Friday, July 26, 2024

Is Direct Sunlight Good For Psoriasis

Research Shows Vitamin D And Natural Sunlight Can Help Reduce Inflammation Helping To Clear Psoriasis Plaques

DermaHealer UV-B Phototherapy Lamp for Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Eczema

From helping you get enough Vitamin D to allowing your body to naturally fight depression, natural sunlight can have an incredibly positive impact on your physical and mental wellbeing especially if you have psoriasis. One study showed that people with psoriasis typically have low Vitamin D levels, and, since natural sunlight is the best way to increase your bodys levels of the vitamin, it may also be able to help reduce the intensity of your psoriasis.

In addition to boosting Vitamin D, research also indicates that ultraviolet light rays from the sun may have immunosuppressive elements. Since psoriasis is an immune-mediated inflammatory disease, those UV rays might also be able to help reduce psoriasis symptoms. Despite sunlights benefits, you should be careful to take precautions while a moderate amount of sunlight may have a positive effect on your psoriasis, too much could actually make it worse.

Like weve said before, when it comes to managing your psoriasis, knowledge is power. So, the more you know about how sunlight may affect your condition, the more you can do to live powerfully and intentionally while managing your psoriasis symptoms.

What Are The Types Of Light Therapy For Psoriasis

The NPF reports that there are several different types of light therapy, each with their own specific pros and cons. Types of phototherapy include:

Most dermatologists warn against using tanning beds or sun lamps to try to treat the condition on your own and the NPF does not support the use of indoor tanning beds as a substitute for phototherapy performed with a prescription and under the supervision of a physician. Only medical professionals should provide and advertise light therapy for the treatment of psoriasis. One reason why is because commercially available tanning beds and sunlamps emit more UVA light than UVB, which may be more likely to burn the skin, speed aging and elevate risk for cancer. UVA light is also less effective than UVB, unless its being used in combination with a compound called psoralen as part of a PUVA treatment. Using psoralen in combination with a tanning bed is not recommended, as it may result in severe sunburn, the NPF reports.

What Is Ultraviolet Light

The energy in sunlight ranges in wavelength from about 2500nm down to 280nm. Visible light lies between about 400nm in the violet to 700nm in the deep red. Beyond 700nm is infrared, which is felt as heat. Infrared is strongly absorbed by water, so when clouds pass in front of the sun we immediately feel the reduction in warmth. Wavelengths shorter than 400nm are ultraviolet: our atmosphere protects us from wavelengths shorter than 280nm, so we are exposed to ultraviolet wavelengths from 280- 400nm. This region of sunlight is arbitrarily split into long-wave ultraviolet A from 315nm 400nm, and short-wave ultraviolet B from 280-315nm.

On its own, UVA is not effective in improving psoriasis, which is why psoralen is used to sensitise the skin before exposure to UVA. However, UVB is very effective at improving psoriasis, providing that the plaques are not too thick or reflective. So, sunlight can help psoriasis by virtue of the UVB wavelengths it contains. The UVB wavelengths in sunlight are also very effective at causing the production of vitamin D in the skin. Vitamin D is essential for bone and skin health. For more information about the use of artificial sunlight see Psoriasis and Phototherapy.

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Deep Breathing Is Good For Psoriasis

Yoga can help in healing psoriasis. Numerous resources on internet validate this claim. But I never tried yoga because I used to consider yoga something very complex, boring and time consuming. If your perception towards yoga coincides with mine, then deep breathing is the answer for you. Deep breathing is a good yoga for psoriasis. Let us know the health benefits of deep breathing exercise:

  • Detoxification of body

Lungs are one of the eliminatory organs of your body involved in elimination of toxins from your. Other eliminatory organs are: Liver, kidney and skin.

About 70% of the toxins accumulated in your body are released through breathing. Proper breathing is very essential to facilitate this body detoxification process. Deep breathing exercise in early morning and/or in the evening is perfect to remove the accumulated toxins from inside your body and to prevent any further toxin retention in your body.

  • Stress buster

We have discussed enough in our previous posts that stress management is very crucial to keep psoriasis in check. Heather J Ferris, in her book- Psoriasis healing from Inside Out has given a lot of importance to stress management techniques, including deep breathing. Deep breathing exercise improves your bodys energy levels which in turn reduces stress.

Read more: Stress and Psoriasis

  • Immunity booster
  • Maintaining body pH

Read more: Benefits of alkaline diet for Psoriasis

  • Blood purification
  • Aids in digestion
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Natural pain killer

Stressful Seasons For Psoriasis

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Although psoriasis is believed to be the result of an immune system malfunction, Lebwohl says there have also been a number of genes identified with this condition. And like most genetic conditions, he tells WebMD that there is also a unique, genetically determined time frame in which psoriasis is triggered into action, and it’s different for everybody who has it. Still, he says, something does have to act as the initial trigger, and often, that “something” is stress.

Indeed, in a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology in 1988, doctors from the Baylor College of Medicine concluded that stress can not only trigger a psoriasis flare-up, but in some instances it may also play a significant role in the initial onset of the condition.

Since the fall season frequently kicks off an activity-packed school year — stressful for parents as well as students — it’s not hard to see why this time of year can make psoriasis worse. Toss in a stress-filled holiday season, and some psoriasis patients can suffer well into the New Year.

But doctors say you can head off the effects of stress by engaging in some form of relaxation beginning at the start of the fall season. The Baylor research notes that several studies found hypnosis and biofeedback are effective stress reducers in some people with psoriasis.

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The Role Of Sunlight: How Can It Help Psoriasis

Most people who have psoriasis find that the sun helps to improve their skins appearance. For some the change is dramatic, with red scaly patches almost disappearing altogether during summer months in a warm climate.

In order to help clear psoriasis, sun exposure needs to be spread over time. A week on a sunny holiday may help but rarely completely clears psoriasis, and if the skin is exposed too soon for too long, sunburn can result, which could cause injury to the skin. In some people with psoriasis such injury can start a new plaque of psoriasis at the site of the injury. This is known as Koebnerisation, after the German dermatologist Heinrich Koebner. Therefore it is important to increase exposure to the sun gradually, to allow your skin to adapt to the sun without burning.

Because ultraviolet light is so effective for many with psoriasis, it is often used in various artificial forms. Ultraviolet phototherapy is a highly effective set of treatments for psoriasis given by hospital dermatology departments and specialist phototherapy centres. UV phototherapy is used in one of two forms: UVB or PUVA. UVB uses short-wave UVB light while PUVA uses a plant-derived photosensitiser with long-wave UVA light. If you need these treatments, your GP or healthcare provider can refer you to a dermatologist who will discuss the most suitable treatment for your psoriasis, including phototherapy.

Sunlight Ultraviolet Light Climatotherapy And Balneotherapy

Sunlight is extremely beneficial for individuals with psoriasis.110,111 Outdoor 4-week heliotherapy was shown to promote significant clearance of psoriatic symptoms in 84% of 373 subjects.112 Studies employing nonprescription commercial tanning beds have shown that a majority of patients find them helpful113 they also objectively facilitate improvements in both psoriasis severity and health-related quality of life.114 In addition, an open-label retrospective trial studied the combined use of the retinoid acitretin along with a 4- to 5-day-per-week tanning regimen 83% of 23 subjects experienced complete or near-complete recovery.115

There is overwhelming evidence that bathing in the Dead Sea is very effective in the treatment of psoriasis.121

Traditional Chinese medical bath therapy, in combination with UV irradiation, has also been shown to be safe and effective in the treatment of psoriasis, as documented in a review of 25 randomized controlled trials.122 A report of a controlled trial of hydrogen-water bathing also showed significant and rapid improvement itching and in PASI score.123

George W. Cody JD, MA, Heidi Hascall MA, in, 2020

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Psoriasis And Eczema: Sunlight Friend Or Foe

People who have psoriasis or eczema sometimes find that sunlight can help to improve their condition. However, being careful in the sun is important, as reddening and sun-burning your skin, is a major risk factor for skin cancer.

Overexposure to the sun, causing sunburn, can also bring about the Koebner phenomenon this is where psoriasis can develop at the site of an injury, such as sunburn. Thats right! Sun-burning can actually trigger your psoriasis! Also, be aware that for a minority of people with psoriasis or eczema , sun exposure can actually aggravate their condition.

Effects Of Vitamin D On The Cutaneous Immune System

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Psoriasis pathogenesis implicates the innate and adaptive segments of the immune system. In particular, it is centrally controlled by T cells, in which an important role is played by T-helper 1, Th17 and Th22, interplaying with numerous cell types via different cytokines, including tumour-necrosis factor- , IL-6 and IL-17 . The activity of these cells is modulated by specific T lymphocytes, named regulatory T cells . Regulatory T cells are able to inhibit the immunological response and to preserve the cutaneous immunological homeostasis, preventing autoimmune response against self-antigens .

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Benefits Of Olive Oil For Psoriasis

For many, virgin olive oil is considered as liquid gold. This is because it is rich in antioxidants which aid in preventing free radical damage to healthy cells, thereby reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases like breast cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. It is also highly effective in controlling inflammation.Olive oil also contains healthy fats identified as Monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids . These fatty acids help to reduce the risk of heart disease and other chronic conditions.

Does Psoriasis Get Better Or Worse In Summer

Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes plaques: patches of skin that are red, scaly, and sore or itchy. Symptom flares can be caused by a number of different things, including stress, smoking, certain medications and hormonal changes.

One important treatment for psoriasis is phototherapy. This is where affected patches of skin are exposed to certain types of UV light within a controlled medical setting. This treatment is often really effective in reducing symptoms.

With this in mind, its understandable that people with psoriasis often find that their skin improves in the sunshine. If you have psoriasis you will probably find that spending time outside during the summer reduces the severity of your symptoms.

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Psoriasis And Your Environment

In addition to ushering in cooler, drier temperatures, the start of fall can also mean less sunshine. And in the case of psoriasis, that’s not a good thing.

While getting too much sun — and particularly a sunburn — can worsen this condition, Lebwohl says getting 15 to 20 minutes of exposure daily can be beneficial, helping to keep breakouts under control. As such, experts say that as seasons change, try to spend at least a little time outdoors in direct sunlight. If that’s not possible, talk to your doctor about UV light therapy — a way of mechanically re-creating the healing effects of the sun.

“It’s the treatment I use most often for psoriasis, and it’s actually safer than sunlight,” says Lebwohl. In use for more than 80 years, he says it also does not increase the risk of skin cancer.

You can also make your indoor space a more healing place if you use a humidifier — a way of mechanically putting more moisture into your personal space. Doctors say it’s a leading way to combat psoriasis symptoms all year round. If you can’t afford an electric humidifier, try putting pots of water on or near your radiators or air vents, and leave one on a nightstand by your bed.

The Right Amount Of Sun

How Sun Affects Skin

A weekend at the beach is unlikely to clear up psoriasis, because you need long-term exposure. Too much sun, however, can cause a sunburn and result in injury and aggravation of psoriasis.

Increase your sun exposure levels slowly. That way your skin benefits from exposure to the ultraviolet light, but adapts to the effects of the sun gradually. Start with just 10 minutes at a strong, sunny point of the day, such as noon or 1pm. Gradually increase your exposure by 30-60 seconds a day.

Wear sunscreen and sunglasses to protect yourself from harmful rays that can age you and cause a burn. If you take medications or have a condition that makes you especially sensitive to the sun, clear sun therapy with Dr. Fromowitz before heading outside.

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Schedule Time In The Sun

Although its not a substitute for medical-grade light therapy, some people do find that a little sun exposure helps soothe their psoriasis, says Delphine J. Lee, MD, PhD, chief of dermatology and residency program director at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, California. Ultraviolet B is present in natural sunlight and is an effective treatment for psoriasis, says the NPF. Sunlight also helps the body create vitamin D, which may play a role in psoriasis. Research suggests that people with psoriasis often have lower than normal levels of vitamin D.

Using sunlight to treat psoriasis is not recommended for everyone, however. Be sure to talk to your dermatologist to formulate a sunscreen plan and figure out a time limit.

Vitamin D Regulation Of Apoptosis In Keratinocytes

Calcitriol stimulates the synthesis of ceramide by inducing the neutral Mg2+-dependent sphingomyelinase and in return, ceramide enhances the pro-differentiating effect of calcitriol on keratinocytes in a feedback loop . It has been demonstrated that physiological concentrations of calcitriol do not initiate apoptosis in cultured keratinocytes but, in contrast, pharmacological concentrations of calcitriol exert a pro-apoptotic effect on keratinocytes .

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What Are The Side Effects Of Light Therapy For Psoriasis

Because light therapy doesnt involve any kind of surgical procedure or ingesting medications, its considered very safe with few side effects. Light therapy can be a good option for pregnant women, who cant take systemic treatments, such as methotrexate or biologic medications, Kaffenberger says. This is because some of the systemic treatments can cause serious side effects that could harm the fetus. But with light therapy, the side effects are fewer and limited to the skin.

But there are some drawbacks. Gelfand says light therapy tends to work best on guttate and plaque psoriasis, but it doesnt usually help much when dealing with psoriasis lesions on certain parts of the body, and its not the right answer for all patients. It doesnt work well in the scalp because its covered by hair, making it difficult for the light rays to penetrate. And if you have psoriasis in the genital area, that can be a tricky area to treat. You have to protect the genitals because theyre sensitive to burns and skin cancers, Gelfand says. Therefore, the ideal candidate is someone who has plaque or guttate psoriasis on the arms, legs and trunk. Kaffenberger adds that in some patients, it can actually worsen psoriasis, and theres no easy way to discern ahead of time who will see a worsening of symptoms or an improvement.

While Moderate Sunlight Can Be Helpful Sunburns Can Actually Make Psoriasis Worse

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Sunburns from too much sun exposure can cause new psoriatic plaques at the site of the burn, in a process sometimes known as the Koebner phenomenon. The Koebner phenomenon can affect one in four people with psoriasis, and can also be triggered by cuts, scrapes, or mosquito bites. No matter what, too much sun exposure can increase your risk of developing melanoma skin cancer which is just another reason to be careful and responsible when you go out in the sun.

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How Psoriasis Is Diagnosed

A GP can often diagnose psoriasis based on the appearance of your skin.

In rare cases, a small sample of skin called a biopsy will be sent to the laboratory for examination under a microscope.

This determines the exact type of psoriasis and rules out other skin disorders, such as seborrhoeic dermatitis, lichen planus, lichen simplex and pityriasis rosea.

You may be referred to a specialist in diagnosing and treating skin conditions if your doctor is uncertain about your diagnosis, or if your condition is severe.

If your doctor suspects you have psoriatic arthritis, which is sometimes a complication of psoriasis, you may be referred to a doctor who specialises in arthritis .

You may have blood tests to rule out other conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, and X-rays of the affected joints may be taken.

If You Have Psoriasis Consider Getting Moderate Sunlight While Taking Smart Precautions

In limited quantities, and with the right precautions, sunlight may be able to significantly reduce your psoriasis symptoms. In fact, some people say that they see a huge difference with just a few weeks exposure to natural sunlight. Despite the potential benefits, its essential to take proper precautions, like sunscreen, sunglasses, and, perhaps most importantly, limiting the amount of time spent in the sun. You should always check with your doctor before deciding to increase the amount of sunlight youre getting. A doctor can tell you just how much sunlight you can safely get and if you need to take any specific precautions before soaking up the suns rays.

While dealing with your psoriasis can sometimes seem like a rough ride, understanding more about it can put you back in the drivers seat empowering you to make the best decisions about your health and living life to its fullest, while managing your psoriasis.

If youre not satisfied with the results of your current treatment of psoriasis or you just want to try a new, non-prescription way to treat your psoriasis, we invite you to try Prosorias dermatologist-tested, once-daily psoriasis treatment system. Our botanical rich formulas are clinically proven to not only relieve psoriasis symptoms, but also help prevent recurrences. The entire Prosoria team is here to support you on your journey to clearer skin today.

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