats in red meat, cheese, fried food, margarine, fast food and many processed snacks are known to trigger inflammation in the body. These fats increase the amount of low-density lipoprotein in your blood, also called bad cholesterol. Studies suggest there may be a link between excess fat in the body and development of psoriasis and worsening of psoriasis symptoms.

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