Thursday, July 25, 2024

Alternative Treatment For Scalp Psoriasis

Aloe Vera: A Classic Cool Sensation

Herbal Alternative Medicine : Herbal Remedies for Scalp Psoriasis

Aloe Vera is a very popular natural remedy for various skin conditions from sunburn to acne. It can be found as an added ingredient in food, drinks, creams, lotions and much more. It provides a cooling sensation on the skin and can alleviate the itchiness and scales that come with psoriasis. You can easily grow your own aloe vera plant at home and to get the healing gel you just break off a part of the plant and squeeze out the pure gel.

Plaque Psoriasis Uncovers Its Alternative Treatments

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Alternative treatments to injectable creams and tablets may soon be available for conditions like plaque psoriasis as per GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company. Plaque psoriasis is an incurable condition characterized by painful, red and inflamed patches on the skin. For more than 20 years, the mainstay treatments for PsO were limited to only injectable.

PsO research and development have a made a significant progress Newer Treatment for PsO “There will always be a place for injectable biologics in the PsO treatment toolbox, especially in severe patients. However, the recent and future releases of biosimilars will sap the profits of anyone with an expired patent, and essentially open the floodgates of innovation in the field,” targeted and diverse therapies for PsO patients. First group: Third group:

  • US-based companies Arcutis and Dermavant

“The lack of treatments for patients at either extremity of the disease spectrum gives scope for new entrants to significantly grow the market. By attempting to fulfill specific unmet needs, pharmaceutical companies could generate new treatment options for patients that could reduce the need for administration and monitoring by healthcare professionals,”

Psoriasis Diet Essential Oils & Supplements For Natural Treatment

By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN

Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune skin disease that causes inflammation and scaling of the skin that affects approximately 2 percent to 2.6 percent of the U.S. population. Normal, healthy skin experiences cell turnover about once a month, but when you have psoriasis, the skin cells rise way too fast and actually pile up on top of each other. Thankfully, you can help combat this condition with by following a proper psoriasis diet treatment plan.

We know that psoriasis begins in the immune system and involves a type of white blood cell called a T cell. When you have psoriasis, the T cells are put into action by mistake and become overly active, leading to unhealthy swelling and fast turnover of skin cells.

A major dermatology focus in the realm of skin diseases, psoriasis symptoms can vary according to the form of psoriasis . You might be thinking psoriasis is just an annoying skin condition, but it can also result in psoriatic arthritis, an inflammation of the joints that affects approximately 30 percent of all psoriasis patients.

Conventional psoriasis treatment might work, but it often doesnt or is only a temporary fix that doesnt get to the heart of the issue. There are many natural remedies for psoriasis, with a psoriasis diet making the very top of the list.

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What Are The Causes

We still don’t understand what exactly causes scalp psoriasis at a baseline level. What we do know is that psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that often runs in families and is characterized by flare-ups that can be triggered by stress, skin injury, infection, weather, as well as certain medications like lithium and antimalarials. We also know that those patches are caused by an internal inflammatory response. It goes something like this: White blood cells overproduce cytokines, signaling molecules that regulate your body’s immunity and inflammation response, which trigger inflammation in the skin. The inflammation, for some reason, causes an abnormally fast multiplication of keratinocytes, the main cells in the outer layer of the skin. And thus you’ll see raised, scaly patches of skin.

Seek Guidance On Herbs And Supplements

Alternative Treatment For Scalp Psoriasis

Numerous herbs and supplements have been touted for ant-inflammatory properties that purport to help the immune system and fight inflammation yet both Dr. Gohara and Dr. Wechsler say there isnt enough research yet to know for sure. Be sure to talk with your dermatologist about dosage, drug interactions, and side effects before trying the following popular herbs and supplements that are commonly touted for psoriasis:

Fish oil or omega-3 supplements: According to a 2014 meta-analysis published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, there is moderate evidence that fish oils might benefit people with psoriasis.

Probiotics: A small study of 26 patients with psoriasis showed that a specific type of probiotic called Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 may help regulate inflammatory responses in the body. Beyond supplements, probiotics are found in yogurt and fermented foods.

Tumeric: This centuries-old spice is touted for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and can be found in curries as well as supplement form. Studies have found that turmeric alters TNF cytokine expression, which for some, can help minimize psoriasis flares.

Mahonia aquifolium : Also known as barberry, this flowering plant native to North America has been studied in the treatment of mild to moderate plaque psoriasis.

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How To Apply This Natural Scalp Psoriasis Treatment

  • Massage the sea salt mixture into the scalp. Remember to concentrate specifically on the hairline, behind the ears, on the nape and anywhere else your psoriasis patches are particularly bad
  • Rinse with warm water
  • Massage the coconut oil mixture into your scalp, focusing on any dry patches, behind the ears and along the forehead. You can massage this oil into your hair too
  • Wrap hair in a towel and sleep overnight
  • Wake and wash your hair using a natural shampoo like this one. You might need to rinse twice to remove all the oil completely
  • Allow hair to dry naturally if possible

You can also leave this treatment in your hair during the day, on the beach, relaxing around the house … wherever you feel comfortable

I’d recommend you apply this twice to three times a week if possible

If you don’t have the time to make your own hair products for treating scalp psoriasis, our Scalp Oil will work brilliantly effectively.

How To Naturally Manage Dry & Inflamed Scalp Psoriasis

Have you ever noticed scaly red patches on your scalp? If so, you may be among the 2 to 3% of Americans with psoriasis, an autoimmune disorder that presents itself on the skin, as well as in the joints. And if you’ve ever experienced this type of flare-up on the scalp, you know it can be quite the challenge to learn how to live with it, while not allowing it to control your every hair move. We consulted with experts to get the lowdown on scalp psoriasis and the natural remedies you can take to help manage your condition.

Recommended Reading: What Is The Best Treatment For Guttate Psoriasis

Scalp Psoriasis: Symptoms And Treatment

Dealing with an itchy, flaky scalp? It could be dandruff or it could be a sign that youre dealing with a common condition known as scalp psoriasis. Scalp psoriasis isnt just the result of a dry scalp, its an autoimmune disorder. Of course, its important to be able to pinpoint the warning signs of scalp psoriasis so that you can turn to a qualified dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment.

Limit Your Use Of Styling Tools

Alternative treatment for Psoriasis – 100% Natural Treatment

Be gentle when styling your hair, in order to avoid irritating the scalp. “It is best to avoid tight hair styles, as pulling too tight on the scalp can lead to irritation,” says Garshick. “Additionally, curling irons, rollers, coloring, perming or relaxing your hair should be limitedespecially if there is an active flareas these can be irritating on the scalp.”

If you’re concerned about concealing plaques, Green suggests “a low pony with added texture to hide irritation at the nape of your neck. You can add volume to down-dos by gently teasing strands at the root to conceal any scaliness behind the ears. If the hairline is typically your trouble zone, full or side-swept bangs can help hide redness.”

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Home Remedy For Scalp Psoriasis

If you’re struggling with scalp psoriasis at the moment, this natural treatment can be really powerful. Designed to slough away flakes and penetrate the patches beneath, my salt / oil treatment should leave the scalp feeling soothed and hair shiny. It’s important with any treatment that includes essential oils to test a small amount on the skin first for allergies. As this treatment involves dead sea salts, open cuts and patches will sting like hell! Whilst this can be incredibly uncomfortable and painful, the stinging does subside. If it’s still too much initially you might simply want to add these salts and oils to your bath and massage the diluted water into your scalp rather than applying it directly.

Dead Sea Salts contain minerals known to be incredibly beneficial when naturally healing psoriasis. In addition, since rosemary has natural antiseptic properties, it’s a superior disinfectant for our skin and hair. In fact, this essential oil is known to promote a healthy, moisturised scalp and has even been said to reverse premature greying!

In my ‘how to apply’ video I’m using a towel on the floor of my bathroom. You don’t have to massage it in this way. It might be easier for you to apply this in the bath or shower .



200g Dead Sea or Epsom Salts

1 tbsp baking soda

15 drops rosemary essential oil


100ml coconut oil

20 drops rosemary essential oil

Juice of half a lemon

  • In a bowl mix the dead sea salt
  • Add baking soda and continue stirring well
  • Apple Cider Vinegar For Your Scalp

    It’s more than just a salad dressing. Put some on your head a few times a week — either full strength or mixed with water. It’s a recipe for relief when your scalp calls out “scratch me.”

    Rinse it off after it dries so you won’t get an irritation. And don’t try this when your scalp is bleeding or cracked. The vinegar will make it feel like it’s burning.

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    Olive Oil Soothes The Scalp Loosens Flakes

    Olive oil is good for your dietary health, but it also has many benefits when applied to the scalp and hair. An olive oil mask, for example, can help tame frizz and add shine. Olive oil also helps loosen flakes associated with psoriasis, says Soheil Simzar, MD, a clinical instructor of dermatology at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine in Los Angeles.

    To get these benefits, massage 1 to 2 tablespoons of oil directly into the scalp. Depending on the severity of the plaques, you can leave the oil on anywhere from 10 minutes to overnight before washing it out. Prior to rinsing, use a fine-toothed comb to gently remove the loosened scales.

    Fish Oil Can Reduce Inflammation Boost Immunity

    9 Scalp Psoriasis Home Remedies Natural Treatments &  Cures ...

    Eating a couple of servings weekly of salmon, albacore tuna, and other fatty fishes that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids may help reduce inflammation, the hallmark of psoriasis. In addition, studies have suggested that people with psoriasis have an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Consuming fatty fishes or taking fish oil supplements can both help decrease your risk of heart disease risk and improve your psoriasis symptoms. Fish oil supplements are available over the counter in capsule form at many food markets and drugstores. Some studies have also found that fish oil can boost the immune system. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, so this natural psoriasis treatment could help improve symptoms. One word of warning: Dont take fish oil if youre on blood thinners it can raise your risk of bleeding.

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    Create Your Own Dead Sea Salt Treatment

    A study published in February 2005 in the International Journal of Dermatology found that magnesium salts, the minerals found in the Dead Sea, help improve skin barrier function in people with inflammatory conditions such as psoriasis.

    Heres how to create your own salt scalp treatment: Combine Dead Sea salts of a fine to slightly coarse grain with olive or coconut oil until you reach a paste-like consistency. Gently rub a small amount of the mixture into your scalp anywhere from once a week to once a day, depending on the severity of the plaques, then wash it off, Dr. Burns says.

    Store any unused scrub in an airtight container. While the salt may dissolve over time, you can add more to bring it back to the thickness you like.

    What Does Psoriasis Look Like

  • Plaque psoriasis â this is when patches of thick raised skin thatâs covered with silvery scales develop. The patches can usually be found on the scalp, elbows, knees, or lower back.
  • Scalp psoriasis â thin or thick patches of scaly psoriasis can appear on the scalp and extend to the forehead, neck and ears.
  • Guttate psoriasis â is most common in children. They tend to develop it after getting an infection, such as strep throat. It looks like small scaly spots.
  • Inverse psoriasis â is often found in areas where skin touches skin, such as the armpit or groin. Shiny smooth patches are created that are bright red and sore.
  • Pustular psoriasis â develops as pus-filled blisters and thick scaly skin on peopleâs hands and feet. The skin is extremely prone to cracking.
  • You May Like: Best Bath Soak For Psoriasis

    Diet Modification: Eat Better Feel Better

    According to a review published in 2017 in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, people with psoriasis have an increased risk of celiac disease, an autoimmune condition in which gluten a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye causes inflammation that can damage the small intestine. That connection may explain why some people with psoriasis report that eating a gluten-free diet helps them feel better. While following a gluten-free diet is essential if you have celiac disease, theres little evidence that supports removing gluten from your diet if you dont. Anecdotally, it works, Weiss says, but it has never been proven scientifically. If a gluten-free diet makes your psoriasis feel better, however, thats great. Talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian before starting a gluten-free diet.

    Coconut Or Avocado Oil


    Coconuts and avocadoes are filled with healthy fats that boost skin health. Massage a few drops of either type of oil, cool or lightly heated, onto your scalp and put on a shower cap. Wait 20 minutes, remove the cap, then wash your hair as usual. This can reduce and remove some of the scaling associated with the condition.

    Shop for avocado and coconut oil.

    Also Check: Selsun Blue For Scalp Psoriasis

    Baking Soda: The White Stuff

    Used in a variety of household and health remedies, this kitchen condiment is best used for psoriasis treatment as a bath additive or a body paste. About 100g of baking soda added to a warm bath and soaking for about 20 minutes can help with skin redness, but may take a while for more serious patches of psoriasis. For the paste, mix baking soda with castor oil and massage into affected areas, leaving it to act for about 30 minutes. Watch out not to apply it to broken or bleeding skin.

    Had any success with these psoriasis remedies? Or do you have your own remedy for psoriasis? Let us know below in the comments!

    Tablets Capsules And Injections

    If your psoriasis is severe or other treatments have not worked, you may be prescribed systemic treatments by a specialist. Systemic treatments work throughout the entire body.

    These medications can be very effective in treating psoriasis, but they all have potentially serious side effects. All the systemic treatments for psoriasis have benefits and risks. Before starting treatment, talk to your doctor about your treatment options and any risks associated with them.

    If you’re planning for a baby, become pregnant or are thinking of breastfeeding, you should also speak to your doctor first before taking any new medicine to check it’s suitable for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

    There are 2 main types of systemic treatment, called non-biological and biological .

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    Remedies For Psoriasis To Try At Home

    Although the Philips TL01 UVB Lamp has been proven to be the most effective light treatment for Psoriasis, there are some natural alternatives you can try out in between sessions or if UVB treatment isn’t available to you.

    Effectiveness of these treatments can vary widely between people suffering from Psoriasis but as many of these treatments can be done at home with quite a low cost, it is worth experimenting with works with you to supplement UVB home therapy.

    Bathtime Treatments: A Cure For The Itch

    Natural and Alternative Treatments for Scalp Psoriasis ...

    There are many bath recipes you can try out to alleviate dry or irritated skin caused by psoriasis. Oatmeal has long been known as a remedy for a variety of skin conditions, and it’s a very simple and cheap method of treatment. You need to use plain whole oats , grind a few handfuls in a blender or food processor until you get a flour like texture, then add the oats to your lukewarm bath. The oats should dissolve easily in the water and help to reduce skin swelling and itching.

    Other bath treatments for eczema and psoriasis include adding vegetable or mineral oil, an olive oil and milk solution, Epsom salts and also lavender essential oil.

    Also Check: How To Take Care Of Scalp Psoriasis

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