Thursday, September 19, 2024

Dr John’s Healing Psoriasis Cookbook Plus

When You Are Cooking

Guérir du psoriasis – Dr John O.A. Pagano

1. Do you serve your fruits and vegetables nearest to their natural state, i.e. cooking as little as possible in order to preserve their nutrients?

Yes No

2. Do you avoid cooking in aluminum ware?

Yes No

3. Do you steam your vegetables rather than boil them?

Yes No

4. Do you wash fruits and vegetables before cooking?

Yes No

5. Do you avoid frying foods?

Yes No

1. Do you chew your food well before swallowing?

Yes No

2. Do you avoid getting up once you’ve sat down to eat and enjoy your meal?

Yes No

3. Are you calm and relaxed rather than angry or upset?

Yes No

4. Do you know that vitamins and minerals derived directly from foods are more easily assimilated and better for you than those from manufactured product?

Yes No

5. Are you aware that some foods should not be combined at the same meal although they may be good for you if eaten separately?

Yes No

Your answers thus far should be Yes. If you answered No to some questions, you are not practicing ideal dietary habits. Psoriatic, psoriatic arthritic and eczema cases, in particular, should strongly consider the following:

As A Part Of Your Regular Diet

1. Do you eat foods high in animal fats, e.g. beef and beef products, pork and pork products, cold cuts or processed meats such as salami,ham and bologna?

Yes No

2. Do you include shellfish, e.g. shrimp, lobster, clams, mussels, crabs, etc. or sauces made from shellfish?

Yes No

3. Do you eat any of the nightshades, e.g. tomatoes, tomato products, eggplant, white potatoes, peppers, paprika?

Yes No

4. Do you include junk foods, e.g. packaged, cream-filled, sugary pastries, as well as fast-foods, e.g. hamburgers, hot dogs, fries, pizza, potato chips, pretzels, soda?

Yes No

5. Do you drink alcoholic beverages: gin, vodka, whiskey, beer, wine coolers, etc.?

Yes No

6. Do you eat fried foods?

Yes No

7. Do you smoke, chew tobacco, or do drugs

When You Are Shopping

1. Do you avoid buying refined foods such as white flour or sugar?

Yes No

2. Are you aware that locally grown foods are better for you than those that must be shipped?

Yes No

3. Do you avoid buying canned foods whenever possible?

Yes No

4. Do you regularly check labels for preservatives and other chemicals?

Yes No

5. Do you choose natural foods rather than processed foods?

Yes No

6. Do you have a good variety of foods in your diet as well as experiment with new wholesome recipes?

Yes No

7. Do you buy fresh fruits and vegetables often?

Yes No

Also Check: How To Clear Up Psoriasis On Face

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