Thursday, July 25, 2024

Plaque Psoriasis What Causes It

What Are The Clinical Features Of Guttate Psoriasis

Overview of Psoriasis | What Causes It? What Makes It Worse? | Subtypes and Treatment
  • Acute onset over days
  • Numerous small patches
  • Pink, scaly, thin patches or plaques of psoriasis
  • Scale can be subtle in early lesions
  • Widespread lesions predominantly over the trunk and limbs
  • Lesions on the face, scalp, and ears tend to be faint and short-lived
Guttate psoriasis
  • Uniformly distributed red dotted vessels
  • Diffuse white-grey scale
  • Bright red, dull red, or pink background

These dermoscopy features are diagnostic and are seen in all skin types.

What Is The Treatment For Psoriasis

The goal of psoriasis treatment is to stop the skin cells from growing rapidly and to remove the scales.

There are several treatment options for psoriasis. The type of treatment done for you depends on how severe is psoriasis, and how responsive it has been to a previous treatment.

The different types of treatments done for psoriasis include:

Topical therapy: This includes the topical application of certain medications.


  • These are the most commonly prescribed medicines for the treatment of mild to moderate psoriasis.
  • Corticosteroids may be available in the form of creams, ointments, gels, lotions, foams, shampoos, and sprays.
  • Examples of corticosteroids include hydrocortisone, triamcinolone, and clobetasol.

Vitamin D analogues:


  • Tazarotene is a type of retinoid that is available in the form of a cream or gel.
  • It can be applied one or two times a day.

Calcineurin inhibitors:

  • They help in reducing the inflammation and buildup of plaque.
  • Examples include pimecrolimus and tacrolimus.

Coal tar:

  • It helps in reducing itching, scaling, and inflammation.

Salicylic acid:

  • Salicylic acid present in shampoos and scalp solutions reduces the scaling of the scalp psoriasis.


It is a tar product in the form of a cream.

  • It is used to slow skin cell growth. It also removes the scales to make the skin smoother.

Goeckerman therapy:


  • Daily exposure to sunlight for a brief time is known as heliotherapy. This may help in improving psoriasis.


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How Long Does It Take For Plaque Psoriasis To Heal

Although research is promising, doctors cannot yet cure psoriasis. Once a person has had a psoriasis flare, they are likely to have another one.

Patches of psoriasis may clear up after a few months, or they may stay the same, get bigger, or spread across the body. In some people, psoriasis will disappear and not return for years.

Treatment can help reduce the frequency of flares and the severity of symptoms.

People who find that environmental factors trigger their flares can often reduce flare frequency by controlling these triggers, which may include stress or allergies.

Psoriasis has a characteristic appearance that most doctors quickly recognize.

If a doctor suspects psoriasis but is unsure, they may perform a skin biopsy to rule out other causes. The biopsy will involve taking a sample of affected skin and examining it under a microscope.

Treatment depends on the severity of psoriasis. Some people can control their symptoms by avoiding triggers and using over-the-counter corticosteroid creams.

People with moderate or severe psoriasis may need medication to control their symptoms. A wide range of medications is available, including:

Other treatment strategies include:

other types of psoriasis include:

What Is Cdc Doing About Psoriasis

What Causes Of Plaque Psoriasis

In 2010, CDC worked with experts in psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and public health to develop a public health perspective that considers how these conditions affect the entire population. The resulting report is Developing and Addressing the Public Health Agenda for Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis pdf icon. You can read a short article about the agendaexternal icon in The American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

CDCs National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey , an intermittent source of national psoriasis data, has included questions about psoriasis as late as the 2013-2014 cycle. A recent analysis of NHANES data estimates that 7.4 million adults had psoriasis in 2013external icon.

  • Psoriasis causes patches of thick red skin and silvery scales. Patches are typically found on the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back, face, palms, and soles of feet, but can affect other places . The most common type of psoriasis is called plaque psoriasis.
  • Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory type of arthritis that eventually occurs in 10% to 20% of people with psoriasis. It is different from more common types of arthritis and is thought to be related to the underlying problem of psoriasis.
  • Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are sometimes considered together as psoriatic disease.

Who is at risk for psoriasis?

Anyone can get psoriasis. It occurs mostly in adults, but children can also get it. Men and women seem to have equal risk.

Can I get psoriasis from someone who has it?

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What Psoriasis Medications Can I Take

Systemic Medications

Biologics for Psoriasis

The following drugs are categorized under the term biologic because they are all proteins produced in the laboratory by industrial cell culture techniques and must be given either subcutaneously or intravenously. The frequency of treatment depends on the specific drug. All of these medications are very precise in that they block only one or two parts of the inflammatory reaction and are moderately immunosuppresive.

Biologics are expensive and do not cure psoriasis but as a group are quite effective and reasonably safe. If it is decided to start a patient on a biologic drug, the choice will depend on the particular physician’s expertise, as well as insurance coverage and payment issues.

What Are The Symptoms Of Plaque Psoriasis

Everybody experiences the symptoms of plaque psoriasis in different ways, which can vary based on the type of psoriasis, as well as the severity. However, common symptoms can include one or more of the following:

  • Reddish, raised areas of inflamed skin
  • Scaly, silver-colored patches in the inflamed areas
  • Cracked, dry skin that may bleed
  • Sore, itchy, or burning skin
  • Small, red spots

Also Check: Scalp Psoriasis And Psoriatic Arthritis

How Can Medications Trigger Plaque Psoriasis

Taking certain types of medications can also trigger psoriasis flare-ups in many people.1,3 Medicines that are currently known to be possible triggers for psoriasis include:

  • High blood pressure medicines
  • Antimalarial medicines
  • Quinidine
  • Indomethacin

Beta blockers are medicines that are used to treat people with high blood pressure. One beta blocker called Inderal, has been shown to make symptoms worse for many people with psoriasis who take it. Other types of beta blockers may also be psoriasis triggers. A different type of heart medicine, called quinidine, has also been linked to psoriasis flare-ups in some patients.

Antimalarials are medicines that people take to keep from getting malaria. They are also sometimes used for people with psoriatic arthritis to reduce inflammation in the joints. These medicines can also cause a flare-up of psoriasis symptoms within a few weeks or even months after taking them.

Lithium is a medicine used to treat people with mood disorders, such as bipolar disorder. Research suggests that lithium can trigger flare-ups in about half of people with psoriasis who take lithium.

Indomethacin is a type of anti-inflammatory medicine that is commonly used to treat symptoms of arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. In certain people, it can also cause a flare-up of psoriasis symptoms.

Get A Handle On Allergies

A Solution for Your Plaque Psoriasis

Allergies and Psoriasis

Although both allergies and psoriasis are due to immune dysfunction, there is no scientific proof that psoriasis is an allergic reaction. Some people who have both conditions report that allergy symptoms trigger psoriasis flares. Psoriatic skin lesions may be mistaken for allergic conditions, but the two disease processes are different.

Allergy Busters

If you have allergies and psoriasis, taking steps to control allergies may help reduce the risk of a psoriasis flare.

  • Avoiding known allergens is an effective strategy to reduce symptoms. For example, if you are allergic to dust mites, minimize upholstered furniture, replace carpet with hard flooring, and dust and vacuum frequently to reduce exposure.
  • Take allergy medications as prescribed by your doctor. Taking allergy medicines at the correct times and correct dosages will help minimize allergy symptoms.
  • Keep track of your symptoms in a diary. If new or troubling symptoms emerge, keeping track of what you eat, where you go, and what you’re exposed to may help reveal patterns that can be used to adjust your treatment.

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Guard Against Cold Or Dry Weather

Winter Psoriasis

Cold air, dry temps, and diminished sunlight all contribute to psoriasis flares in the winter. Combat these conditions by using a humidifier indoors. Using heavy moisturizers helps fight dry skin and reduce the discomfort from winter psoriasis. Choose moisturizers and skin products that are fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, and formulated for sensitive skin.

Winter Skin Care Tips

Skin needs extra care and attention in the winter, whether you have psoriasis or not. Use this winter skin care tips to keep your skin healthy when it’s cold and dry outside.

Pervasive Plaque Psoriasis Covering The Body

In some cases, plaque psoriasis can be very severe. It may cover the majority of the body. Plaque psoriasis of this severity can be uncomfortable, and even dangerous, if it becomes infected or progresses to other forms of psoriasis.

Moderate to severe plaque psoriasis can be treated effectively with different types of therapy, including biologics. Severe cases will often require a specialized treatment plan developed with a dermatologist. Prescription systemic medications may also be necessary.

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Take Care Of Your Feet

Start by taking good care of your feet. Wash them regularly with a gentle soap that does not dry the skin or trigger flares. Your doctor can offer medical advice to help you find a soap that will work for you. If you are particularly prone to outbreaks of psoriasis on your feet, an oatmeal foot bath may also soothe your skin.

When your feet are clean and dry, use a gentle moisturizer to keep your feet well hydrated. Some lotions with urea or salicylic acid are specifically designed for people diagnosed with psoriasis.

What Causes Psoriasis

What Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis runs in families: If a parent, grandparent, brother, or sister has psoriasis, you have a higher risk of getting it.

Psoriasis is not contagious. Unlike chickenpox or a cold, you cannot catch psoriasis from someone.

You also CANNOT get psoriasis by:

  • Swimming in a pool with someone who has psoriasis

  • Touching someone who has psoriasis

  • Having sex with someone who has psoriasis

While we know that psoriasis isnt contagious, scientists are still trying to determine exactly how psoriasis develops.

Scientists have learned that a persons immune system and genes play a role in causing psoriasis. Heres what studies have revealed about each of these.

Immune system: White blood cells, also called T-cells, are part of the bodys immune system. These cells help prevent us from getting sick by attacking things that can harm us, such as bacteria and viruses.

When a person has psoriasis, something goes wrong in the immune system, so T-cells also attack the bodys skin cells. This attack causes the body to make new skin cells more often. The extra skin cells pile up on the surface of the skin, and you see psoriasis.

Once T-cells start to attack skin cells, this usually continues for the rest of a persons life. There is one exception. Some children who get a type of psoriasis called guttate psoriasis never have it again.

Genes: We know that psoriasis runs in families. Scientists have found that people who have certain genes are more likely to get psoriasis.

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Is Psoriasis Genetic

What do curly hair, eye color, and psoriasis all have in common?

They are all influenced by genetics. In fact, 1 out of 3 people with psoriasis has a relative who also has the disease. Not to mention, up to 10% of the population inherits one or more of the genes that predispose them to psoriasis, however, only 2% to 3% will actually develop the disease.

So, is psoriasis hereditary? The answer just might be, yes.

You might not be able to control your genetics, but here are some things you can control.

When To See A Doctor

Anyone who notices unusual changes in their skin should see a doctor.

Individuals with a diagnosis of psoriasis should follow their treatment plan and see their doctor if symptoms persist or worsen, or if treatment results in adverse effects.

There is currently no cure for plaque psoriasis, but many treatment options are available, depending on the individual and the severity of symptoms.

Options include:

  • reduce dryness and cracking
  • improve itching

Various topical treatments are available from a pharmacist or for purchase online, with or without a prescription.

It is best to check first with a doctor or pharmacist before choosing a topical treatment, as some may suit an individual better than others. In certain cases, there may not be enough scientific evidence to confirm that they are safe to use or work.

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What Are The Causes Of Psoriasis

  • Psoriasis is an immune system problem.
  • The immune system overreacts leading to inflammation and skin regeneration at faster than normal rates.
  • In normal circumstances, the new skin cells grow every 28 to 30 days. But, in the case of psoriasis, the new cells grow and move to the surface of the skin every three to four days.
  • The buildup of the new cells replacing the old cells leads to the formation of silvery scales and red patches.
  • Genetics and other environmental factors are believed to play a role in the immune system not working properly.
  • Psoriasis is not contagious.

Light Treatment For Plaque Psoriasis

What Causes Plaque Psoriasis

Light therapy is a common treatment for plaque psoriasis. Because light therapy is nonpharmaceutical, its a popular choice prior to systemic medications.

Some people are able to achieve healing through regular limited sessions of sun exposure, while others fare better using a special light machine.

Check with your dermatologist before treating your psoriasis through exposure to sunlight. Too much sun exposure can burn your skin and make plaque psoriasis worse.

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Treatments For Mild Plaque Psoriasis

  • Calcipotriol and calcipotriene are synthetic derivatives of vitamin D that effectively treats plaque psoriasis. By inhibiting immune response to the psoriasis trigger and reducing excessive production of skin cells, these two drugs decrease scaling, swelling redness and density of plaques.
  • Although vitamin D derivatives successfully control psoriasis, a side effect of altering calcium metabolism sometimes results in patients experiencing dermatitis. Patients should also be aware that taking supplements containing ordinary vitamin D does not help eliminate psoriasis.
  • Dermatologists may recommend vitamin A derivatives for patients they think lack sufficient amounts of this vitamin.
  • Synthetic vitamin A medications such as etretinate and isotretinoin are commonly used to provide relief from debilitating symptoms of plaque psoriasis, especially when used in combination with psoralen-ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B light therapy. Long-term use of synthetic vitamin A is not suggested due to its ability to produce side effects such as conjunctivitis, bad headaches, bone abnormalities and arthritis.
  • In addition to treating plaque psoriasis with topical corticosteroids, ointments containing salicylic acid, coal tar and dithranol, doctors have also prescribed fatty acid supplements for psoriasis sufferers.

How Is Psoriasis Diagnosed And Treated

Psoriasis often has a typical appearance that a primary care doctor can recognize, but it can be confused with other skin diseases , so a dermatologist is often the best doctor to diagnose it. The treatment of psoriasis usually depends on how much skin is affected, how bad the disease is , or the location . Treatments range from creams and ointments applied to the affected areas to ultraviolet light therapy to drugs . Many people who have psoriasis also have serious health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and depression. Some people with psoriasis also have an inflammatory condition which affects their joints, called psoriatic arthritis.

Psoriatic arthritis has many of the same symptoms as other types of arthritis, so a rheumatologist is often the best doctor to diagnose it. The treatment of psoriatic arthritis usually involves the use of drugs .

Psoriatic disease may be treated with drugs or a combination of drugs and creams or ointments.

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Can A Diet Cure Psoriasis Naturally

  • Avoiding environmental factors that trigger psoriasis, such as smoking, and stress, may help prevent or minimize flare-ups of psoriasis. Sun exposure may help in many cases of psoriasis and aggravate it in others.
  • Alcohol is considered a risk factor for psoriasis, even moderate amounts of beer. People should minimize alcohol use if they have psoriasis. This is especially important if they are taking medications such as methotrexate or acitretin.
  • Specific dietary restrictions or supplements other than a well-balanced and adequate diet are not important in the management of plaque psoriasis.
  • Recently, some data has supported that an “anti-inflammatory” diet that is high in fruits and vegetables and low in saturated and trans fats may help manage psoriasis, although the value in preventing its onset is less certain.

What Causes Guttate Psoriasis

Plaque Psoriasis: Causes, Picture, Symptoms And Treatment

Guttate psoriasis typically develops 12 weeks after a streptococcal infection of the upper respiratory tract, particularly tonsillitis, or other sites such as perianal streptococcal dermatitis. Beta-haemolytic streptococci can directly stimulate skin-homing T-cellproliferation in the tonsils.

Guttate psoriasis has been reported to follow SARS-CoV-2 infection and other viral infections such as coxsackievirus.

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