Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Is Head And Shoulders Good For Psoriasis

What Are The Common Symptoms Of Scalp Psoriasis

How To Get A Clean Scalp for Natural Hair | Review of Head and Shoulders Scalp Scrub

Before we move on to finding solutions on how to cure psoriasis, letâs look at the symptoms of scalp psoriasis.

⢠Hair loss ⢠Scaly, red, bumpy patches ⢠Silvery-white scales

Looks familiar right? You wonât be faulted to think of the symptoms of psoriasis to be similar to dandruff, since flaking, itching and dry scalp occur in both conditions. However, in psoriasis, these symptoms are not just limited to the scalp it can affect other parts of the body as well.

Things To Avoid If You Have Scalp Psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis can be very uncomfortable, but find the right treatment and avoid these 6 pitfalls, and you can keep your scalp inthe best condition possible.

1. Dry skinKeep your scalp hydrated by using a moisturizing shampoo every time you wash your hair.

2. Itching and scratchingNever pick at scales or sore patches of skin Ââ this will make the condition worse!

3. Dry, cold weatherThe weather can have a big effect on psoriasis. Cold, dry weather can make the symptoms appear worse, so make sure to wrap up warm in winter and consider getting a humidifier to take the edge off the dry air.

4. Certain medicationTell your doctor about any medication you take and ask whether it might affect your psoriasis.

5. StressStress is often linked with flare-ups, so try to reduce stress and anxiety. Meditation and yoga are a good place to start.

6. AlcoholItâs thought that excessive alcohol consumption may worsen psoriasis symptoms, so drink in moderation. If youâre taking psoriasis medication, check whether itâs okay to drink alcohol while taking them.

How should you treat scalp psoriasis?Scalp psoriasis is a somewhat rare skin disorder, affecting about 3% of the population. If you havenât yet been diagnosed with the condition, itâs worthwhile to check to see if your symptoms are the result of a more common scalp flaking disorder like seborrheic dermatitis.

Try using Clinical Strength Shampoo for seborrheic dermatitis.

Best Shampoo For Psoriasis In 2021

I suffered from Psoriasis when I wrongly assumed it was dandruff. But just like with dandruff, the best shampoo for psoriasis on your scalp can work wonders for controlling this condition.

Dandruff can be effectively treated with a good diet and a high-quality anti-dandruff shampoo that has Ketoconazole in it.

But Psoriasis on the other hand is a condition if left untreated can cause serious problems in the future.

Related: Best Shampoo For Scalp Acne

Firstly I had to STOP scratching my head as that made things worse.

But as I kept treating my hair with a good Psoriasis shampoo, the scaling and the flakiness stopped and I stopped scratching my head.

Best Shampoos For Psoriasis
3% Salicylic Acid

So what is Psoriasis?

There are a number of scalp problems that currently exist and affect many individuals however, nothing quite compares to scalp psoriasis.

Characterized by red scaly patches of skin, scalp psoriasis is as painful as it is inconvenient and can be notoriously hard to manage without the right tools.

Psoriasis is caused by a build-up of skin cells which results in thick, red scaly patches that can be itchy and painful with symptoms ranging anywhere between mild to severe.

Ingredients such as coal tar, salicylic acid, selenium sulfide, and more can be found in most medicated shampoos that are designed to alleviate and control psoriasis symptoms.

Hopefully, we can help. Read on to find out more about the best shampoos for psoriasis.

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Dont Scratch That Itch

Refrain from rubbing or scrubbing your scalp when shampooing, as tempting as it may be to dig into those itchy spots. Scratching induces trauma which in turn induces psoriasis, a process known as Koebnerization, Bagel explains.

If youre finding it hard not to scratch, try applying a dab of hydrocortisone, a mild corticosteroid, to itchy spots, to help decrease itching and inflammation, the NPF says. Start with the least powerful topical steroid that works for you, and use it just three to four times a week.

Medicine You Apply To The Scalp

Head &  Shoulders Ocean Lift Dandruff Shampoo

This is the most commonly prescribed treatment. Your plan may include one or more of the following medicines.

Corticosteroids: This is the #1-prescribed treatment for scalp psoriasis in children and adults. Corticosteroids work quickly to reduce redness, swelling, itch, and scale. This makes it more effective than any other treatment that you apply to the scalp.

When used as directed, this medicine is safe. Because side effects can occur with long-term use, your dermatologist may recommend another treatment to use with the corticosteroid. This reduces possible side effects.

Medicated shampoos: This is often part of a treatment plan.

If you have stubborn scalp psoriasis, your dermatologist may prescribe a shampoo that contains clobetasol propionate. This can be quite effective when used in a shampoo. Studies show that patients can safely use this shampoo every day for up to four weeks. Its also safe to use it once or twice a week to maintain results.

Gently shampoo

Rubbing, scrubbing, and scratching your scalp can worsen existing psoriasis.

Scale softeners: If the psoriasis on your scalp is thick, it can be hard for the treatment you apply to work. A product that contains salicylic acid can soften thick, stubborn patches. Other ingredients can also help.

Tip for applying medicine

Lift your hair up and away when applying medicine to your scalp.

Recommended Reading: Best Remedy For Scalp Psoriasis

When To See A Doctor

If your dandruff symptoms are mild, you may not need to see a doctor.

You should see a doctor when:

  • Its been several weeks since you started using a dandruff shampoo and there is no improvement in symptoms.
  • The skin on your scalp is very swollen and red or starts to drain pus or fluid.
  • The symptoms have spread to other parts of your body .
  • Your symptoms are accompanied by hair loss.

You should consult with a dermatologist any time you are living with psoriasis symptoms.

Consult with your healthcare provider if:

  • Symptoms are worsening or your disease begins to flare up
  • Treatments are not effective

The Cause Of Dandruff

Scientists do not know for sure what causes dandruff. One potential factor is a fungal species called Malassezia . This fungus is present in the scalp of all people. It is part of the scalp microflora: numerous bacteria and fungi that live on our skin without causing problems. In people with dandruff though, Malassezia multiplies out of control. It essentially takes over the scalp.

Scientists do not understand exactly how Malassezia causes dandruff . One possible reason lies in its metabolites, i.e. the chemicals it secretes as part of its biological processes. These might irritate the scalp cells and lead to the abnormal flaking.

There is more to dandruff than Malassezia, as many people with dandruff dont have abnormal levels of Malassezia. Other likely factors are genetic predisposition and environmental triggers . Yet Malassezia is almost certainly involved, at least in most dandruff cases.

Recommended Reading: How To Loosen Scalp Psoriasis

What Treatments Might Your Doctor Recommend For Scalp Psoriasis

You should definitely consult your doctor or dermatologist to find the right treatment â and there are plenty they might suggest:

1. Medicines applied to the skin

These treatments aim to soothe and reduce irritation and inhibit the skin cell turnover. Corticosteroids are prescribed most commonly.

2. UV light therapy

Best Shampoos For Psoriasis 2021

How to Get Rid of Scalp Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a relatively common skin condition thats characterized by red, itchy, flaky skin covered in a silvery scales. More than anything, psoriasis is an inconvenience rather than a life-threatening condition. Regardless of this, however, having psoriasis can be a major discomfort for the majority of those who suffer from the condition.

Often, psoriasis develops along the elbows, knees, lower back, and most commonly, throughout the scalp. For that reason, people who have psoriasis need to use specific shampoo formulations to avoid aggravating the condition.

So if you want to help ease the itching, redness, and flaking that this condition might cause on your scalp, try checking out these options for the best shampoo for psoriasis.

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When You Need Treatments In Addition To Psoriasis Shampoo

When your scalp psoriasis is more severe, psoriasis shampoo alone may not be enough to treat it. It’s also possible that even if the shampoo works for you initially, your psoriasis may eventually become resistant to its effects. In these cases, your doctor may recommend other treatments, such as topical scalp medications, a course of steroid medication, or ultraviolet light treatments.

Biologic drugs have proven to be effective in treating scalp psoriasis. A study of 145 patients with scalp psoriasis published in December 2016 in the Journal of European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology found the biologic drugs, uystekinumab and infliximab to be most beneficial, with adlimumab and etanercept also yielding satisfactory results.

In extreme cases, Takeshita recommends that people use oil-based topical steroids to help with softening and gentle removal of the scales. Salicylic acid in shampoos is helpful, but in very severe cases a person needs more than topical treatments such as, oral systemics or biologics, Takeshita says. Phototherapy can sometimes be helpful for severe cases as well, but usually this approach is reserved for those who have extremely short hair, or are bald, since the hair gets in the way of treatment.

Although it can be challenging and even frustrating at times to deal with scalp psoriasis, you can bring it under control once you get on the right treatment plan.

Why Do I Have Scalp Psoriasis

This skin disease happens when your immune system sends faulty signals and skin cells grow too quickly. These pile up in red patches, often with silvery scales. At least half the people with psoriasis have it on their scalp. But you can also get it on your forehead, behind the ears, and down the back of your neck.

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Scalp Psoriasis Can Cause Temporary Hair Loss

Fortunately, hair loss from psoriasis isnt all that common, but it does occur, says Dr. Bagel. Some people may lose clumps of hair, but this hair does grow back in about a month with adequate scalp psoriasis treatment, he says. The hair loss may be from scratching and the inflammation of the disease. Looking for relief? Try these 10 psoriasis remedies that can ease symptoms.

How To Treat Scalp Psoriasis

The Best Dandruff Shampoo for Every Hair Type

Dandruff or scalp psoriasis? Find out what scalp psoriasis is and how to go about treating it

Scalp psoriasis is a somewhat rare scalp flaking condition thatâs different than dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. It affects only about 3% of the population.

Because some of the symptoms can appear similar, it may be worth trying common dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis treatments first, to see if your condition improves.

Try Head & Shoulders Clinical Strength Shampoo contains strongest non-prescription anti-dandruff treatment you can get. Its selenium sulfide formula works hard to tackle the root cause of the scalp flaking and irritation.

If you see no improvement after using this shampoo every time you wash your hair for three weeks, your symptoms may be caused by another condition like scalp psoriasis.

Consult your dermatologist if you think you have scalp psoriasis. They will be able to prescribe a suitable treatment.

Dermatologists will often try a number of treatment options to find one that works best, as some treatments will work better for some people than others.

It all depends on the severity of the psoriasis and your individual reaction to treatment.

Read Also: Body Surface Area Assessment Psoriasis

What Is The Best Shampoo To Use For Psoriasis

Below, youll find some of the best shampoos for scalp psoriasis:

  • 1 T/Gel Therapeutic Shampoo Extra Strength. Neutrogena.
  • 2 Psoriasis Medicated Shampoo + Conditioner. Dermarest.
  • 3 SAL Shampoo. DHS Sal Shampoo.
  • 4 5% Coal Tar Psoriasis Shampoo. PsoriaTrax.
  • 5 Clinical Strength Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment. Head & Shoulders.


Dermarest Psoriasis Medicated Shampoo Plus Conditioner

Best For Sensitive Dry Scalps

Say hello to a healthier scalp with Dermarests Medicated Shampoo + Conditioner.

Specially formulated with a blend of 3% salicylic acid, a unique zinc complex, and botanicals that promote hair and scalp health, this medicated shampoo from Dermarest helps treat and relieve scalp psoriasis and its symptoms.

This shampoo goes beyond the itch to truly treat symptoms of scalp psoriasis such as flaking and an intensely itchy scalp.

Dermarests Medicated Shampoo + Conditioner uses salicylic acid to combat scalp psoriasis.

Salicylic acid is a peeling agent considered to be a common and effective mode of treatment for various skin problems including but not limited to scalp psoriasis.

This ingredient works by acting as a scale lifter, helping soften psoriatic scales and causing them to shed in order to eliminate buildup.

Since it uses salicylic acid instead of coal tar, Dermarests Medicated Shampoo + Conditioner wont have that weird smell that coal tar is known for.

Its fragrance-free, making it perfect for people who want the benefits of scalp psoriasis treatment without any unwanted smells.

This medicated shampoo from Dermarest helps remove and control scalp build-up, eliminates itching, soothes irritation, and restores moisture for a healthy scalp that is free of any psoriasis symptoms.

It is dermatologist-tested and recognized by the National Psoriasis Foundation, as well.

Best Organic Shampoo For Psoriasis

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I First Started Getting Psoriasis Around The Age Of 26

It was when I worked at a steakhouse as a cook. I was eating a lot of beef and white bread because it was free. Somebody would mess up a steak or burger at least twice a day, and boom, I had a free meal. I ate beef and white bread almost everyday for two years. Not a good choice.

Red spots starts showing up around my eyelashes and above my lip. Then they started flaking and getting gross, then it started in my hair, little crusty bumps. I didnt know what to do, I didnt have health care, so I couldnt go to the doctor. And it wasnt that bad.

During the next summer I played a lot of basketball outside with no shirt on and it went away. Getting a tan apparently makes psoriasis disappear. But I was also thinking, oh it goes away in the summer, who cares.

I went back to college and started drinking black coffee twice a morning and feeling stressed out. I think the black coffee and stress made the psoriasis return. During that winter it got really bad. The red dots became huge and dry, it felt like my skin was made of rocks. I kept putting lotions on it recommended by some of my female friends, all of which contained alcohol and fragrance, which actually made it worse. When I would reach up to grab things, the dots would crack and bleed.

I was really scared to eat differently like actually scared. How could I ever live without disgusting food and Pepsi on a daily basis?

Tips For Better Results With Psoriasis Shampoos

Shampoo for Scalp Psoriasis & Sensitive Skin

To use psoriasis shampoo, massage the product into your scalp, leave it on for a minimum of 5 to 10 minutes unless otherwise instructed, and then rinse it out. Before using the shampoo, you may want to coat two cotton balls with petroleum jelly and place them in your ears to keep out the shampoo.

When you have active psoriasis lesions on your scalp, you may need to use psoriasis shampoo repeatedly to get the lesions under control. Often, this means using the shampoo daily for several weeks. While most psoriasis shampoos are safe to use every day, this may lead to scalp irritation over time. So once you have your lesions under control, you can help avoid irritation by cutting back on your use of the psoriasis shampoo to just twice a week.

Remember that psoriasis shampoo is designed to treat your scalp, not your hair. So you can follow a psoriasis treatment with your favorite cosmetic shampoo and conditioner for general hair care and reduce the smell that some psoriasis shampoos have. Recent advances have actually made some medicated psoriasis shampoos more cosmetically pleasing, so you may be pleasantly surprised.

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Symptoms Of Scalp Psoriasis

There are some similarities between scalp psoriasis and the symptoms of dandruff such as flaking, itching and dry scalp but suffers are also likely to experience

  • scaly, red, bumpy patches

  • burning or soreness

  • hair loss

These are not just confined to the scalp either and can appear on areas like your elbows, knees and naval as well as the more common areas such as the scalp, hands and face.

Scalp Psoriasis Causes Flakes

Yes, flakes can be embarrassing and a dead giveaway of your scalp condition, but while the flaking may resemble dandruff, psoriasis is not one of the sneaky causes of dandruff. Treating the psoriasis is the best thing you can do to get rid of the flakes, but in the meantime, you can wear light-colored clothing to help hide the flakes, says Jerry Bagel, MD, a dermatologist in East Windsor, NJ, and a board member at the NPF.

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Head And Shoulders Vs T Gel

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If youre dealing with dandruff, then youre likely looking at shampoos and formulas that you can use to combat it. The likelihood is that you keep coming across the same old names, with two of the most popular names being Neutrogenas T Gel, and the household staple Head and Shoulders. But if youre dealing with dandruff, is one of these a better option than the other?

If youre really dealing with serious dandruff, then youre likely better off opting for T Gel as opposed to Head and Shoulders. Why? Well, T Gel is created specifically for dealing with seborrheic dermatitis, of which dandruff is a mild form of. Head and Shoulders is good too, but its unlikely to be as effective as something specifically formulated to deal with the issue.

That doesnt mean to say that you should write off Head and Shoulders completely. In fact, many people have success by using both of these shampoos simultaneously, as you dont need to use T Gel every day. Many dermatologists recommend you use T Gel every other day or even twice a week, so you could use head and shoulders on the other days. Lets have a look at the two shampoos to see if one of them would be a better option for you.

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