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Best Natural Remedy For Psoriasis

Home Remedies For Psoriasis You Wont Believe

Are there Natural Home Remedies for Psoriasis?

Approximately 7.5 million people in the US are currently suffering from psoriasis. Its a disease spread much wider than one would believe, which prompted us to create this list of wonderful home remedies for psoriasis you can start trying as we speak. Medicines and special ointments are recommended as well, but when the cure lies in your pantry, wouldnt it be better to give that a try?

Make Use Of A Healthy Diet

Home remedies for psoriasis also include healthy foods. Indeed, they will not so much cure your psoriasis as they will help you manage it better. Therefore, to achieve this, you need to keep away from fatty foods and red meat. Instead, get acquainted with what The National Psoriasis Foundation calls the functional foods. Eat as much chocolate, soy, nuts, cranberries, and olive oil as you can.

Speaking of olive oil as part of your list of home remedies for psoriasis, you can use it externally just as well as you do internally. Dab it onto the red patches or the white scales. You can do this right after you take a shower so that it locks in as much moisture as possible. Dont forget your scalp, if your psoriasis has acted up there also. Warm up very slightly just a few tablespoons of olive oil and gently rub them into your scalp next time youre in the shower. It will loosen all the plaque and help you get rid of it.

Remedies For Psoriasis To Try At Home

Although the Philips TL01 UVB Lamp has been proven to be the most effective light treatment for Psoriasis, there are some natural alternatives you can try out in between sessions or if UVB treatment isn’t available to you.

Effectiveness of these treatments can vary widely between people suffering from Psoriasis but as many of these treatments can be done at home with quite a low cost, it is worth experimenting with works with you to supplement UVB home therapy.

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Best Home Remedies For Treating Psoriasis Symptoms

June 4, 2021, 9:23 am4.5k Views

Psoriasis the autoimmune disorder characterized by patches of itchy, flaky, red, and often inflamed skin needs little introduction. If youre here, you most likely either experience psoriasis flare-ups yourself or know someone who does. While there is no real cure for psoriasis, there are many natural home remedies which can temporarily relieve the symptoms, moisturize and soften plaques, and help to heal damaged skin.

This article shares twenty of the best, scientifically backed, home remedies for treating psoriasis symptoms.

Best For Red Skin: Skinsmart Antimicrobial Home Remedy For Psoriasis On Skin

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Skinsmart Antimicrobial makes beautiful and great remedy with classic and smartly chosen materials. The Skinsmart Antimicrobial Home Remedy For Psoriasis On Skin can deal with flare-ups, works well for bedsores and it works like a charm. . In addition, this works well for minor skin irritations, is convenient to use and it lasts for hours.

The remedy is super soft and it has tea tree. Most importantly, the skinsmart antimicrobial home remedy for psoriasis on the skin is important and it is perfect for immediate relief.

Most buyers opine that the remedy is a great controlling solution for the itching. Also, a few say that the remedy has cleared up 95% over the last month. Moreover, they say that the remedy has helped significantly and doesnt dry it out. In conclusion, the tone of buyers is very positive and we believe that the remedy suits the purpose.

Top Customer Quotes:

  • This is a spray, so be sure to guard against it going into your eyes.
  • This is used for wounds that would be the same strength.
  • This can be used on mucous membranes.
  • This also keeps what is called pustular eczema at bay.

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Protect Your Skin From The Sun

There are cases where Vitamin D deficiency has been identified as the root cause of psoriasis, but make sure you do not expose your skin too much. Aim for catching the sun between 7 am and 9 am for optimal results. Apply a generous dose of chemical-free sun protection lotion with an SPF of at least 30, reapplying it after 2 hours, to keep your skin safe from the harsh sun rays.

Stop Drinking And Smoking

For most people who have psoriasis, alcohol is often a trigger. Research has also shown that alcohol increases the risk of psoriasis among women. Most women who drink a lot of alcohol have been observed to develop psoriasis when compared to women who dont drink.

Smoking also increases the risk of developing psoriasis. Therefore, tobacco should be avoided altogether. For people living with psoriasis, smoking and drinking can further worsen their symptoms.

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Effective Home Remedies For Psoriasis On Face Hands Legs And Scalp

1. Get Sunshine

It is recommended taking at least 20 minutes of sunshine every day, from 3 to 4 days per week. It can improve psoriasis symptoms naturally through increasing the levels of vitamin D. In accordance with research, vitamin D can change the way that body cells develop and may slow down new skin cell production in those with psoriasis, thereby decreasing plaque. As a result, it relieves symptoms of psoriasis such as scaling and thick skin.

Also, vitamin D can impact positively the way our immune system operates and lower the inflammation or autoimmune reactions . However, if you suffer from sensitive psoriasis patches because of not using medication use or going through a psoriasis flare-up, you should not expose to the sun too much to avoid sunburns. Remember to wear SPF 30 or even higher in case you are prone to getting burns. But do not get sunlight if the sun is at its strongest, from 10 am to 2 pm. Or, you can use an indoor light box to boost vitamin D intake.

2. Tea Tree Oil

If your skin dry or inflamed, your psoriasis symptoms will be at their worst. Thus, moisturizing your skin is very essential in this case. Think of using natural anti-inflammatory oils to relieve the symptoms such as pain, scaling and redness. Basing on the sites where flaking and itchiness happen, moisture could be increased by using lotions, gels, creams, foams, natural shampoos or ointments.

Remember to dilute tea tree oil on your skin. Undiluted type may exacerbate your condition.

So Here Are My Best Home Remedies For Psoriasis:

Guttate Psoriasis Treatment – Best Cure For Guttate Psoriasis With Natural Home Remedies

1 A sodium chloride cure

Discovered by a French surgeon during World War One, the first use of sodium chloride was utilized to fight infections and increase the power of white blood cells . Excellent for the skin, sodium chloride will help you regain the radiance of your skin in 3 weeks! For example, you can add a handful of coarse salt to your bath.

Even better is the Dead Sea Salt which I talked about in a previous article. It can be found in at a very good price. So need to go to the Dead Sea for it yourself.

2 Shea butter

The tree bearing these is the shea tree, or shi tree . It is found in West and Central Africa. Shea butter comes from the fruit of the shea tree. You can also buy it on Amazon in the form of hand cream. It is very pleasantly smooth when you apply it.

Apply it to your wound, it will quickly relieve the feeling of pain.

3 The banana peel

Banana peel heals rashes and itching. Rub the inner part of a banana skin on the affected area. On first application, it could be that it looks redder than originally, but dont worry, its common. By repeating this operation daily, you will see an improvement very rapidly.

Banana skin also promotes healing, so you can use it for all sorts of skin damages.You can also use a banana peel to:

  • reduce irritation and tingling of the skin when stung
  • eliminate warts naturally
  • treat dry skin
  • moisturize the skin

4 Argan oil

It is also an ally of mature skin, thanks to its revitalizing, healing and antioxidant action.

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Vegetable Shortening: A Solid Remedy

Known as Cookeen or Trex in the UK, vegetable shortening is a white, solid fat made from natural vegetable oils. It can be used topically to treat cracked and dry skin from psoriasis. It’s best to coat the skin and then wrap with cling film for a couple of hours. This allows the skin to absorb the vegetable shortening and have a moisturising effect. Apply daily until the psoriasis symptoms calm down.

Turmeric For Psoriasis Remedy

Amongst the several home remedies for psoriasis turmeric is a highly beneficial remedy. Turmeric since several years has been widely used as medicine to cure many skin and health diseases and psoriasis is no exception.

Curcumin is an active ingredient present in turmeric which is the main medicinal property that makes this turmeric root potent as medicine.

Curcumin present in turmeric acts in multiple ways to protect the skin such as it protects the skin by scavenging oxidising reactive species, controls inflammation by causing nuclear factor kappa B that a group of proteins that regulates inflammation in the body.

Turmeric is from the gods Pharmacy to act as a natural pain killer it even benefits in accelerating the healing process of the skin and exerts the antioxidant activity by destroying the harmful reactive.

Method 1: Turmeric, Black Pepper and Coconut Oil Remedy

This turmeric for psoriasis remedy is also referred to as the golden paste due its excellent medicinal properties.

Along with turmeric this remedy even contains black pepper, coconut oil which together enhances the efficacy of this treatment for psoriasis.

Black pepper contains piperine which helps in the absorption of turmeric into the body properly.

Whereas adding healthy fats such as coconut oil in this remedy increases the absorption of turmeric in the body and even aids to treat the inflammation caused by Psoriasis.


  • Take a saucepan and heat 1 cup of water in the pan.
  • Ingredients:

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    Dr Michelle Jeffries Do Faocd Faad Ifmcp

    Board-Certified Physician in Dermatology, Pediatric Dermatology & Integrative MedicineInstitute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner

    Hi Im Dr. Michelle Jeffries. Im a Board-Certified Dermatologist and Im also board-certified in Pediatric Dermatology and Integrative Medicine. And you may not know this, but I also have a Masters degree in Psychology.

    I know, a little nerdy of me to be triple board-certified and have a masters degree, but let me explain.

    Review Of The Top Ten Current Herbal Remedies Used By Psoriatic Patients

    Best Natural Home Remedies for Psoriasis. #Psoriasis #Psoriasis

    Cayenne . Cayenne, its chief component being capsaicin, is one of the herbal medicines with documented effectiveness in the English medical literature. One hypothesis on the pathogenesis of psoriasis suggests a neurogenic inflammatory etiology mediated through substance-P . SP activates inflammatory cells and ultimately perpetuates vasodilatation, angiogenesis, and kerat inocyte hyperproliferation . In accordance, psoriatic lesions are known to be more densely innervated with higher SP content than control or uninvolved psoriatic skin . Capsaicin stimulates the re lease of SP by binding to the vanilloid receptor on slow-conducting, unmyelinated type C neurons and ultimately leads to its depletion.

    It is important to note that while effective topically, internal ingestion can lead to adverse hematological, gastrointestinal, and respiratory ef fects, in addition to interference with drugs such as salicylic acid, ACE inhibitors, and theophylline .

    Aloe . Aloe vera is a popular plant used in cosmetic care and first aid products. Scientific studies and case reports support its use in the treatment of stasis ulcers in humans, as well as thermal injuries in animals . Aloe has a complex mixture of components, including anthroquinones, steroids, saponins, mucopolysaccharides, and salicylic acid.

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    Ayurvedic Remedies For Psoriasis

    Ayurveda teaches you Nature’s great principles of health and natural living. If you are new to Ayurveda, start here: What is Ayurveda About?

    The emphasis in Ayurveda is on self-care, taking responsibility for your health, preparing your own food, appropriate exercise, eating seasonally, and keeping a positive state of mind.

    Ayurveda treats the person, not the disease So I recommend learning the basics of Ayurveda. Learn what energies you’re made of, and what lifestyle will enable you to live a long disease-free life.

    Get Some Much Deserved Sun

    This particular tip regarding home remedies for psoriasis needs careful consideration. Sunlight does indeed help with your condition, but not sunburn and prolonged exposure. You must always wear sunscreen that has at least 30 on the SPF scale. It also has to be rich in zinc oxide, and it must be used on those areas of your skin that do not have psoriasis.

    Make sure to put a limit on how much time you spend in the sunlight. Start off by spending some 20 minutes three day a week. Then you can make your way up from there. If you are already using some medicinal treatments prescribed by your doctors, especially ointments, discuss the idea of spending time in the sun with your physician first. Some creams should not be exposed to sunlight, and he or she will be able to tell you if youre safe or not.

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    Massage Coconut Oil Into Scalp

    A coconut oil hair treatment might be one of the more indulgent ways of managing scalp psoriasis plus, the healthy fats are known to boost skin health. Massage a few drops onto your scalp and put on a shower cap. Once the oil is on your scalp, set your timer for 20 minutes. After your time is up you may remove the cap and wash your hair as usual.

    The 7 Best Home Remedies For Psoriasis

    Natural Cures for Psoriasis

    The following home remedies for psoriasis can relieve symptoms:

  • Creams and oils: Skin that is broken down with dandruff needs moisture. In addition to creams, oils are particularly suitable for this purpose. Almond oil is absorbed slowly and soothes inflamed skin. But also hemp oil, grape seed oil or black cumin oil can have a positive effect. Many oils are also available as creams for skin care. It is best to use natural products.
  • Apfelessig: Apfelessig wird schon seit langer Zeit bei Hautirritationen, wie sie bei Schuppenflechte üblich sind, eingesetzt. Mische 250 Milliliter Apfelessig mit 3,75 Liter Wasser und trage diese Mischung mit einem Baumwolltuch auf die Haut auf. So sollen sowohl der Itching vergehen als auch die Haut geheilt werden.
  • Cooling: Especially if you suffer from severe itching of psoriasis, cooling measures come into question. These include compresses with cold water, ice cubes or black tea. Showering or bathing with cold water can also drive away the dandruff or itching. However, you should not go under cold water for too long.
  • Relaxation: Psychological stress can promote infections, which ultimately attack the immune system and can fuel psoriasis. So those who suffer greatly from stress should also promote the care of their inner health by taking care of their well-being. For example, yoga, relaxation techniques or meditation are suitable for this purpose .
  • Recommended Reading: Does Otezla Work For Psoriasis

    Best For Coconut Oil: Pur360 Home Remedy For Psoriasis On Skin

    If you want nothing but a remedy that is reliable, this pur360 home remedy for psoriasis on the skin is certainly a wise investment. The Pur360 Home Remedy For Psoriasis On Skin is great with castor oil and it works to treat gout. The Manufacturer says: Our tamanu oil is certified organic by Biogrow, New Zealands leading organic certifier. This characteristic makes it an ideal treatment for many common skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, acne scars, general scars, burns, stings, mosquito bites, dermatitis, dry scalp and flaky, scaly or overly dry skin.

    The remedy has tea tree and it is worth the money. Most importantly, the pur360 homeremedy forpsoriasis onskin works well with olive oil, is good for external use and it is important.

    Most buyers found that the remedy can help with scalp, hair rejuvenation, and nail growth. And, they also found that the remedy is made by pur360 is oil thats earthy smelling, since it is from a nut, and absorbs beautifully into the skin. Moreover, they say that this new regiment replaces a prescription cream that is now $ 332 per tube. In short, for almost all customers, it was what they were looking for.

    Top Customer Quotes:

    • This comes with a convenient pump.
    • This is used for psoriasis in care and it has worked very well.
    • This works for eczema / atopic dermatitis.
    • This works for fungal infections and it is used for toenail fungus.

    Best Home Remedies For Psoriasis

    The best home remedies for psoriasis are not always those that we think they are. There are so many well wishers out there that we are not short of recipes and remedies that have proven to be effective. I have selected for you 7 of them that I felt could be of interest to you, or someone that you know friend or family, neighbor, etc.

    Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that manifests by red patches covered with whitish scales. This disease has a link to an inflammation of the epidermis that usually reaches 2 to 3% of the world population, which makes it a total of 125 million people that suffer of this condition around the world. The cause is due to an acceleration of the renewal of the epidermis and manifests itself under 3 causes:

    • the genetic factor

    Follow this link to know more about what causes psoriasis.

    Also Check: Scalp Psoriasis Flare Up Treatment

    Stop Smoking If You Can

    Not only does it affect your health on the whole, but smoking worsens psoriasis as well. Our home remedies for psoriasis enumeration includes the fact that you should really give up smoking as soon as possible.

    Different researchers have performed studies to investigate the link between psoriasis and cigarettes. As it turns out, smoking worsens your bouts of psoriasis and might even cause it to develop into a more severe form. The same studies show how these effects proved to be stronger regarding women who had already had the disease. Letting go of your smoking habits will be one of the best things you will do in your life.

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