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Difference Between Psoriasis And Dermatitis

Summary Seborrheic Dermatitis Vs Psoriasis

Eczema | Dermatitis | Psoriasis – What’s the Difference??

Psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis are fairly common skin disorders mostly affecting patients in their early adulthood. Psoriasis is a multisystem disorder with joint manifestations whereas seborrheic dermatitis is the inflammation of the skin of hairy areas. In spite of the high number of shared clinical features, these two diseases can be easily distinguished from each other by the joint manifestations which are only seen in psoriasis. This is also the key difference between seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis.

How Is Each Treated

Eczema treatment depends on how severe it is. For mild to moderate cases, youâll use a topical corticosteroid to control inflammation, and youâll use an emollient on your skin. This type of moisturizer has an oil or cream base, not a water base, like lotion, which could dry your skin out more.

If you have moderate to severe eczema, you may need to try a medicine that affects your immune system like , methotrexate, azathioprine, or cyclosporine. If nothing else works, your doctor may prescribe a biologic drug called dupilumab . You might also try light therapy using ultraviolet light.

Psoriasis treatment is either systemic, which means it affects your entire body, or topical, which goes on your skin. If your disease is limited, or mild, you may be able to control it with topical corticosteroids and emollients.

Light therapy paired with methotrexate, cyclosporine, acretin, or a biologic is also an option for more severe cases. Or you could use just a biologic drug, which includes:

Severe And Pervasive Eczema

Eczema can also become very serious and cover much of the skins surface. The amount of skin affected by eczema will depend on:

  • the sensitivity of the persons skin
  • the skins exposure to irritants
  • the type and effectiveness of treatments

Severe cracking, oozing, and bleeding in cases of severe eczema can become dangerous. Widespread eczema also makes infection more likely because of the increased chance of broken skin.

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How Is Dermatitis Treated What Medications Are Used

The type of treatment depends on the type of dermatitis and its location. Step number one is to avoid whatever triggers the dermatitis. That may be stress, a chemical, tobacco smoke and/or a number of other irritants that cause or worsen your dermatitis. Step number two is to try remedies on your own. Step number three is medication prescribed by your healthcare provider.

When To See A Doctor

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A person should talk to a doctor if they are experiencing the physical effects of seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis. If a rash, lesion, or pustule does not respond to OTC remedies, it may be one of these chronic disorders.

No test is available to identify either condition. A doctor will ask people questions about their medical history and look at the lesions to decide the cause.

The doctor may also remove a small sample of skin to help confirm their diagnosis.

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What Does Psoriasis Look Like

Red or silvery scales on the skin are typical features that distinguish psoriasis from atopic dermatitis. The most common type, plaque psoriasis, begins as small red round bumps that grow larger and form a scale. Scratching can pull the scales off the skin and result in bleeding.

Psoriatic rash or patches can erupt anywhere on the skin, sometimes all over the body . However, the common areas are as follows:

What Is The Difference Between Psoriasis And Dermatitis

Two health conditions called psoriasis and dermatitis both affect the skin, but they are different in many ways. The two conditions are typically caused by different issues, as dermatitis is usually caused by a factor outside the body while psoriasis is due to an issue within. Also, psoriasis and dermatitis tend to look different on the skin, as the former usually causes silvery scales on top of the red rash that is more characteristic of dermatitis. Additionally, while both may be difficult to get rid of, and may even be considered lifelong, the treatment is usually different for each one.

Dermatitis, which usually takes the form of eczema, is most often caused by exterior factors, such as contact with an irritant. Once there is no more contact with the irritant, the condition should clear up for the most part with some treatment, though susceptibility to dermatitis is hereditary and lifelong. On the other hand, psoriasis is caused by the immune system attacking the body from within, though it is usually triggered from time to time by stress, some medications, and infections. Therefore, psoriasis and dermatitis tend to have different causes.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Seborrheic Dermatitis And Psoriasis

In general, seborrheic dermatitis symptoms include itchiness, red or inflamed skin, and flaking. But they can vary based on where the dermatitis happens:

  • On the scalp: itchy white scales that flake off
  • On the sides of the face and along the edges of eyelids: pink-to-red patches with scales
  • On cheeks: inflamed hair follicles
  • On the chest and along the hairline: flaky patches in oval or ring shapes
  • In body folds and creases: red skin

Psoriasis varies from person to person. It can cause small patches or widespread areas. Typical symptoms include:

  • Red areas of skin, often covered by thick scales
  • Cracks in the skin that may bleed

Eczema Up And Down The Legs

The Difference Between PSORIASIS ECZEMA

Eczema on the legs may often occur in body creases, such as the back of the knee or the front of the ankle. These areas may trap sweat or irritants from clothing and the air.

Close contact of irritants with skin and areas of skin rubbing together create a perfect environment for atopic dermatitis to thrive.

If eczema on the backs of the knees isnt quickly or effectively treated, it can become very irritating and painful. Constant contact from clothing can cause significant bleeding, oozing, and infection.

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The Dry Skin Of Psoriasis

Not all psoriasis patches appear dry or scaly. At times, large red patches may have no visible scales. However, the patches of psoriasis can build up from dead skin cells to the point of scaling and peeling.

Removal of large scales should not be forced. Gentle removal will prevent breaking the skin and causing bleeding.

Some psoriasis patches may build up a very thick, white layer of dead cells before shedding scales.

What Is Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic Dermatitis is almost like a hybrid dandruff. All dandruff is a result of a fungus that builds up on the scalp. Overtime, this fungus can grow and spread into what is known as seborrhoea. This seborrhoea can also grow on other oil-producing glands like the face or chest.

Unlike more normal forms of dandruff, seborrhoea can cause extreme itching, discomfort, redness and inflammation. It is usually characterized by an oily type of flake that falls off the scalp and spreads into hair.

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Conditions They’re Linked To

Eczema usually comes along with dry, sensitive skin. You may have someone in your family who has it or has asthma or hay fever.

Psoriasis is linked to other serious health conditions. If you have it, you may also have diabetes, heart disease, or depression.

Whether it’s psoriasis or eczema, your doctor can recommend ways to get relief for it.

Psoriasis Vs Eczema: Complications

What is the Difference Between Psoriasis and Eczema? # ...

Any condition that impacts the skin barrier increases the chance of infection. This can happen with either psoriasis or eczema but tends to be more common in eczema. In eczema, people are scratching more, so it’s common to see the skin superficially infected, says Khetarpal.

Psoriasis can also lead to more serious complications. About 30 percent of people with psoriasis will develop psoriatic arthritis, a chronic, inflammatory disease of the joints, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation .

People with psoriasis are also 1.5 to 2 times more likely to develop heart disease than people without the skin condition, says the NPF. Psoriasis is not just inflammation of the skin it causes systemic inflammation and can put you at higher risk for cardiovascular conditions, such as heart attack and stroke, explains Khetarpal.

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Where Does Dermatitis Form On The Body

The location of your dermatitis depends on the type. For example, atopic dermatitis can appear anywhere on your skin. But, in teens and adults, its typically on the hands, inner elbows, neck, knees, ankles, feet and around the eyes. Seborrheic dermatitis and cradle cap are typically on your scalp, face and ears. Periorificial dermatitis is found around your eyes, mouth, nostrils and sometimes the genitals.

Learning The Differences Between Eczema And Psoriasis

  • Psoriasis causes well-defined, thick, red, scaly patches, commonly in areas like the elbows and knees. It is common to see psoriasis on the face, buttocks, and scalp of a child. Youll also commonly see thick patches of skin with overlying redness.

  • Eczema tends to appear in the crooks of the knees and the elbows.

  • Children who have psoriasis tend to have mild itching. In eczema, the itching can be intense.

  • There are many ways for a dermatologist to tell the difference between eczema and psoriasis, including what one sees on the skin, the amount of itch, and where the disease appears on the skin.

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Psoriasis Vs Eczema: Self

Liberal use of a thick, nonirritating moisturizer can ease dryness and help restore the skin barrier in both conditions, says Khetarpal.

Avoiding products with dyes and fragrances is important in eczema.

Since sunburn can worsen both psoriasis and eczema, its important to wear a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher when spending time outdoors.

While there isnt evidence that a specific diet that eliminates items like dairy or sugar can help either condition, you can benefit from drinking alcohol only in moderation, eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, and exercising .

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The Difference Between Eczema And Psoriasis

Difference between Eczema and Psoriasis

Red, dry and itchy skin conditions cause problems for millions of Americans, affecting both physical and emotional health. The two most common conditions behind these issues are psoriasis and eczema.

What is Eczema?Eczema is a condition that causes the skin to become red, itchy and inflamed. It appears as dry or scaly patches and can develop anywhere on your body. While it isnt contagious, there are 8 different types of eczema that can develop as a result of environmental triggers and genetics. It is estimated that over 30 million Americans suffer from Eczema.

What is Psoriasis?Psoriasis is a skin disease associated with the immune system which causes your skin cells to reproduce too quickly. A normal skin cell matures and falls off the bodys surface in 28 to 30 days. However, skin affected by psoriasis takes only three to four days to mature and move to the surface. Instead of the cells falling off, they pile up and form scaly lesions. Psoriasis flare ups are caused by triggers. Triggers are not universal, but four main factors include stress, skin injury, infection and alcohol.

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Psoriasis On The Face

Although psoriasis most commonly occurs on the knees and elbows, it may occur anywhere. This includes the face, scalp, and neck.

With treatment, psoriasis on the face and scalp often resolves, but it may recur.

In many cases, scalp psoriasis extends onto the forehead, ears, or neck. It can be difficult to treat, especially when hair gets in the way.

What’s The Difference Between Eczema And Psoriasis

  • Children get eczema. They can also get psoriasis.

  • While more children develop eczema than psoriasis, almost 1% of children have psoriasis.

  • Its not always easy to tell whether a child has eczema or psoriasis. A study conducted in Australia found that most children who had psoriasis were initially diagnosed by their primary care doctor as having another disease, often eczema.

  • To a dermatologists trained eye, psoriasis and eczema tend to look quite different.

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Whats The Difference Between Dermatitis And Rosacea

Rosacea can cause red skin that looks like dermatitis. However, rosacea can also cause pimples, and the redness is typically found on your forehead, nose, chin and cheeks. Have your healthcare provider take a look at your skin to determine if your condition is dermatitis, rosacea, or something else.

What Worsens Dermatitis What Triggers It

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Try your best to figure out what triggers your dermatitis. Its important to remember that it can affect people differently.

Is your dermatitis triggered by a chemical you clean with? Do you get it every time you go to your uncles house, because hes a smoker? Does your scalp feel itchy since you started that new shampoo? Did that rash on the inside of your wrist appear after you tried that new perfume? Does excessive sunlight make your dermatitis better or worse? Do you feel itchy every time you wear that wool sweater?

Remember what else worsens dermatitis: stress, hot showers, allergens like pollen and pet dander, etc. Find out what worsens your dermatitis and do your best to avoid it.

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What Causes The Conditions

The exact cause of seborrheic dermatitis isnât clear, but itâs probably the result of things like:

  • Too much Malassezia, a common yeast found on everybodyâs skin
  • Too many androgens, a group of common hormones
  • Too much oil production
  • A family history of dermatitis
  • A personal history of psoriasis, acne, or rosacea

Itâs also hard to pinpoint exactly why someone gets psoriasis. As with other autoimmune diseases, itâs probably a combination of the genes youâre born with and things in the world around you that trigger the disease. Those triggers include infections, an injury to the skin, smoking, drinking, and even stress.

These Are The Most Common Psoriasis Symptoms:

The most common type of psoriasis is plaque psoriasis, per the Mayo Clinic. The symptoms of plaque psoriasis are most often found on the scalp, elbows, knees, lower back, and genitals and may include:

  • Raised, red patches of skin

  • A silvery white coating of dead skin cells on top of those patches

  • Itchiness

  • Pain

  • Cracking skin and bleeding

There are other, less common forms of psoriasis. Guttate psoriasis, which often begins in childhood or young adulthood and can be triggered by a strep infection, appears as small, droplike lesions. Inverse psoriasis shows up as a smooth, shiny, red rash in body folds, such as under the arms or breasts. Pustular psoriasis, which can present on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, is characterized by noninfectious, pus-filled blisters, according to John Hopkins Medicine. The most severe, and rarest, type of psoriasis is erythrodermic psoriasis, which results in widespread, fiery redness over most of the body. It can cause severe itching and pain, and if you think youre having an erythrodermic psoriasis flare-up, you should seek medical attention immediately.

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Psoriasis Up And Down The Legs

Psoriasis frequently occurs on the legs and knees. Although some psoriasis may cover significant portions of the legs, other types may appear in isolated patches.

The different types of psoriasis have different appearances.

For instance, guttate psoriasis on the legs would appear in many separate, drop-like, small red psoriasis patches. However, plaque psoriasis on the legs often appears in large, shapeless patches with thick red skin or thick white scales.

What Other Questions Might My Healthcare Provider Ask To Diagnose Dermatitis

Psoriasis vs Eczema

The conversation with your healthcare provider will need to cover a lot of information. Be sure to be specific about your symptoms.

  • Where is your dermatitis located?
  • What have you used to try to treat your dermatitis?
  • What medical conditions do you have? Allergies? Asthma? Celiac disease?
  • How long have you had symptoms of dermatitis?
  • Do you take hot showers?
  • Is there anything that makes your symptoms worse?
  • Are you around chemicals?
  • Have you noticed that something triggers or worsens your dermatitis? Soaps? Detergents? Cigarette smoke?
  • Is there so much pain or itchiness that you have trouble sleeping? Working? Just living your normal life?

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Severe And Pervasive Psoriasis

Like most skin conditions, psoriasis can become widespread and very irritating. For instance, plaque psoriasis may cover almost the entire surface of the body.

In extreme cases, inflammation can become so severe that it appears and feels like burns.

Extensive, highly painful, burn-like psoriasis can be life-threatening. This requires immediate attention from a health professional.

Other widespread psoriasis may simply require standard treatment to partially heal or resolve.

What Is Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis mimics eczema with the appearance of red, itchy, irritated skin caused by environmental triggers. It can appear on anyone, including those without a history of atopic dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis is a hypersensitivity reaction, and the most common causes are fragrances, nickel exposure, rubber or other chemicals. Irritant contact dermatitis is not a hypersensitivity reaction. It is caused by direct skin injury from a physical or chemical irritant

How to Treat Skin Allergies: Irritant or allergic contact dermatitis is treated similarly to eczema. Sometimes skin allergy or patch testing is needed to identify the offending allergen. Removal of the responsible irritants or allergens should lead to full clearance, unlike eczema which is chronic and can be expected to come and go periodically.

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