Saturday, July 27, 2024

How Does Sunlight Help Psoriasis

Tanning From Natural Sunlight

UVB Light Treatment for Psoriasis (before and after) – My Story

If you are tanning your skin with natural sunlight, you should take care not to get sunburn in the end. Even if you are going out to soak your skin up in the sunlight, you should still not forget to apply your sunscreen. Apply the sunscreen on all unaffected areas of your skin, and dont forget to wear sunglasses. Go out when the sun is at its peak heat. Do not stay outside for more than 10 minutes, otherwise you may end up damaging your skin with sun. Start with 10 minutes, and increase the period of 30 seconds every day, as long as your skin can comfortably tolerate it. The natural sunlight will not only help in clearing psoriasis symptoms, but will also allow you to body to produce more of vitamin D.

Difference Between Types Of Uv Phototherapy

  • UVA treatment: It is effective with chronic cases of psoriasis, as it penetrates the skin more deeply than any other type of phototherapy. It is also useful in cases of dermatitis and other skin conditions. However, this treatment may reactivate herpes simplex if the patient has had this disease in the past and can cause agining and an increased risk of cancer development.
  • PUVA treatment: According to a study published in 2004 on Europe PMC, PUVA phototherapy is the most effective when treating psoriasis. PUVA baths administered by medical professionals and have no gastrointestinal side effects and is considered to achieve faster results. Water baths hyperthermia combined with phototherapy can reduce pruitus and swelling of the patient, which is why it’s the most recommended treatment. The treatment offers visible results after the third and fourth treatment
  • UVB treatment: In this case, for effective remission, narrow-band UVB therapy is recommended rather than broad-band for psoriasis. This treatment will effectively deplete T cells from psoriatic lesions. however, several studies have shown that it can in fact cause inflammation and irritation of the skin. However, certain spectrums of UVB machines can have therapeutic benefits on a small scale.
  • Risks Associated With Tanning Beds For Psoriasis

    When you undergo light therapy under the supervision of an expert, he is responsible for monitoring how much light is entering your body. Light therapy is specifically designed to cure your psoriasis and not cause any side effects. But when you expose yourself to sunlight or tanning bed, there is no one to monitor your exposure, and you may end up with several side effects and even worsening your condition. The National Psoriasis Foundation discourages the use of commercial tanning beds as it does not ensure that the wavelengths used are safe for the patient’s skin.

    Light therapy is targeted to only the affected areas of your body, but sunlight or a tanning bed applies excessive heat and light to your entire body. As a result, this increases your risk of developing skin cancer and other skin conditions. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet light can make your skin look older and leathery. So, if you are sure how much tanning you should get, and if you can control your exposure, then tanning can prove to be your ultimate treatment for psoriasis.

    This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

    If you want to read similar articles to How does Tanning Help Psoriasis – Everything you Need to Know, we recommend you visit our Diseases & secondary effects category.

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    Combining Phototherapy With Other Treatments

    Phototherapy is often combined with other types of treatments for psoriasis, including certain types of systemic medicines and topical medicines3. Healthcare providers will provide specific advice about which treatments are safe to combine with phototherapy. During the phototherapy sessions, patients wear protective eyewear and shield sensitive areas of the body from exposure.

    If Getting Natural Sunlight Is Out Of The Question Eating Vitamin D Rich Foods Or Getting Artificial Phototherapy May Be Able To Help

    Sun and psoriasis: Is sunlight helpful or harmful?

    If you live in an area with little natural sunlight or have another medical condition which prevents you from getting sunlight, there are still ways to reap the benefits of sunlight for psoriasis treatment, albeit using slightly different methods. For example, you can up your Vitamin D consumption by eating foods like salmon, tuna, egg yolks, Swiss cheese, fortified milk and orange juice, which are all great, natural sources of the nutrient. In addition, Vitamin D3 supplements and creams may also be able to treat Vitamin D deficiency in people with psoriasis.

    Another way to help treat psoriasis can be artificial phototherapy, in which a light box is used to shine UVA or UVB rays onto the skin. While UVB rays are typically more effective in phototherapy, UVA rays penetrate deeper, and can be combined with a drug called psoralen, which increases the bodys sensitivity to these rays during the phototherapy process. While natural psoriasis treatments like Vitamin D-rich supplements and foods, as well as doctor-approved phototherapy may be a good substitute for natural sunlight, tanning beds are not, and should generally be avoided by anyone with psoriasis.

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    Why Does The Sun Help Psoriasis And How Can I Take Advantage

    Most psoriasis patients have heard about UV therapy. UV light helps to suppress the immune response which is overactive in psoriasis patients, which is the cause of the plaques, which is dead skin that is being produced too quickly and prematurely. Sunlight helps slow down this process and many patients will find that their plaques go away or are significantly reduced during the summer. Sunbathing in moderation can help improve your psoriasis as long as you protect your skin properly. Use sunscreen on areas of the skin that are unaffected by psoriasis, and don’t stay in the sun long enough to cause a sunburn. Excessive exposure is both bad for your skin in the long-term, and can actually cause your psoriasis to flare.

    Protecting Yourself In The Sun

    While sun exposure can treat psoriatic plaques, using sun exposure as a treatment modality should only be used at the advice of your physician.

    Until advised by your doctor, you should take precautions against the sun:

    • Sunblock offers protection from UVA and UVB rays. Sunscreen only protects from UVA rays. Sunblock is a better choice, as it will prevent both skin cancer and cell damage that can cause flare-ups.
    • Avoid heavily-scented sun products. Products with scent can irritate the skin.
    • Use a self-tanner if you really want the glow. Be aware that if you do have thick plaques, the plaques may be darker with the self-tanner.
    • Avoid sun at peak sun times. This is usually between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

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    How Does Heliotherapy Work

    The ultraviolet part of the sunlight spectrum has beneficial effects in small doses.

    • Short wavelength UVB and longer wavelength UVA induce vitamin D production and other chemicals that protect skin cells.
    • The UV radiation is anti-inflammatory, immune suppressing, and antiproliferative.

    The daylight part of the sunlight spectrum can also be useful in the treatment of skin conditions, for example in combination with the photosensitising agent, methyl aminolevulinic acid, for “daylight” to treat actinickeratoses.

    Psoriasis And Eczema: Sunlight Friend Or Foe

    Does Sunlight Help Psoriasis – Foods That Help Psoriasis

    People who have psoriasis or eczema sometimes find that sunlight can help to improve their condition. However, being careful in the sun is important, as reddening and sun-burning your skin, is a major risk factor for skin cancer.

    Overexposure to the sun, causing sunburn, can also bring about the Koebner phenomenon this is where psoriasis can develop at the site of an injury, such as sunburn. Thats right! Sun-burning can actually trigger your psoriasis! Also, be aware that for a minority of people with psoriasis or eczema , sun exposure can actually aggravate their condition.

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    Tips To Help You Lose Weight

    • Keep a food diary. Studies have shown that writing down everything you eat is a critical part of sustained weight loss. Noting how you feel when you eat will help you identify emotional triggers that may cause you to overeat.
    • Eat slowly. If you eat too fast, you eat more than you need to satisfy your hunger. Your brain needs time to catch up with your stomach.
    • Plan your meals ahead of time so you make healthy choices. When dining out, check the menu online and decide what you will order ahead of time. Ask for dressings on the side and opt for foods that are baked, broiled or steamed versus foods that are fried or in creamy sauces. Avoid the chips and bread baskets that can add unnecessary calories to a meal.
    • Eat when youâre truly hungry rather than when you are tired, anxious, or stressed. Emotional eaters tend to overeat.
    • Stay hydrated. Oftentimes people mistake thirst for hunger.
    • Eat breakfast. If you skip this meal, youâll be starving by lunchtime and will have more difficulty making healthy choices throughout the day.
    • Find resources to help you keep track of your food choices and nutritional values, and that can offer additional support when you need it. Potential resources include and, which offer a searchable database of foods with nutritional values.

    If youâre overweight, talk to your doctor about a weight loss approach thatâs right for you.

    Added Advantage Of Vitamin D

    Vitamin D is an essential nutrient to reduce inflammation in any part of your body. When combined with UV rays from sunlight, vitamin D can work wonders to clear psoriasis plaques. When your body is exposed to sunlight, it is triggered to produce more of this vitamin, thereby gaining benefits of improved immunity and stronger bones. Patients suffering from psoriasis are found to have low levels of vitamin D in their body, especially in winter season. So, by exposing your body to sunlight, you can compensate for the lack of vitamin D in your body as well. As vitamin D is naturally found in some foods as well, consume more of fortified milk, yogurt, orange juice, salmon, tuna, egg yolk, Swiss cheese etc. For more information on the subject, take a look at our article on what to eat if you have psoriasis.

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    How Does Sunlight Help Your Hair Grow

    There is no doubt that excess sunlight exposure is harmful to your hair. But getting your hair some sunlight in moderation is very good. It helps your hair follicles in repairing themselves, resulting in much healthier hair. Below are the different ways sunlight help your hair grow:

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    Types Of Uv Light Treatment

    Sun and psoriasis: Is sunlight helpful or harmful?

    UV light treatment comes in three forms with Narrow Band Ultraviolet B Light being the most common these days. NB-UVB systems try to produce a narrow band of light only in the ranges that are effective in treating psoriasis.

    NB-UVB is also preferred because it causes side effects in fewer people, is easier to use, and has a wider range of uses in treating skin conditions.

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    What About The Sun

    One common question with light therapy is: Can’t you just go out into the sun?

    “Many patients say that their psoriasis gets better in the summer with natural sunlight,” Dr. Gelfand says. “The problem is that the dose of natural sunlight is often not enough to be effective.”

    What’s more, the sun includes wavelengths that can be harmful to skin, triggering burning, aging, or skin cancer. However, UV therapies that are used in-office are given through special machines that emit a small range of UV light. This is in order to treat the condition while lowering the risks to the skin.

    Get Psoriasis Advice Today

    Everyone’s experience with psoriasis is different, so if you’ve got any tips to share or questions to ask us, please leave a comment below. We always love to hear from you.

    And if you’re looking for professional medical advice on dealing with psoriasis this summer, hit the button below to connect with a UK-based GP at a time and place to suit you.

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    How Uv Light Therapy Works

    Light modulates the immune response in the skin, says Dr. Gelfand, who is also a professor of dermatology and epidemiology at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, in Philadelphia. That’s especially useful for skin conditions where there is an underlying immune system disorder like psoriasis, eczema, chronic itch, and vitiligo .

    How Does Sunlight Work To Treat Plaque Psoriasis

    Benefits of SUNLIGHT for Eczema and Psoriasis

    Natural sunlight contains both UVA and UVB light. Many psoriasis patients are advised to have regular, brief periods of sun exposure to help improve symptoms on affected areas. This is usually recommended for people with mild or moderate psoriasis that is not made worse by sun exposure1.

    During sunlight exposure, areas of the body that are not affected by psoriasis can be protected with sunscreen or clothing. Healthcare providers will provide advice about how long to spend in the sunlight and how often, and check the patient regularly for sun damage to the skin. It can take up to a few weeks or more to see improvements from sun exposure.

    Before starting treatment with sun exposure, let your healthcare provider know if you are using any topical medicines, many of which can make your skin more sensitive to light and more likely to burn. People who are being treated with other types of phototherapy may be advised to avoid sun exposure when possible2.

    It is very important to protect unaffected areas from getting too much sun exposure and becoming sunburned, which can make psoriasis symptoms worse. Sunburns also increase the risk of skin cancer and can make the skin age prematurely.

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    Tips For The Hot Weather Months

    Enjoy the Sunshine

    Some people see improvements in their psoriasis during summer because there is more natural ultraviolet light . Make sure to put sunscreen on all your exposed skin, including your psoriasis plaques, to prevent sunburn, which may make your psoriasis worse. Talk to your dermatologist about sunscreen recommendations for your psoriasis. Look for sunscreen that:

    • Has âbroad spectrumâ on the label, indicating that it protects against UVA and UVB rays
    • Has 30 or greater SPF
    • Is made for sensitive skin and is fragrance-free

    Go Swimming

    Swimming in salt water can help remove dead skin and improve the look of psoriasis. However, salt water and chlorinated water can still dry out skin. Remember to rinse off and moisturize after swimming.

    Wear Breathable Clothing

    Clothes made of breathable fabric, like cotton, are best during the warm months, as are a hat and sunglasses. Consider wearing long sleeves and pants to protect your skin from the sun and wearing light colors, which absorb less heat.

    Stay Cool

    Heat and sweat can trigger psoriatic flares, so try to stay cool with a fan or air conditioning. However, air conditioning can also dry out your skin. Make sure to use moisturizer frequently when you are often in air-conditioned rooms or cars.

    Be Prepared

    How Vitamin D Deficiency Contributes To Psoriasis

    If you live with psoriasis then you know how difficult it can be to plan your day around your flare-ups. When your skin becomes inflamed with itchy, scaly plaques, you may not feel like leaving the house.

    Luckily, you have options, one of which may be as simple as diagnosing and treating a vitamin D deficiency. At Skinworks Dermatology, with three New York City locations, dermatologist Javier Zelaya, MD, and our team are dedicated to caring for your skin.

    If psoriasis is affecting your quality of life, dont hesitate to contact Dr. Zelaya. He can help you determine what might be causing your psoriasis or making your symptoms worse. One of those factors could be a vitamin D deficiency.

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    Is The Sunlight Good For Your Hair

    Sunlight has vitamin D, which helps stimulate new and old hair follicles. It helps your hair in getting plenty of vitamin D naturally. It heals, repairs your hair follicles, and promotes hair growth.

    UV rays coming from sunlight too have numerous health benefits. It helps disinfect your scalp from any fungus or bacterial infection, eventually adding to stronger hair from the root.

    Healing Potential Of Sunlight

    7 types of Psoriasis: Triggers and Symptoms

    Sunlight can resolve many cases of psoriasis, at least temporarily. Some people find their symptoms come close to disappearing during the summer months in warm, sunny climates.

    The reason why sunlight is powerful is due to its UVB rays. Sunlight is composed of ultraviolet light, consisting of UVA and UVB rays. The UVB rays slow the rapid rate of skin growth that appears as psoriasis.

    Ultraviolet light is so powerful in easing psoriasis symptoms that its used in phototherapy. If you dont live in a sunny climate, a special light box emits the healing rays. Although UVB is the effective wavelength for psoriasis treatment, UVA may be prescribed for phototherapy in combination with medications called psoralens. These medications, applied topically or taken orally, sensitize your skin to the UVA treatment so it works better.

    The National Psoriasis Foundation warns against using conventional tanning beds for psoriasis treatment. The wavelengths in these beds contain more UVA than UVB, which increases your risk for photoaging and skin cancer. The UVA rays alone are less effective in easing psoriasis plaques, too.

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    What Is Puva And How Does It Work To Treat Plaque Psoriasis

    Ultraviolet light A is another type of light that occurs naturally in sunlight. PUVA is a type of treatment that combines exposure to UVA with a type of medicine that makes the skin more sensitive to light. Patients usually take psoralen in the form of a pill around two hours before the UVA treatment. Psoralen can also be administered topically in a paint or by soaking in water that contains the medicine. Some patients have side effects from oral psoralen , but topical psoralen is stronger and can make the skin more likely to burn1.

    PUVA is usually prescribed for adults with moderate to severe psoriasis. It can help to slow down the rate at which skin cells grow and reduce symptoms. It can help lengthen the period of symptom remission for many patients2.

    PUVA treatments are usually administered two or three times per week, and it can take up to 25 sessions for maximum results. Some patients benefit from combined treatment with both UVB and PUVA phototherapy.

    PUVA is not used as commonly as UVB phototherapy, because it can increase the risk of developing certain types of skin cancers and cataracts, and it can cause aging of the skin when used over a longer period of time. Less serious side effects linked to PUVA treatment include itching, burns, and blisters. It is also common for white spots to develop on the affected skin once plaques have cleared3.

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